If she had her way completely, I'm sure it would have gone. But fair play to the Iron Lady, she made some tough decisions regarding primary industry that had to be made, and we've benefitted from it.
However, our quality of life is greatly diminished now because of some of her cuts. It costs me £40 to travel 30 miles from UNI to home by train. That's just.... wrong.
yeah she turned a nation the produced stuff into a nation of paper pushers... and made our nation incredibly reliant on getting everything from overseas...
oh she of course got rid of the nation's safety net of council housing...
she made everyone's jobs insecure, resulting in people working harder and longer than every before...
she introduced the ridiculously unfair poll tax...
Near as dammit killed our railway network by privatising it. What a great idea that was....
the NHS, by the late eighties was just diabolical due to underfunding...
in fact, all of her policies pissed on the average person and benefited only the wealthy. Dubya's policies pale in comparison...
she destroyed our educational system, creating a generation of morons and political ignorants (my generation)
she tore apart the fabric of the nation, making us no longer a nation of "we", but "me"...
Britain was a far more fair and egalitarian place before Maggie. People worked less and got paid proportionately more, housing was dirt cheap in comparison, families only needed one working parent to have a great standard of living, she changed that, essentially destroying the strong family unit Britain enjoyed...
... which of course has lead to many problems today, including higher crime etc...
she managed to grow the underclass we have ruining Britain today substantially...
she moved the focus of the country away from living well to chasing money money money...
she increased unemployment massively whilst simultaneously cutting benefits...
I could continue....