i see a bunch of actors who look too well fed and free from pain to be inmates at auschwitz talking trash about ancient events that may or may not have happened. the film failed to achieve any suspension of disbelief in me and it was not something that was able to hold my interest for 10 minutes. i knew survivors personally. most people didn't even arrive at the camps in the condition those actors were in.
i've seen the argument before. i choose not to speculate on what the higher beings are up to or why and do my best to just go with the flow.
i live in the here and now. my spirit is intimate with the father YHVH, the mother SHECHINAH, the son YESHUAH, the teacher MELCHIZEDEK, all the angels and the spirits of my forebears and friends who have passed on to another frame of existence.
i view all written word with skepticism and am especially alert to things that are not congruent with what my spirit tells my body are true or false.
between bible thumping and bible bashing, i don't know which is more tiresome. live life loving living. how many more words does one need to direct them in their lives?