The Morality of Dishonesty

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It shows the constant attack by hamas the terrorist organization that you support.
You also keep claiming an illegal occupation..but fail to show how it is an illegal occupation.
Explain to me why Jews are not supposed to be in Israel..Hamas goal is to kill Jews but not Arab Muslims in Israel...which they stated to the public
It is simply a case of Jew hate...which you are are supporting by backing the well recognized terrorist organization of Hamas.
You are aware that Israel is a mix of many religions correct?..but the interest of Hamas is to kill the jews..this illegal occupation bullshit is just that bullshit.
Remember at one time The Muslims and Jews lived together in the area many of the muslims did not like this..the hate group developed..many Palestinians went to live with the JEWS..some went to other nations..the haters went to Gaza...they all have one thing in common..they want to kill jews

Idiota, read the thread all over, understand what has been already written to provide you with answers you are studpidly asking again and again,,,,,and that is tantamount to fucking trolling..

Again, let me say Israel is an illegal occupier of Palestinian land and they want to kick the illegal occupiers out ...

Since you are killing their unarmed civilians how can you assume to send flowers to you? No way, You are only promoting international terrorism...after failing to curtail Al qaida and the Taliban..
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It is a neutral zone Maz...but the Jew hating terrorist group Hamas that you support keeps firing rockets into Israel with its target being Jews and not the arab muslims that also live there.
Your buddies Hamas are the reason for the entire mess..until Hamas there was free all neighbors deny passage its not just Israel.
Hamas is a well recognized terrorist organization..which is also the govt from where the rockets are being launched.
Hamas was supposedly voted in..I suspect it was corruption..but anyway after the vote and hamas taking over..many left and many arrived
Those that didnt want to partake in the jew hating left...jew haters arrived that gaza was the jew hating capital of the world...if you dont hate jews then go..these people hide rockets in their homes maz...the rest of the world ended up shutting them off from the rest of society soon after Israel did.

You mean there is no dispute between Hamas and Israeli Jews?? Nonsense...what the fuck then war is about??
Both these factions are warring perpetually,,,,,only because Israel is an illegal occupier of Palestinian land....and wants to exterminate Palestinians from Gaza too.

for all this killing Israel and its allies are responsible ....
Muslims are just slumbering....except the Taliban..or al Quaida....go catch and kill them ....first before more terrorists get created by Israel's wild and brutal actions and the whole world is plunged into hell!

Pakistan does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state...and that says it all.


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It is a neutral zone Maz...but the Jew hating terrorist group Hamas that you support keeps firing rockets into Israel with its target being Jews and not the arab muslims that also live there.
Your buddies Hamas are the reason for the entire mess..until Hamas there was free all neighbors deny passage its not just Israel.
Hamas is a well recognized terrorist organization..which is also the govt from where the rockets are being launched.
Hamas was supposedly voted in..I suspect it was corruption..but anyway after the vote and hamas taking over..many left and many arrived
Those that didnt want to partake in the jew hating left...jew haters arrived that gaza was the jew hating capital of the world...if you dont hate jews then go..these people hide rockets in their homes maz...the rest of the world ended up shutting them off from the rest of society soon after Israel did.
Despite the Carnage, Gaza People Say War Must Go On
World | Agence France-Presse | Updated: August 01, 2014 22:27 IST

Agence France-Presse

A Palestinian boy walks over debris as civilians who were displaced from their houses due to fighting between Israel's army and Hamas fighters return to check their homes in Gaza City's Shejaiya neighbourhood, on August 1, 2014.

Al-Bureij: After bombardment gutted his home in central Gaza, Nidal al-Khaldi says he has nothing left to lose and will support the "resistance" against Israel even if it means more vicious fighting.

"This war will continue!" he declares, standing by the ruins of his house in Al-Bureij district during a temporary lull in fighting on Friday between Israel and Gaza's militants.

The relative calm does not last long, as shelling resumes just hours into an agreed 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire, and as Israel says militants had probably captured one of its soldiers in "breach" of the truce.

In Al-Bureij, the streets are carpeted with dust and rubble, riddled with shards of metal and twists of electric cable, the desolate heritage of 25 days of devastating and deadly fighting.

Young men scoop up lumps of concrete which only yesterday were the wall of a house. A man transports a wounded goat in a cart.

Nearby, in the hospital, rescue workers place cadavers including the bodies of two children into the morgue's irregularly powered refrigerators.

Unemployed Nidal, his dark beard still closely trimmed, wanders through the ruins of his house.

The previous night, just before the supposed three-day truce began, "enemy" tanks bombarded the neighbourhood, the 42-year-old tells AFP.

"Because of them, we no longer have a house. We were seven families living here but we are all on the street.

"All the same, this war will certainly continue, I don't have a problem with that. Let the resistance continue," Khaldi said.


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From a 10-Year-Old in a Gaza Hospital, a Message for Leaders of the World
World | Sreenivasan Jain (with inputs from Niha Masih and Sanjay Mandal) | Updated: August 01, 2014 07:41 IST

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Mohammed Ala'lia, 10, was admitted to Al Shifa hospital with burn injuries and a fractured arm

Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza City: Pressure to arrive at a ceasefire has been prompted by the very large number of children wounded or killed in the Gaza violence, more than at any time in the past. The vulnerability of Gaza's young is nowhere more evident than the children's ward of Gaza's biggest hospital.

Inside the children's ward at Gaza 's Al Shafi hospital, we meet Noor, just six years old. She was shifted from home in Beit Hanoun, in north Gaza, to a nearby United Nations school.

On the morning we met her, a shell exploded in close proximity: shrapnel is lodged in her stomach.

Within minutes of her being admitted, Noor has new neighbours: Khaled and Yamin Jabir, both four years old, both from Jabaliya in the north-east of Gaza, one with shrapnel the other with burn injuries.

Children have always been victims of the Gaza conflict, but this time perhaps more than ever before. We were told by a health ministry official at Al Shifa that of a total death toll of over 1400, nearly 500 are children alone. The United Nations reported a figure of about 300 child deaths yesterday.

At the Al Shifa an overstretched and under-equipped medical system can barely cope.

Marzoob Mousa El Van, six-years-old, from Jabaliya, has shrapnel in his lungs which the Al Shifa is not equipped to remove.

His family has asked for permission to shift him out of Gaza, so far denied.

This may be a terrible thing to say, but the children in the ward are in some ways more fortunate than others we saw. Before we climbed to the children's ward, we saw the continuous arrival of ambulances rushing in some bearing the wounded, but some with worse news.

A gurney was wheeled in with a tiny body covered with tarpaulin, only a pool of blood oozing from where the head rested. This we learnt was seven-year-old Abdallah Samarla from Bet Lahiya in north Gaza. He was evacuated to a shelter in Tufa, in Gaza City, but was killed by a bomb.

If nothing else, these images - which the world has witnessed for three weeks - should cut through the fog of politics and blame cycles to compel those determining the outcome of this war to see reason.

Don't hear it from me. Hear it from Mohammed Ala'lia, all of 10-years-old, with burn injuries and a fractured arm. As we interviewed his mother, Mohammed watched us from his hospital bed, his lips moving. Somewhat reluctantly, we tried to speak to him.

This is what he told us: "I feel pain because the children of Gaza are not living in a free land. And I hope that the children of Gaza will live freely. So I ask the world, to give the children of Gaza the right to live freely. Why they do not have this right? Why they cannot live like other children around the world? I am asking the leaders of the world to give this right, to let children of Gaza to live freely."

The Man

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You mean there is no dispute between Hamas and Israeli Jews?? Nonsense...what the fuck then war is about??
Both these factions are warring perpetually,,,,,only because Israel is an illegal occupier of Palestinian land....and wants to exterminate Palestinians from Gaza too.

for all this killing Israel and its allies are responsible ....
Muslims are just slumbering....except the Taliban..or al Quaida....go catch and kill them ....first before more terrorists get created by Israel's wild and brutal actions and the whole world is plunged into hell!

Pakistan does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state...and that says it all.
You have not shown there to be an illegal occupation merely just keep claiming it..the war is because Hamas hates Jews..whose target is Jews and not Arab Muslims within {which they announced}...If Israel is rogue then all would be illegally occupying maz...Hamas is driven by hate and nothing can not escape this.

The Man

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I support Israel for defending itself against an area /which are self proclaimed Jew haters which is constantly attacking Israel.


The Man

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Fact is maz that the original Palestinians were JEWS...if anyone got fucked on land it was the JEWS.
While the JEWS developed the area..ARAB Muslims migrated over to this new wondrous land.
The fucking JEWS did not run out Muslims...The Fucking JEWS made the mistake of having open arms for fucking Arab muslims.
The ARAB MUSLIMS as they do....once in large number decided it was time to takeover...the Jews accepted the little chunk of land they have...which they were getting fucked by the way.
The next day 6 Arab nations attacked the "Israel"....The plan didnt the Muslims that were living with the jews for the most part did not attack the JEWS...see for those Muslims had already had a choice to live with the other haters or the JEWS that offered prosperity and love.
The ARAB MUSLIMS fucked up a good thing by being greedy....The Jews welcomed them they were able to co habitate...after percentage shifts its all went to hell...History has shown us that this is always the case with high percentages of Muslims present....They turn on the host..Its happening in France Britain Africa to the Swiss and other areas around the world..Being Jew has nothing to do with those cases.
Israel is compound because they are Jews is taught by the haters that apes and swine were jews is the duty to kill jews as they are the lowest form of all life.
Blame your terrorist buddies maz....hate is long as you keep teaching hate and deny it is hate the world will never be at peace.

The Man

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Despite the Carnage, Gaza People Say War Must Go On
So you support the gazians warring Israel but object to Israel striking back.
You are a jew hating terrorist supporting deviant sexual addict who lives in the most dangerous mega city in the world,,which is thriving with Taliban of which you also approve also sympathize with the Taliban...What I dont understand is how they allow the worlds largest circle jerks to take place at the shrine..but then again they also allow honor killings in front of the police station..charging infant babies with conspiracy to commit murder..and persecute Christians for drinking from unmarked cups...You have stated that people fuck the freshly dead as also claim that pk doesn't recognize Israel as a state...Its is very very can walk across Israel in a day as the Muslims fucked them out of the greater area...but yes it is a "state" maz....its hard to recognize you will have to zoom in.

I expect a response of "illegal occupation" of which you have failed to show after many will again approve of gazian attacks but object to Israel defending itself...How in the fuck can you blame Israel when your buddies insist the war must go on?..and refuse cease fires?
By the way when they finally do agree to a ceasefire..they will go back to shooting rockets at Israel Jews as soon as the Israel forces take their equipment home....happens every time.
You have done well maz as you have added Jew hater to your resume...Yessss...Jews maz..all snuggled up in Israel ...burns your ass.


The graph excites you does it maz...your terrorist buddies firing rockets at thing for sure you highly object to Israel defending itself...To be expected as most terrorist lovers are Jew haters as well.
You are doing well .....the more you post the more is exposed of just what goes on in the mind of the afflicted.

The Man

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haha!! what a silly question!!
Judaism is the oldest Abrahamanic religion of all...incl Christianity and Islam..It is understandable that they lived on earth before them
You do understand with this post you have destroyed your entire argument...I has originally let it slide in hopes that you would come to a realization

Judaism...lets get it out there.
What is the problem with Judaism?
Its actually a very simple imitate Gods do what God would do..Love his people.
As we can see this can make one vulnerable...much like a dog loving his master while he is beating his ass...loving his abuser.
I myself believe in god maz but am not aligned with any religion per say..I dont go to church..I dont push religion..but I do respect one beliefs.
I have met many people of many religions.
The problems I have with religions is they dont agree other than "god"...from there they spiral in all different directions...and end in the same place "heaven"
There is not one shred of evidence showing that one is the one to be followed more than the other....
Religion has merely been expanded upon through time...thus why so many popped up...these expansions are due to mans beliefs maz {why would a perfect god need to expand} Its pretty obvious that religions are based from the original concept....with some added ingredients.......Anyway
Centuries ago while we lived crudely and did not understand what we could not see...our minds were open for anything that could make sense...if you "figured" out any of these mysteries or just made a good could now claim to be speaking through god...why so many religions maz?..and why do these self full fill their own beliefs?
Man has been essentially going around "inventing" religions based upon their own beliefs coming from god....why would god not be consistent?...and why would perfect rules need to change?
The moral here is we are all trying to get to the same place in the end...let people believe in what religion they want as long as that practice is not abusive in any form....Jews are no more fucked up than any of the rest of them...and are actually better people on the average as a whole in general...their belief system was already in place...why should they change their beliefs when another religion rolls around????
.......As said we shouldn't care what religion someone is but rather the whole of that person.


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You do understand with this post you have destroyed your entire argument...I has originally let it slide in hopes that you would come to a realization

Judaism...lets get it out there.
What is the problem with Judaism?
Its actually a very simple imitate Gods do what God would do..Love his people.
As we can see this can make one vulnerable...much like a dog loving his master while he is beating his ass...loving his abuser.
I myself believe in god maz but am not aligned with any religion per say..I dont go to church..I dont push religion..but I do respect one beliefs.
I have met many people of many religions.
The problems I have with religions is they dont agree other than "god"...from there they spiral in all different directions...and end in the same place "heaven"
There is not one shred of evidence showing that one is the one to be followed more than the other....
Religion has merely been expanded upon through time...thus why so many popped up...these expansions are due to mans beliefs maz {why would a perfect god need to expand} Its pretty obvious that religions are based from the original concept....with some added ingredients.......Anyway
Centuries ago while we lived crudely and did not understand what we could not see...our minds were open for anything that could make sense...if you "figured" out any of these mysteries or just made a good could now claim to be speaking through god...why so many religions maz?..and why do these self full fill their own beliefs?
Man has been essentially going around "inventing" religions based upon their own beliefs coming from god....why would god not be consistent?...and why would perfect rules need to change?
The moral here is we are all trying to get to the same place in the end...let people believe in what religion they want as long as that practice is not abusive in any form....Jews are no more fucked up than any of the rest of them...and are actually better people on the average as a whole in general...their belief system was already in place...why should they change their beliefs when another religion rolls around????
.......As said we shouldn't care what religion someone is but rather the whole of that person.

I am not against Judaism....Muslim also believe in the greatness of Moses. The issue is NoT Judaism but Israel who is an illegal occupier and terrorist.......
Hitler was a Christian,,,,but he hated Jews. After all Jews are not free from just stop posing angelic..

The way Israel is butchering small kids in Gaza is a heinous act...even the US does not want to drone innocent Afghans / Talibans but Israel is allowed to bomb Gazians indiscriminately...I tell you if Israel does'nt could pose more trouble for the entire world.. Ye know Arabs ,,,,they too are clever ,,,and watching the show presently ,,,,sitting pretty!

Pak for one does not recognize israel .......because Israel is an illegitimate baby of the US..and Europe...

There is lotsa space in the world where Juice could be dispatched....they caused trouble during the Crusades and they were so much hated by a Christian leader, Hilter that he just didn't want them on earth!!

All this could make one feel sympathy towards Hitler...and at least the Gazian's might even be praying for Hitler to be God blessed.


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So you support the gazians warring Israel but object to Israel striking back.
You are a jew hating terrorist supporting deviant sexual addict who lives in the most dangerous mega city in the world,,which is thriving with Taliban of which you also approve also sympathize with the Taliban...What I dont understand is how they allow the worlds largest circle jerks to take place at the shrine..but then again they also allow honor killings in front of the police station..charging infant babies with conspiracy to commit murder..and persecute Christians for drinking from unmarked cups...You have stated that people fuck the freshly dead as also claim that pk doesn't recognize Israel as a state...Its is very very can walk across Israel in a day as the Muslims fucked them out of the greater area...but yes it is a "state" maz....its hard to recognize you will have to zoom in.

I expect a response of "illegal occupation" of which you have failed to show after many will again approve of gazian attacks but object to Israel defending itself...How in the fuck can you blame Israel when your buddies insist the war must go on?..and refuse cease fires?
By the way when they finally do agree to a ceasefire..they will go back to shooting rockets at Israel Jews as soon as the Israel forces take their equipment home....happens every time.
You have done well maz as you have added Jew hater to your resume...Yessss...Jews maz..all snuggled up in Israel ...burns your ass.


The graph excites you does it maz...your terrorist buddies firing rockets at thing for sure you highly object to Israel defending itself...To be expected as most terrorist lovers are Jew haters as well.
You are doing well .....the more you post the more is exposed of just what goes on in the mind of the afflicted.

Fuck your damn graph,,,,
you don't reply to my questions and just come here to troll or be apologetic,.,...or to justify the brutal war crimes committed by Israel and the usurper Jews therre.....

Madness of Jews ,,,,right here..enjoy!!


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I support Israel for defending itself against an area /which are self proclaimed Jew haters which is constantly attacking Israel.


The graph shows that Israeli Jews are onto murderous killing in 2014 as compared to 2007/8 when more pellets were hurled at Israel ....

this proves that the jews of Israel and their accomplices have gone mad and this madness isn't going to help them in the long run ...Firstly you were crying Taliban Taliban and all your US tax money was squandered away against them in you so called war on terror.,'s expected that you will be creating more hate and enemies by the present act of Israel and its unjustified support in committing heinous war crimes.

Despite my repeated asking you evade and avoid to give precise number of fuckin Jew Israelis killed by the Gazian pellets now and back in 2007/8...

Nor do you tell how many Palestinians were killed by Israeli butchers by gender, age and sex.

You are a dishonest man and the talk of 'love' for humanity and humans doesn't behoove of's fake..and wild!


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You do understand with this post you have destroyed your entire argument...I has originally let it slide in hopes that you would come to a realization

Judaism...lets get it out there.
What is the problem with Judaism?
Its actually a very simple imitate Gods do what God would do..Love his people.
As we can see this can make one vulnerable...much like a dog loving his master while he is beating his ass...loving his abuser.
I myself believe in god maz but am not aligned with any religion per say..I dont go to church..I dont push religion..but I do respect one beliefs.
I have met many people of many religions.
The problems I have with religions is they dont agree other than "god"...from there they spiral in all different directions...and end in the same place "heaven"
There is not one shred of evidence showing that one is the one to be followed more than the other....
Religion has merely been expanded upon through time...thus why so many popped up...these expansions are due to mans beliefs maz {why would a perfect god need to expand} Its pretty obvious that religions are based from the original concept....with some added ingredients.......Anyway
Centuries ago while we lived crudely and did not understand what we could not see...our minds were open for anything that could make sense...if you "figured" out any of these mysteries or just made a good could now claim to be speaking through god...why so many religions maz?..and why do these self full fill their own beliefs?
Man has been essentially going around "inventing" religions based upon their own beliefs coming from god....why would god not be consistent?...and why would perfect rules need to change?
The moral here is we are all trying to get to the same place in the end...let people believe in what religion they want as long as that practice is not abusive in any form....Jews are no more fucked up than any of the rest of them...and are actually better people on the average as a whole in general...their belief system was already in place...why should they change their beliefs when another religion rolls around????
.......As said we shouldn't care what religion someone is but rather the whole of that person.

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In Tunnel War, Israeli Playbook Shows Its Holes
World | Isabel Kershner, The New York Times | Updated: August 02, 2014 10:26 IST


In this 13, 2013 file photo, an Israeli soldier stands at the exit of a tunnel discovered near the Israel Gaza border.

Jerusalem: Israel entered its latest conflict with Hamas armed with a high-tech arsenal, real-time battlefield intelligence and strong domestic support for dealing a heavy blow to Hamas.

But again Friday, Israeli forces were taken by surprise, this time with two soldiers killed and one taken prisoner when militants once again attacked from a tunnel from Gaza. (Missing Israeli Soldier Likely Killed in Strike: Hamas)

As frustration grows in Israel over the military's limited success in trying to neutralize Hamas, the militant Islamic group that governs Gaza, some military experts say it is increasingly evident that the Israel Defense Forces have been operating from an old playbook and are not fully prepared for a more sophisticated, battle-ready adversary. The issue is not specifically the tunnels - which Israel knew about - but the way Hamas fighters trained to use them to create what experts in Israel are calling a "360-degree front." (Read: Gaza Stirs US Internship for Israelis, Palestinians)

The Man

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I am not against Judaism....Muslim also believe in the greatness of Moses. The issue is NoT Judaism but Israel who is an illegal occupier and terrorist.......
Hitler was a Christian,,,,but he hated Jews. After all Jews are not free from just stop posing angelic..

The way Israel is butchering small kids in Gaza is a heinous act...even the US does not want to drone innocent Afghans / Talibans but Israel is allowed to bomb Gazians indiscriminately...I tell you if Israel does'nt could pose more trouble for the entire world.. Ye know Arabs ,,,,they too are clever ,,,and watching the show presently ,,,,sitting pretty!

Pak for one does not recognize israel .......because Israel is an illegitimate baby of the US..and Europe...

There is lotsa space in the world where Juice could be dispatched....they caused trouble during the Crusades and they were so much hated by a Christian leader, Hilter that he just didn't want them on earth!!

All this could make one feel sympathy towards Hitler...and at least the Gazian's might even be praying for Hitler to be God blessed.
I am not against Judaism
Sure you support support terrorism against the repeat the lie that jews have stole land..There is no illegal keep repeating this lie but do not back it...your hate for the jew is obvious.

The way Israel is butchering small kids in Gaza is a heinous act
But it is ok when your terrorist buddies do it to the are a jew are jewphobic maz..the swine and monkeys are fucking arabic women...while you have to jerk to animal sex in are jealous of the Jew.
Pak for one does not recognize israel
As they are a Jew hating nation filled with over 100 terrorist organization according to your posts with the Taliban thriving everywhere.
naturally any nation that would give a death sentence to a christian woman fro drinking from the wrong cup would not recognize Israel as a state..PK has already been determined to be a shit hole.

I tell you if Israel does'nt could pose more trouble for the entire world..
Easy enough...stop firing Rockets into Israel



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Shame on Killers of innocent kids and Terrorists..

Friday 1 August 2014

Brian Eno on the Israel-Gaza crisis: How can you justify images such as this?
When the musician Brian Eno saw a picture of a Palestinian man carrying the remains of his dead son in a plastic bag, he was moved to write a cri de coeur to his American friends, asking them to explain their country’s unconditional support for Israel. This is his letter – followed by the response from the author Peter Schwartz


Dear All of You,

I sense I’m breaking an unspoken rule with this letter, but I can’t keep quiet any more.

Today I saw a picture of a weeping Palestinian man holding a plastic carrier bag of meat. It was his son. He’d been shredded (the hospital’s word) by an Israeli missile attack – apparently using their fab new weapon, fléchette bombs. You probably know what those are –hundreds of small steel darts packed around explosive which tear the flesh off humans. The boy was Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra. He was four years old.

I suddenly found myself thinking that it could have been one of my kids in that bag, and that thought upset me more than anything has for a long time.

Then I read that the UN had said that Israel might be guilty of war crimes in Gaza, and they wanted to launch a commission into that. America won’t sign up to it.

What is going on in America? I know from my own experience how slanted your news is, and how little you get to hear about the other side of this story. But – for Christ’s sake! – it’s not that hard to find out. Why does America continue its blind support of this one-sided exercise in ethnic cleansing? WHY? I just don’t get it. I really hate to think it’s just the power of Aipac [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee]… for if that’s the case, then your government really is fundamentally corrupt. No, I don’t think that’s the reason… but I have no idea what it could be. The America I know and like is compassionate, broad-minded, creative, eclectic, tolerant and generous. You, my close American friends, symbolise those things for me. But which America is backing this horrible one-sided colonialist war? I can’t work it out: I know you’re not the only people like you, so how come all those voices aren’t heard or registered? How come it isn’t your spirit that most of the world now thinks of when it hears the word “America”? How bad does it look when the one country which more than any other grounds its identity in notions of Liberty and Democracy then goes and puts its money exactly where its mouth isn’t and supports a ragingly racist theocracy?

In pictures: Israel-Gaza conflict
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The Man

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But again Friday, Israeli forces were taken by surprise, this time with two soldiers killed and one taken prisoner when militants once again attacked from a tunnel from Gaza
Perhaps they should just wipe out the entire gaza region to ensure the soldier does not get tortured any further.
Anyway you seem proud that they caught one...Ok so they got one..he may not even be a jew,,could be a muslim or any other religion
They might be torturing a Muslim Maz !!!!!..Not all Israelis are Jews !!!!!!!!...The way to tell is to look at pictures of his wife if you can see her face he is prolly a jew.


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Sure you support support terrorism against the repeat the lie that jews have stole land..There is no illegal keep repeating this lie but do not back it...your hate for the jew is obvious.

But it is ok when your terrorist buddies do it to the are a jew are jewphobic maz..the swine and monkeys are fucking arabic women...while you have to jerk to animal sex in are jealous of the Jew.
not recognize Israel as a state..PK has already been determined to be a shit hole.

Easy enough...stop firing Rockets into Israel

Still you haven't come up with the precise stats of Israelis killed? What are you waiting for , swinger?

Don't worry about Pak,,,,it may be economically weak but don't forget it has Nukes as well!!
Why you shout if Pak sells nuclear tech to others???
If you can sell your weapons why do you stop others from doing that>>?? That is what they call hypocrisy and double standards!

Read my above post and this.....
shame on you,,,and the terrorist Israel..

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I was in Israel last year with Mary [a mutual friend]. Her sister works for UNRWA [the UN agency for Palestinian refugees] in Jerusalem. Showing us round were a Palestinian – Shadi, who is her sister’s husband and a professional guide – and Oren Jacobovitch, an Israeli Jew, an ex-major from the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] who left the service under a cloud for refusing to beat up Palestinians. Between the two of them we got to see some harrowing things – Palestinian houses hemmed in by wire mesh and boards to prevent settlers throwing shit and piss and used sanitary towels at the inhabitants; Palestinian kids on their way to school being beaten by Israeli kids with baseball bats to parental applause and laughter; a whole village evicted and living in caves while three settler families moved on to their land; an Israeli settlement on top of a hill diverting its sewage directly down on to Palestinian farmland below; The Wall; the checkpoints… and all the endless daily humiliations. I kept thinking, “Do Americans really condone this? Do they really think this is OK? Or do they just not know about it?”