The Real Inconveniant Truth

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Minor Axis

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Instead of seriously looking at this issue that can adversely effect the planet and us, there are business entities who view global warming as something that is going to cost them profits. That is the objection. Put off dealing with it as long as possible, it's that simple.

As it gets warmer, the more snow falls...
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Sarcasm is me :)
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Adding to the list of things that make you go "hmmm"

News Release : Team finds subtropical waters flushing through Greenland fjord : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Maybe you should look up "El Nino" and its typical effects on Canada. That might give you a more relevant idea of whats going on....

Well that would explain it.. Lets see I have lived here for 28 years and El Nino has only come around every 5 to 7 years.. I guess this was the year for it to be "record breaking" one..

All the others visits were just to check out the scenery.. :24:


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Global Warming or not we should stop polluting.

I mean just because the human race is no longer threatened by doom in the form of global warming doesn't mean our shit won't still come and bite us in the ass.
im not sure where the fuck anyone said we should go on a pollution rampage?


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here, let me help you and make it much easier for you.

NOAA La Niña Page

that's from the national oceanic and atmosphere administration. el nino and la nina are cycles. sometimes the pacific ocean warms up, sometimes it cools down. and that effects not just canada but weather over most of the united states as well. like why 49 states got snow and plenty of places have broken decades long records for snow fall. these two cycles fuck with our weather a lot and there isnt much we can do about it.
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Sarcasm is me :)
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Listen, I am not one to believe we are the sole reason for "Climate Change".. Man is not alone at affecting Earth's climate there is no doubt about it.. I guess it's like believing we have no impact on our environment when we cut down all the trees and re-route rivers and such..

We brag how we are so great an "animal" to change the course of things and then deny we did it..

But all these La Nina's and El Nino's have been around for centuries with no effect like we have seen them lately..

Scientific data aside we only need to look at this planet to realize the changes.. US South / East getting RECORD SNOW .. Western Canada Getting RECORD WARM.. OK Maybe I am stupid and gullible..

But if you want to believe there is not correlation fine don't but allow me my right to believe there is.. Can we do something about it, I don't know. Somewhere and somehow I have learned Government will get my money so I might as well do something to clean up this planet and at this time it is not costing me anymore..

I don't believe we can fix what is already broken but rather stop it from getting worse.. Man if this is only the start, I would hate to be around in a few years..

This debate has gone on long enough. You have the right to believe there is no Climate Change and I can believe we have some effect on it.. Others might believe we have a massive effect on it, but hey Al Gore also says he invented the Internet and I don't really care.. I just use it.


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Listen, I am not one to believe we are the sole reason for "Climate Change".. Man is not alone at affecting Earth's climate there is no doubt about it.. I guess it's like believing we have no impact on our environment when we cut down all the trees and re-route rivers and such..

We brag how we are so great an "animal" to change the course of things and then deny we did it..

But all these La Nina's and El Nino's have been around for centuries with no effect like we have seen them lately..

Scientific data aside we only need to look at this planet to realize the changes.. US South / East getting RECORD SNOW .. Western Canada Getting RECORD WARM.. OK Maybe I am stupid and gullible..

But if you want to believe there is not correlation fine don't but allow me my right to believe there is.. Can we do something about it, I don't know. Somewhere and somehow I have learned Government will get my money so I might as well do something to clean up this planet and at this time it is not costing me anymore..

I don't believe we can fix what is already broken but rather stop it from getting worse.. Man if this is only the start, I would hate to be around in a few years..

This debate has gone on long enough. You have the right to believe there is no Climate Change and I can believe we have some effect on it.. Others might believe we have a massive effect on it, but hey Al Gore also says he invented the Internet and I don't really care.. I just use it.

are you aware that the planet once had twice the amount of oxygen than it does currently? guess what? man had NOTHING to do with it, it was millions of years ago. the planet used to be HOT. really hot, inhospitable hot. this planet in a manner of speaking is a living thing that evolves. i honestly dont believe we can determine with amount of certainty how much effect man has had on this planet. i am NOT saying we havent had an effect i just think the self loathing blame the human race for every change in weather shit is getting old. sometimes it gets hot sometimes it gets cold. IT HAPPENS. it's going to happen even if we stop burning all fossil fuels and went back to the 1700's.

i think we should cut down on pollution and find ways of having a balance with nature and this planet but that isnt because i think humanity is evil and we're THE cause of global warming. i think we should do these things because i feel its the right thing to do. we dont trash our living room, why do it to the planet? even if there is no climate change i would still believe in these things.

i really think people need a history course of this planet and all the changes it has undergone over the BILLIONS of years it has been in existance. and after planet earth has shrugged us fleas off its back the climate will still change, continents will still merge and separate, ice will grow and recede oceans will rise and fall, same with mountains. and there is not a thing to stop this. as i said it will change even if we stop polluting 100%. including the weather.

BTW centuries ago we didnt know about el ninos and la ninas. hell we didnt know about them 50 years ago as far as i know. we didnt know what caused them and what effects they had. we've learned lots since then but making comments that they've gotten worse when we have no data to prove such an assertion is rather silly.
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Sarcasm is me :)
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are you aware that the planet once had twice the amount of oxygen than it does currently? guess what? man had NOTHING to do with it, it was millions of years ago. the planet used to be HOT. really hot, inhospitable hot. this planet in a manner of speaking is a living thing that evolves. i honestly dont believe we can determine with amount of certainty how much effect man has had on this planet. i am NOT saying we havent had an effect i just think the self loathing blame the human race for every change in weather shit is getting old. sometimes it gets hot sometimes it gets cold. IT HAPPENS. it's going to happen even if we stop burning all fossil fuels and went back to the 1700's.

i think we should cut down on pollution and find ways of having a balance with nature and this planet but that isnt because i think humanity is evil and we're THE cause of global warming. i think we should do these things because i feel its the right thing to do. we dont trash our living room, why do it to the planet? even if there is no climate change i would still believe in these things.

i really think people need a history course of this planet and all the changes it has undergone over the BILLIONS of years it has been in existance. and after planet earth has shrugged us fleas off its back the climate will still change, continents will still merge and separate, ice will grow and recede oceans will rise and fall, same with mountains. and there is not a thing to stop this. as i said it will change even if we stop polluting 100%. including the weather.

BTW centuries ago we didnt know about el ninos and la ninas. hell we didnt know about them 50 years ago as far as i know. we didnt know what caused them and what effects they had. we've learned lots since then but making comments that they've gotten worse when we have no data to prove such an assertion is rather silly.

Yes I understand much of that.. But we can't deny we have an effect within our environment that can contribute to the changes around us.. The changes we keep making have to have some effect on our planet.. As an example you can't ravage a forest or move a river without expecting it to cause problems down the road.. The domino effect will be seen later, not automatically right away, by nature..


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But all these La Nina's and El Nino's have been around for centuries with no effect like we have seen them lately..

Scientific data aside we only need to look at this planet to realize the changes.. US South / East getting RECORD SNOW .. Western Canada Getting RECORD WARM.. OK Maybe I am stupid and gullible..

We've got good solid meteorological data going back over 200 years showing that El Nino and La Nina cause extreme weather events all over the world. The first major El Nino was recorded in 1791 IIRC....