What didn't? lol. Well first off, I'm PMSing, so everything is a billion times worse. Right. Last night I found out officially that I have a bladder infection. The doctor gave me a script for antibiotics. My dad's boss is in town- he's a jerk. Right now, my dad is the only one that drives.. he wasn't sure he'd be able to get my pills.
Also, I live in a hotel, so a lot of hotel property ends up in my room. The other day, the cook in the restaurant here came down with a big tub and got hotel stuff from my room. I guess he knicked my measuring cup and can opener, but I didn't realize it until today because I wanted tuna. So I had to call my mom and borrow one of hers. Her can opener is weird. I poked a hole but didn't notice. The tuna water leaked all over me.
Just... fuck today.