Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
Your premise that the loosening of credit requirements was the result of "pro-business" administration is completely incorrect. Clinton was motivated to do so to increase minority ownership of homes. His administration asserted not to do so would perpetuate the discriminatory criteria established by prior Republican administrations. The fact they any economist with a brain saw what was coming didn't slow Billy-Boy down in meeting his campaign rhetoric. Clinton's decision created a whole new market place for both the legitimate and illegitimate mortgage lender and had the unintended consequence of creating a whole new secondary marketing of mortgage backed (and leveraged) securities that for all intents and purposes was unregulated.
I will confess my ignorance of this fact until recently and apologize to our readers as my original contention was not 100% correct. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
You are correct that Clinton repealing the Glass-Steagall act (that prevented banks from investing in certain types of investments) played a role. Why he would do this has been described as "triangulation", finding the happy middle ground and make everyone happy.
However, banks investing in mortgages is just one piece of the puzzle. There are the mortgage brokers who initiated these loans and a Federal Government under Bush who especially was not inclined to interfere in business, there could be no other outcome.
Clinton played a role. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if he had not signed that bill, the suspect mortgages would have been created anyway but banks would not be the ones holding the bag? This chart shows that most of the damage was done under the Bush Administration, a pro-business administration who as far as I know had no concerns about mortgages until the shit hit the fan. Bush was first elected in 2000.