Just because a patient is in our care does not give us the right to take THEIR RIGHTS away. We may not agree with the personal decisions of all our patients, but those decisions are THEIR DECISIONS to make. Not ours.
I agree with that Grace...
But it must put the doctors in a terrible position when they take an oath to save lives. I would hate to be her doctor and just watch her die knowing that a routine procedure would save her life... especially knowing that she just gave birth to twins.
My biggest problem is that the JW's are told what they can and cannot do by the Watch Tower. They are not allowed to read the bible alone, only in bible studies when there is an elder present to help them interpret it.
And the Watch Tower has changed it's position on taking blood over the years. And if you go against the watch tower, you will be shunned by ALL JW's... that means your friends and family will not be able to have ANY contact with you at all... It's just a messed up religion IMHO... I guess they need some sort of "threat to keep the sheep in line" to use since they don't believe in hell.