About vitally important issues. Minor, I like you, otherwise I wouldn't bother. It just drives me up the wall when you ignore the evidence right in front of you, some of which you've actually acknowledged, and continue to claim republicans are somehow 100% to blame for all of America's ills and democrats are in no way complicit.
One person's evidence is another person's propaganda. I witness this daily on my television and in this forum. - just an observation.
Many of my posts seem that way, but I don't blame them 100%, how about 70%? Eight years of a Republican Administration mostly backed by a Republican Congress, pushed us to an extreme. They had it in their hands, the chance to make things right, the self proclaimed fiscally responsible and they just FUCKED IT UP. Mostly what I can't abide by the Republican Party is their claim of fiscal responsibility with tons of evidence to the contrary and thinly veiled hostility against the working class. Have the Democrats messed up? Yes they have but based on the the stated and more importantly implied goals of both parties, if I have to pick one or the other, today it is Democrats.
YOU are in a game of pick the lesser, and it's a self-fulfilling prophesy that doesn't have to be.
I'll always consider a workable solution. If you are selling the Libertarian Party, now you can go on the stump and convince millions more. Keep in mind that it is made up of people, just like all the other parties and susceptible to the same shortcomings.
What a statement of hopelessness and helplessness. It doesn't fit you. You have given up. You're just trying to find the abuser that beats you less.
It is a statement of pragmatism. I don't feel hopeless or helpless. When I see a better choice, I'll go for it. With Libertarian's peculiar views on individual freedom and their retro view on the Constitution, I'm not convinced they are the answer and if they ever achieved a majority, I am concerned about what kind of economic havoc they could reek.
The real problem here is our Democracy. To place a party in power with a radical view, while their final goal might be a good solution, it is most likely that as soon as the populace starts feeling pain, they all would be voted out on their asses. This does give me a sense of hopelessness. I have yet to see a party with the integrity to get the job done. Heck at this point, I don't even know what the job should be.
Well, I suppose you have to make exceptions for the pauper corporate CEO's.
Even I can acknowledge that large corporations are made up of more than CEOs and that they have a significant impact on the economy.
So it's not enough that we waste tax dollars bailing out only some undeserving recipients, we should bail out everybody?
The philosophy if it has merit should be standardized.
OO (hugs without the kisses).