To hate Jews is to hate God.

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Greatest I am

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To hate Jews is to hate God.

If you believe in thesacrifice of Jesus, then you must believe that God planned for it and set theconditions even before the earth was formed. If as most believe, the Jews werethe cause of the sacrifice, then one must believe that God put the notion anddesire to kill Jesus in the Jewish hearts. Jews then were God’s tools incarrying out God’s plan. Jews then should be venerated just as Jesus is becauseJesus and Jews were required and caused by God to participate in the sacrifice.They were all doing God’s will and not their own.

Jesus was a Jew and to hateJews means that Jesus is also hated. Thechurch has historically persecuted Jews and only repented for their actions in2011 with the pope acknowledging that not all Jews should be hated. Just thosedirectly involved in the sacrifice of Jesus. Ignoring of course that they werecharged directly by God to be and do what God wanted.

Why then have Christianshistorically hated Jews, and by inference, hate the Jew part of God/Jesus theJew?

The weird twist to thishistory is that the Christian right who hates Jews the most, is now the onespushing for funding of the Jewish homeland to fulfill prophesy.

Most Jews do not believe thatJesus was the messiah. Is the Christianright just funding Jews to help drive them to destruction at the hands of God?

Jews tend not to read the O.T. the way Christians do. Are Christian interpretations of Jewish text superioror inferior to the Jewish interpretation of their own myths?

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Greatest I am

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I asked a well-informedJewish friend to comment before I posted this and this is what he had to say.

Modern Jews and ancient Jewsfor one. I suppose you are concerned about modern Jewish opinion. Yes, somemodern Jews are concerned that Christian Right support isn't for the best, thatthere is a hidden agenda to benefit Christian Right at the expense of Jews.Other modern Jews (particularly Israeli Right) don't care if there is a hiddenagenda or not, they are happy to take anyone's support. These same cynical guysgave and took support from White S African racists (prior to Mandelaliberation) and supported the White S African nuclear weapons program. Suchpeople are typically atheist Israeli Jews BTW. Religious Jews generallydistrust any Christians bearing gifts (they are Greeks of a sort anyway).Atheists Jews aren't particular, they will take support from anyone (see theirbehavior in the early Soviet Union). Modern Israel was founded by atheistsocialist Jews (the Bund). Religious Jews prior to 1948 and some even prior to 1967did not believe that Israel should be re-established, without the Messiah. Somereligious Jews still believe this (Naturei Karta) and these Jews have cordialrelations with Hamas. Such Jews of course would be anathema to the ChristianRight. The Christian Right doesn't mind atheist Jews, because they believe allJews atheist or not will be damned by G-d. Some of the Christian Right alsobelieve that the Jews are not real Jews, only Gentiles are Jews (at least someare seen as such, such as the British Royal Family ... see Anglo-AmericanIsraelitism). Many Gentiles believe that modern Jews are of impure"race" anyway, or are even nephelim (angelic spawned demons). A goodbook on the death of Jesus (at least in literature if not in fact) is "WhoKilled Jesus?" by John Dominic Crossan.

Actually I would say that tohate anyone, is to hate G-d ... so some of the verses of the Bible are clearlynot inspired, because hate is talked about positively at times. It is possiblethat some verses are meant ironically. The other thing your scheme implies isthat of Pauline predetermination. Paul clearly went beyond predestination topredetermination. He didn't believe in free will, and pointedly talked abouthis lack of free will, and resulting lack of responsibility, in the beginningof the Epistle to the Romans. In no way did Jesus ever talk in those terms, butthen Paul wasn't a follower of the fictional synoptic Jesus (aka a historicalJesus), but of a gnostic angelic figure (vision on the road to Damascus) morelike the Johannine Jesus. I don't believe the idea of a realistic Jesus evenoccurred to anyone until after the destruction of Jerusalem, which was afterPaul's death. The realistic synoptic Jesus was turned into the historical Jesusby Christian argumentation. The actual Johannine gospel came last, but itsideas were first, having been written in reaction to the synoptic Jesus, whowas written in reaction to the Gnostic Jesus aka Avalokiteshvara and theGnostic Virgin Mary (Prajnaparamita).

There are lots of reasons forChristians to hate Jews and vice versa:

But I don't think it has everbeen legitimate, that is ... it is an expression of sin not virtue. Christiansand Muslims should especially value Jewish people, but they are violent,immoral, jealous, stupid (well that is the Jewish stereotype).



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GIA, ignoring for the moment the fact you claim to be a 'God' or at least a 'god-like being of almost infinite wisdom', are you also inferring that if you hate God......and since you do.....don't you, GIA, hate Jews ( at the least) and everyone else?
If not, why not?

Or have you temporarily found a love for God in your heart?

The Man

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is there some large group of god loving jew haters that im unaware of?

There are jewish jokes out there just like polish jokes but neither are hated
I am not sure where GIA is getting his information from


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Quick question to anyone that's been reading GIA's comments on Christianity........has anyone been influenced into joining this gnostic movement and accepting GIA as their 'God' or even as a 'god-like being of almost infinite wisdom'?


Glorified Maniac
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I do not really hate anyone.
I hate on certain people at certain times but never hate anyone all the time.