are you aware that the planet once had twice the amount of oxygen than it does currently? guess what? man had NOTHING to do with it, it was millions of years ago. the planet used to be HOT. really hot, inhospitable hot. this planet in a manner of speaking is a living thing that evolves. i honestly dont believe we can determine with amount of certainty how much effect man has had on this planet. i am NOT saying we havent had an effect i just think the self loathing blame the human race for every change in weather shit is getting old. sometimes it gets hot sometimes it gets cold. IT HAPPENS. it's going to happen even if we stop burning all fossil fuels and went back to the 1700's.
i think we should cut down on pollution and find ways of having a balance with nature and this planet but that isnt because i think humanity is evil and we're THE cause of global warming. i think we should do these things because i feel its the right thing to do. we dont trash our living room, why do it to the planet? even if there is no climate change i would still believe in these things.
i really think people need a history course of this planet and all the changes it has undergone over the BILLIONS of years it has been in existance. and after planet earth has shrugged us fleas off its back the climate will still change, continents will still merge and separate, ice will grow and recede oceans will rise and fall, same with mountains. and there is not a thing to stop this. as i said it will change even if we stop polluting 100%. including the weather.
BTW centuries ago we didnt know about el ninos and la ninas. hell we didnt know about them 50 years ago as far as i know. we didnt know what caused them and what effects they had. we've learned lots since then but making comments that they've gotten worse when we have no data to prove such an assertion is rather silly.