Realistically, how would this solve the stated goal of covering every American anyway? The same people who don't buy from Kaiser or Blue Shield, are still not going to buy from Medicare. Remember, that lack of medical insurance is a financial choice, not a medical one. The majority of uninsured Americans could in fact purchase their own coverage if they felt it necessary. If you take out the young, and the illegals, you're left with about 8% of the country that genuinely cannot afford medical insurance.
It's not only a matter of costs but eligibility. There is an ever growing number of people who cannot get coverage at any cost because of preconditions. Or if they can get coverage, those preconditions will not be covered. I know enough people who preconditions affect personally so I know this isn't a few isolated cases across the US.
So without some sort of "public plan" how do we make it possible for these people to cover themselves?
A personal story...
A few weeks ago I was feeling run down and tired, seemed thirsty all the time and I thought I was showing early signs of diabetes. I have a few relatives with diabetes so I knew it wasn't out of the question.
I'm not overweight, I moderately exercise (I need to step that up a bit) so I'm not out of shape, I eat very well 95% of the time (no fast food for me) and I rarely get sick (maybe once a year on average) I can't remember the last time I had to go to the doctor/hospital and I have nothing in my medical file at all, it's clean.
But when I thought I was showing the early signs of diabetes, I didn't call my doctor and make an appointment, I called a relative to borrow their blood sugar monitor so I can check my levels periodically and make the call myself. Because I know that if I was a border line type II diabetic, the doctor would have me make lifestyle changes to head off the problem and keep it under control, these are things I can do on my own. And here's the reason I did not go to the doctor..... Under no circumstances did I want this to go into my medical file. Even if I was a borderline type II that was able to control it with proper diet and exercise, it would be in my file for life and I would face the probability of higher life insurance premiums and denied medical coverage, and that's if I was able to get coverage later if I needed to change policies...
I have personally seen what diabetics go through when it comes to health insurance and how much more it costs them. I have seen the denied payment of services and even dropped policies. I was not going to put myself into that sinking ship.
Yes, I believe it is a crime to have "for profit" companies anywhere near our basic health care, because by law, they are beholden to the profits of the shareholders without regard to the well being of the patient. Can you imagine if it was like that for doctors? Can you imagine doctors that were not beholden to the Hippocratic Oath and only cared about profit???
Scott, do you agree with "for profit" health care when it comes to basic health care? Do you know that we are the ONLY industrialized nation that it's legal to make profit on basic health care?