Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
I said there is an argument that it could be socialism. Not saying that was my view on it. As you said it is supposed to be paid back. That assumes the entities don't fold after getting bailed out.The bailout isn't socialism. The money has to be paid back and the US government isn't taking over an industry to run.
The bailout, however, is bad public policy. If the naysayers and the Chicken Littles have their way we could be headed for a severe economic down turn. Note I did not use the word depression and I don't care what Paulson is saying the chance of a depression are small at best. MY God, the economy is growing at 3.3%, how that idiot can speak of a depression with a growing economy is mind boggling.
You know a lot more on this stuff than me. I get the bad public policy part. It sets a precedent.
But then what we are going thru is somewhat unprecedented isn't it? I did not study up on the particulars of what caused the depression but is this not different?
If no bailout then what GB? Can this house of cards still stand without one? Or you thinking enough foreign investors might prop it up? Other than Buffet I don't see a lot here ready to do that. And with all of Bill Gates money why does he not step up and help given he made his billion off playing the system here.