Following right alone the lines of this discussion. I wonder if a form of government can be put together that would be acceptable to all...
Maybe a new thread should be started on this...
But I don't see ANY form of governing/government being correct.
Let me see if I can clarify. I would not want to see our government strictly adhere to any philosophy such as Liberalism, Conservatism, Libertarian-ism, etc. I find good qualities in all of them yet oppose any one of them as a complete package.
What would be the perfect balance between the differing forms of governance?
Good call, Tim! I agree with you that any single form of Government is a BAD idea.
Reminds me of Germany when the National Socialists gained more and more power. The single party became the ONLY form of government and any other form of government was considered criminal. (While I don't see this happening here within the U.S. ... history does have a funny way of repeating itself in different forms.)
So what would be the perfect balance between the differing forms of governance? .... hmmmmm
An excellent question ... I really am not sure.