Even if we had some sort of federal ID card, how would that help law enforcement catch those who aren't doing anything wrong?
I mean if I am just walking down the street minding my own business and a cop demands to see my ID, I will refuse. There is no law or provision that requires me to show my ID upon request. I have the right to not say a fucking word and I would use that right.
Whenever I watch the shop cops, it drives me crazy when they would roll up on someone standing on the corner and just start questioning them. They always get something from them, enough to arrest them at the least. If they would have just kept their mouths shut then they would still be free. Or better yet, when someone is pulled over for a broken tail light and the cop starts asking questions like, "where are you coming from? Where are you heading?" This is where these people fuck up. Who the hell are they to ask me where I'm coming from and where I'm heading? To question why I'm in a certain neighborhood?
Just give me my citation for a broken tail light and move along... you aren't getting a word out of me. Ever.