It's possible that our economy will be ruined. I'm not an economic expert. However even I could recognize where we were headed under Republican Party leadership and all most any alternative would be worth a shot. Most disturbing was the wholesale destruction of the Middle Class and degredation of the Working Class in the name of personal profits by those in charge of large corporations. Most American's felt that way and said no way to McCain and more of the same BS.
The future is unknown. Dumping hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy most likely will prevent another great depression, and will most likely usher in a new round of regulations to prevent greed-driven idiots from taking country to the edge in the future. But as soon as the regulations are in place, there will be a conservative chorus of "we could make so much more money if not for these stupid regulations!" and attempts will immediately start to unravel any regulations meant to prevent future excesses, because that is what greed is all about, excess.
What is most amusing when individuals who have labled themselves "conservative" bemoan the current turn of events but don't bother to acknowledge it was so-called conservative policies, (that were not conservative policies), but were widely supported by conservatives in this country, took us to the brink and enabled Obama to be elected by a landslide. Accept responsibility!