To hate Jews is to hate God.

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The Man

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I figured....a god-like being of almost infinite wisdom wouldn't make more logical errors than myself.......and God wouldn't make it was an easy call for me. His argument that children would be safer under laws exposing them to legal drug abuse pretty much sealed it for me early on. The rest just muddled BS.

I am beginning to think this GIA guy isnt god like at all but perhaps a heavy recreational drug user who is becoming delusional
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Minor Axis

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GIA without a doubt has an agenda. What do you think it is? Is he malevolent or a seeker? If he is a seeker, and you are Christians, do as your faith commands you, and help him see the truth. Unfortunately you reveal much about your closed mindedness, your inability to debate, and the over reliance on your beliefs, when you feel the need to equate a contrary spiritual view to that of a delusional drug user. It's so temping and fun to belittle others, isn't it? Ask my suedo-Christian stalker, lol (whose still on ignore). :)

Instead, how about explaining/defending the tenants of your belief. How well has Christianity taught you?

For myself, if we are speaking of truth, there is A LOT about Christianity that can be questioned. (Of course I'd say the same thing about Musliminity. ;)) Please resist the "faith" cop out. While faith is primary aspect of any religion and really can't be debated, it's foundation, in the case of Christianity is the guide book called the Bible which is treated as fact by the ones who are most bothered when the basis of it's stories are questioned. Even if these stories are allegories, I think Adam and Eve is a God awful story trying to describe "fall" of man and putting the blame on women for our existence, eternally punished by our "loving" Father... the first abusive relationship. ;) I'm not seeing the light? Help me to see it brothers! :D


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GIA without a doubt has an agenda. What do you think it is? Is he malevolent or a seeker? If he is a seeker, and you are Christians, do as your faith commands you, and help him see the truth. Unfortunately you reveal much about your closed mindedness, your inability to debate, and the over reliance on your beliefs, when you feel the need to equate a contrary spiritual view to that of a delusional drug user. It's so temping and fun to belittle others, isn't it? Ask my suedo-Christian stalker, lol (whose still on ignore). :)

Instead, how about explaining/defending the tenants of your belief instead of belittling those with contrary views? But the latter is much too easy. Has your religion taught you well? lol. :)

For myself, if we are speaking of truth, there is A LOT about Christianity that can be questioned. (Of course I'd say the same thing about Musliminity. ;)) Please resist the "faith" cop out. While faith is an important aspect of any religion and really can't be debated, there is a guide book called the Bible which is treated as fact by the ones who are most bothered when the basis of it's stories are questioned. Even if these stories are allegories, I think Adam and Eve is a God awful story trying to describe "fall" of man and putting the blame on women for our existence, eternally punished by our "loving" Father... the first abusive relationship. ;) I'm not seeing the light? Help me to see it brothers! :D

GIA without a doubt has an agenda. What do you think it is? Is he malevolent or a seeker?
He's promoting his own religion and it's rather obvious he's not a 'seeker'.

If he is a seeker, and you are Christians, do as your faith commands you,
That would be to ignore him, but I'm flawed. :p

Unfortunately you reveal much about your closed mindedness, your inability to debate, and the over reliance on your beliefs, when you feel the need to equate a contrary spiritual view to that of a delusional drug user.
About your happy-dancing spirits in fantasy land and their Earth Simulator?
Any explanations for that?

( :D )

It's so temping and fun to belittle others, isn't it?
It has it's moments :p

Ask my suedo -Christian stalker
( hypocrite :D )
I don't know whether to take offense or laugh my ass off :thumbup

Instead, how about explaining/defending the tenants of your belief instead of belittling those with contrary views?
So that you can attempt to mock my beliefs some more? thanks. I'm fine with you being the fool you already are :)

For myself, if we are speaking of truth, there is A LOT about Christianity that can be questioned.
And I expect you'll drone on about it.

Of course I'd say the same thing about Musliminity.
Of course you would.
But how about your fantasy land of spirits and this Earth Simulator thingy?
Tell us more.....please :D
After did volunteer it ;)

While faith is an important aspect of any religion and really can't be debated, there is a guide book called the Bible which is treated as fact by the ones who are most bothered when the basis of it's stories are questioned..............

Some are, some aren't.......bad luck for you, eh? :D
So, where in the world did you discover your 'guide book' to come to your own religious faith in a spirit world/Earth Simulator scenario?
Inquiring minds want to know.

I think Adam and Eve is a God awful story trying to describe "fall" of man and putting the blame on women for our existence, eternally punished by our "loving" Father... the first abusive relationship.
Is there some reason why you think ( :D ) I should consider your thoughts to be of importance? It's not exactly like you have an exemplary track record in logic.

I'm not seeing the light? Help me to see it brothers!
There might be a big break through for you if you could just understand that the ghost-spirit TV shows on the SciFy Channel are for entertainment value.
I'm not a doctor so I can't give you any mental health advice.

The Man

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How do you support your thread title

To hate Jews is to hate God

Even if someone did hate jews that doesnt mean they have to hate god.

I hate rattle snakes...doesnt mean I hate god {even if he is the creator}

But lets follow your logic for a moment shall we.

We have many women that are man haters....does that mean they hate god....its a double whammy as Jesus was a man.

I am still waiting for a response to show that jews are a hated group by Christians{as they arent}...There are other faiths that do hate jews though...why have you chosen to use Christians for your arguement?
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Greatest I am

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How do you support your thread title

To hate Jews is to hate God

Even if someone did hate jews that doesnt mean they have to hate god.

I hate rattle snakes...doesnt mean I hate god {even if he is the creator}

But lets follow your logic for a moment shall we.

We have many women that are man haters....does that mean they hate god....its a double whammy as Jesus was a man.

I am still waiting for a response to show that jews are a hated group by Christians{as they arent}...There are other faiths that do hate jews though...why have you chosen to use Christians for your arguement?

I had some assumptions that I wanted confirmed.

Your founder was rather anti-semitic and preferred Muslims to Jews.

And the right wing Christians supporting Jews is wishing for armageddon and that is why they fund Jewish efforts in Israel.


The Man

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I had some assumptions that I wanted confirmed.

Your founder was rather anti-semitic and preferred Muslims to Jews.

And the right wing Christians supporting Jews is wishing for armageddon and that is why they fund Jewish efforts in Israel.


So you choose one person from Germany to support your argument?...Which was about 1500 years after Christ by the way ;)

If you had created your thread a few hundred years ago with a German audience you might have something here.
But lets discuss who hates Jews as a group..Christians certainly dont..but yet they are hated /and not by Christians.
Perhaps you should direct your thread with proper facts rather than attempt to persecute Christians.

If you want to discuss hate for jews then lets discuss groups that hate jews

Lets see how great you are;)


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Your founder was rather anti-semitic and preferred Muslims to Jews.

Your founder.................

Luther was not the founder of Christianity.
The modern day Lutheran church rejects the antisemitism of Luther.

The problem with your thread is you continually try to prove absolutes with less than a consensus.
It would be like me trying to prove all Gnostics hate all Christians based upon your hatred........ or that all Gnostics hate our society to the extent they argue to destroy it through instilling a culture of legalized drug you have argued.
Your hate is too intense and you lose perspective, resulting in numerous fallacies.

And the right wing Christians supporting Jews is wishing for armageddon and that is why they fund Jewish efforts in Israel.
It would be more correct to state that radical fundamentalists within the Christian community look to Israel as the ignition point to fulfill the prophecy of Armageddon and many radical fundamentalists see support of Israel as a 'positive' influence to that end. That also means they hate Islam.

Their ideas are dangerous. So are yours.

Greatest I am

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So you choose one person from Germany to support your argument?...Which was about 1500 years after Christ by the way ;)

If you had created your thread a few hundred years ago with a German audience you might have something here.
But lets discuss who hates Jews as a group..Christians certainly dont..but yet they are hated /and not by Christians.
Perhaps you should direct your thread with proper facts rather than attempt to persecute Christians.

If you want to discuss hate for jews then lets discuss groups that hate jews

Lets see how great you are;)

Christian persecution of Jews is a well documented historical fact.
This bishop admits to it and if you do not want to then----------



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So that is why some here are such ass holes. Fear of ideas. Hmm.
Sounds like inquisition thinking.


There don't seem to be any fundamentalists posting in this forum since doombug and his aliases were kicked out.'s you against logic and I've pointed out many, many fallacies that you post and base your twisted logic on.

There is reasonable fear for the safety and security of a society that would embrace your ideas of creating a culture of legalized drug abuse and addiction.
And be honest with yourself, on the religious angle, few are going to follow a lunatic unless they've got a screw loose, too.
Ever wonder why you are getting so little support from the hundreds of web sites you post at?

So that is why some here are such ass holes.
Feeling the pain, eh?
Your logic simply stinks.

Fear of ideas. Hmm.
Sounds like inquisition thinking.
Spoken like a true loser that's become embittered because your ideas have been repeatedly and successfully challenged.
This is a debate forum and you're not a moderator so you're just going to have to lump it and try harder. ( and considering the level of hate you seem to exude, you must be near exhaustion :D )

The Man

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Greatest I am

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As requested.

Main article: Christianity and antisemitism
In the Middle Ages Antisemitism in Europe was religious. Though not part of Roman Catholic dogma, many Christians, including members of the clergy, have held the Jewish people collectively responsible for killing Jesus, a practice originated by Melito of Sardis. As stated in the Boston College Guide to Passion Plays, "Over the course of time, Christians began to accept... that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for killing Jesus. According to this interpretation, both the Jews present at Jesus Christ's death and the Jewish people collectively and for all time, have committed the sin of deicide, or God-killing. For 1900 years of Christian-Jewish history, the charge of deicide has led to hatred, violence against and murder of Jews in Europe and America."[SUP][3][/SUP]
During the High Middle Ages in Europe there was full-scale persecution in many places, with blood libels, expulsions, forced conversions and massacres. An underlying source of prejudice against Jews in Europe was religious. Jews were frequently massacred and exiled from various European countries. The persecution hit its first peak during the Crusades. In the First Crusade (1096) flourishing communities on the Rhine and the Danube were utterly destroyed; see German Crusade, 1096. In the Second Crusade (1147) the Jews in France were subject to frequent massacres. The Jews were also subjected to attacks by the Shepherds' Crusades of 1251 and 1320. The Crusades were followed by expulsions, including in, 1290, the banishing of all English Jews; in 1396, 100,000 Jews were expelled from France; and, in 1421 thousands were expelled from Austria. Many of the expelled Jews fled to Poland.[SUP][4][/SUP]
As the Black Death epidemics devastated Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating more than a half of the population, Jews were taken as scapegoats. Rumors spread that they caused the disease by deliberately poisoning wells. Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed by violence in the Black Death persecutions. Although Pope Clement VI tried to protect them by the July 6, 1348 papal bull and another 1348 bull, several months later, 900 Jews were burnt alive in Strasbourg, where the plague hadn't yet affected the city.[SUP][5][/SUP]
Jews in India faced no persecution from Hindus from the time they migrated to India, but they were subjugated by Christian missionaries during the Goa Inquisition from the year 1552. Portuguese invaders in the South India committed massive atrocities on South Indian Jewry in the 17th Century.[SUP][6][/SUP]
In the Papal States, which existed until 1870, Jews were required to live only in specified neighborhoods called ghettos. Until the 1840s, they were required to regularly attend sermons urging their conversion to Christianity. Only Jews were taxed to support state boarding schools for Jewish converts to Christianity. It was illegal to convert from Christianity to Judaism. Sometimes Jews were baptized involuntarily, and, even when such baptisms were illegal, forced to practice the Christian religion. In many such cases the state separated them from their families. See Edgardo Mortara for an account of one of the most widely publicized instances of acrimony between Catholics and Jews in the Papal States in the second half of the 19th century.
In the 19th and (before the end of the second World War) 20th centuries, the Roman Catholic Church adhered to a distinction between "good anti-Semitism" and "bad anti-Semitism".[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] The "bad" kind promoted hatred of Jews because of their descent. This was considered un-Christian because the Christian message was intended for all of humanity regardless of ethnicity; anyone could become a Christian. The "good" kind criticized alleged Jewish conspiracies to control newspapers, banks, and other institutions, to care only about accumulation of wealth, etc.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] Many[SUP][who?][/SUP] Catholic bishops wrote articles criticizing Jews on such grounds, and, when accused of promoting hatred of Jews, would remind people that they condemned the "bad" kind of anti-Semitism.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] A detailed account is found in historian David Kertzer's book The Popes Against the Jews.



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Show me a Christian nation that persecutes Jews as a whole by way of rights violations or similar. .....................

" persecutes" ...present tense meaning current events-------->today

As requested.

Main article: Christianity and antisemitism
In the Middle Ages ..............................()
and everything that followed was history
Here is the link you forgot to post:

Man has challenged you to show the forum a Christian nation or even a nation of Christians that is currently persecuting Jews......and so far you haven't met his challenge.

You actually provided a source showing that in the past, Jews were at times also persecuted through out the world by many non Christians.

Is that why you didn't post the link?
Or was the info on the gnostic-like Seleucid Empire an inconvenient truth?
When Judea fell under the authority of the Seleucid Empire, the process of Hellenization was enforced by law.[SUP][1][/SUP] This effectively meant requiring pagan religious practice.
whoops :D

and more:
In 167 BCE Jewish sacrifice was forbidden, sabbaths and feasts were banned and circumcision was outlawed. Altars to Greek gods were set up and animals prohibited to Jews were sacrificed on them. The Olympian Zeus was placed on the altar of the Temple. Possession of Jewish scriptures was made a capital offence.

Yeah, I can see why you didn't want anyone reading what your 'brothers' were up to :D

Even your fellow socialists got into the act:
By the end of the 1940s the Communist leadership of the former USSR had liquidated almost all Jewish organizations, with the exception of a few token synagogues. These synagogues were then placed under police surveillance, both openly and through the use of informants.

You hate with such an intensity, facts no longer seem to matter.