The Ten Commandments

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So, I am not involved in any religious organization nor do I consider myself a member of any particular faith. There are things I like and dislike about many different religions. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, The Baha'i faith ... they all have many good and negatives things to them. The one thing that has always been interesting to me is the Ten Commandments. To my understanding (which I admit is quite limited) it is the only thing in the Judeo-Christian belief system to actually have been written by the "Hand of God." This suggests that it hasn't been altered (purposefully or not) by Man ... at least not by much?

Anyway, here are my thoughts on each Commandment. What are yours? Do you believe these were written directly by "God?" Do you believe in them? How much influence do they have in your life?

  1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
Taking this phrase as exactly as it says, suggests that “God” is the Almighty One and to follow Him and His teachings before any other Gods. This suggests that the idea of having lesser Gods or Deities is “allowed” as long as they remain “under” the Almighty God. Or perhaps this demands no other Gods at all?

  1. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
This suggests that we are not to worship anything BUT the Almighty God and that we are not to create any image of God. I was always perplexed with this one as how many times do we see people bowing down to the Cross or to statues of the Virgin Mary or other biblical figures? Wouldn’t these actions be in direct violation of this commandment or is the idea that one shouldn't bow to any "false idols."

  1. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in Vain.
This suggests to me that one should simply not speak Ill of the Almighty God. I sometimes wonder if this also meant, we are not to use the Almighty God for our own purposes. Example, “I speak of God’s will which is to denounce all Homosexuals!” or “God “WANTS” all humans to remain within their own race!” Am I just over-examining this one?

  1. Remember the Sabbath and to keep it holy.
Now this one I think is important and yet also overly analyzed. I think it is important to keep one day out of the week for rest and reflection. Overworking is unhealthy and takes life away. However, there are some people of the Jewish faith that believe you can’t do certain things that day that are outside of what this phrase means. For example, not operating a telephone? This seems a bit outside of what might have been intended with this …

  1. Honor thy Father and thy Mother.
This one makes sense in many different ways. One’s parents are the two that brought life to you, hence it would make sense that they both deserve honor from this. Of course, this gets a bit complicated when you bring in certain things … such as abuse or abandonment and the like. What honor should one give to such a parent? Does this sort of parent forfeit their rights to honor?

  1. Thou shalt not kill.
This one will always be a controversial one, I think. If it is taken at face value, it simply says that we should not kill. Period. No killing in war, or self-defense or even to kill any life. Now, this doesn’t make much sense to us as we must kill animals to eat meat (excluding vegetarians or vegans) and many of us would kill if our life or loved one's lives are threatened. So does this really mean, “Thou shalt not murder?” As to premeditate and conspire to end the life of another Human? Now, I think that the main Christian or Jewish ideology with this one is not to murder … sometimes I can’t help but wonder if there is more to this one though.

  1. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
This one commands that we do not cheat on our spouse. So, if we are married under the eyes of the Almighty God, then we are not allowed to conduct in sexual activity with anyone else than our spouse. Okay, makes sense … even in a natural sense. What about outside of marriage? Of course it would be argued that sexual activity shouldn’t even be happening outside of marriage. What do you think? If no ring … then no problem?

  1. Thou shalt not steal.
This is another one that has a lot of gray area. At face value, it commands that you simply do not take what is not yours … no matter what. This makes sense as no one wants to lose anything that they have worked for. What if it is the only way to feed yourself or family in an emergency situation? What is considered stealing? In all honesty … would interest on loans and the like be stealing? It certainly isn’t really deserved … it is only to make a profit. Is profit in itself stealing? Does God consider the idea of money itself to be a tool of evil? This one could have a whole thread by itself. Interpretation of this one seems to be a morality choice between one and the Almighty God.

  1. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
This one is probably one of the most ignored commandments. How many times do we suggest something of someone else just because we think we “know their type?” By doing so, we have condemned this person based on baseless speculation which, in turn, is not the truth. I know I can be guilty of this one for sure! Or, taking it deeper, the idea of stating that someone is guilty of something while knowing that they are not … that is probably one of the most unjust and disgusting thing that we Humans can do to one another. This not only concerns the individual person but groups … including politics and governments.

  1. Thou shalt not covet.
This one I think is more for one’s own health and sanity. To spend one’s life in desire for belongings and items (keeping up with the Jones’) will drive people to do some really low things. ID theft. Burglary. Theft. In a sense, this one kind of covers all of the commandments … or at least touches on them all. “I can’t stand the idea that she is with him! So, I go and kill him.” “How dare this company make so much money … I think I will come up with a reason to press civil suit against them.” “God has all this power and allows terrible things to happen … if I had that power, I wouldn’t allow such things to happen!” The depths of this one I think go a bit deeper than just being jealous of another’s possessions but covers fear and spite within the Human race in MANY different ways.

Anyway, just curious to see what all you think of the Ten Commandments.
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Minor Axis

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Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
A true single and all might God would not worry about this. A meaningless commandment.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
This is mans' concept. Again if there was an all powerful God who loves us, he/she/it would not care. If humans want to be foolish, I think he'd be happy to let them figure it out.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in Vain.

God would not care. He is above it. A human standard.

Remember the Sabbath and to keep it holy.

Why would the Sabath be holy? I don't think a God would have to work a week and then take a break. Another man idea.

Honor thy Father and thy Mother.

Basically a good idea as long as they are worthy of being honored.

Thou shalt not kill.

Good idea, but did we really need to have a God tell us this?

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

A good idea but undetermined if it came from a diety or humans.

Thou shalt not steal.
A good idea.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
Why does only the neighbor get this privilege?

Thou shalt not covet.
Don't covet other people's stuff? Sounds good.



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There is plenty of information on the Ten Commandments that would pretty much answer any question a person would have. Here is a quote from a wikipedia article on the Ten Commandments:

"The Ten Commandments concern only matters of fundamental importance: the greatest obligation (to worship only God), the greatest injury to a person (murder), the greatest injury to family bonds (adultery), the greatest injury to commerce and law (bearing false witness), the greatest intergenerational obligation (honor to parents), the greatest obligation to community (truthfulness), the greatest injury to moveable property (theft).

Because they are fundamental, the Ten Commandments are written with room for varying interpretation. They are not as explicit or detailed as rules and regulations or many other biblical laws and commandments, because they provide guiding principles that apply universally, across changing circumstances. They do not specify punishments for their violation. Their precise import must be worked out in each separate situation."


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The bigger question is why would a nihilist be concerned or even curious about the Ten Commandments.

Who was it that said the paradox of nihilism is that the absence of meaning seems to be some sort of meaning.


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Certainly killing, cheating, lying, stealing, and being a dick to people around you are things I think the world could do without. +1 for effort there. I think the people who created this list had merit in adding those items, and maybe they weren't such obvious things at the time. The rest,'s kind of like having a jealous boyfriend. Brat god.


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The bigger question is why would a nihilist be concerned or even curious about the Ten Commandments.

Hehe, I suppose my user name is a bit misleading ... I chose that name as somewhat of a joke. I should probably change it.


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There is plenty of information on the Ten Commandments that would pretty much answer any question a person would have. Here is a quote from a wikipedia article on the Ten Commandments:

"The Ten Commandments concern only matters of fundamental importance: the greatest obligation (to worship only God), the greatest injury to a person (murder), the greatest injury to family bonds (adultery), the greatest injury to commerce and law (bearing false witness), the greatest intergenerational obligation (honor to parents), the greatest obligation to community (truthfulness), the greatest injury to moveable property (theft).

Because they are fundamental, the Ten Commandments are written with room for varying interpretation. They are not as explicit or detailed as rules and regulations or many other biblical laws and commandments, because they provide guiding principles that apply universally, across changing circumstances. They do not specify punishments for their violation. Their precise import must be worked out in each separate situation."

That is pretty much it in a nutshell. Of course if someone doesn't believe in the bible then they really shouldn't be worried about any rules in the book, unless they had some type of emotional issues with it to begin with.


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That is pretty much it in a nutshell. Of course if someone doesn't believe in the bible then they really shouldn't be worried about any rules in the book, unless they had some type of emotional issues with it to begin with.

Spot on.


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Yes, there definitely a lot of good information regarding the Ten Commandments all over the internet and else where. I have a feeling that some probably think that I started this tread as a weapon to use against religion ... I can assure all of you that I had no such agenda when starting this thread. I am simply just interested in the individual's opinions on the Commandments. Personally, I offer respect to all faith.

Joe the meek

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As long as you approved the "things" to be sensible.


What is sensible for one person may not be sensible for another.

Man has always tried to justify his actions, particularly if it goes against the word of God (ironically enough, sometimes even in His name).


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Yes, there definitely a lot of good information regarding the Ten Commandments all over the internet and else where. I have a feeling that some probably think that I started this tread as a weapon to use against religion ... I can assure all of you that I had no such agenda when starting this thread. I am simply just interested in the individual's opinions on the Commandments. Personally, I offer respect to all faith.

Probably calling yourself the "Nihilist" caused some confusion but I do the same as far as offering respect to all faiths. There is a common thread among most all beliefs, even secularism, and that is do unto others as you would have done to yourself. As a Christian I may not agree with other beliefs but that doesn't mean I don't respect them. I think that is a misconception about Christians.