Well-Known Member
That was tried here once before. I'm drawing a blank on what it was called, but it required that talk shows, political opinion shows, etc give equal time, not necessarily balance but time, to both sides. The liberal media have been trying to get it reinstated because they can't get a popular talk show on radio.I have no idea though it would be better surely coming as a decision from the people... though it's a chicken and egg thing, you'd need the mainstream media to inform them to take that decision to abolish the mainstream media... hmmm... can't see that working somehow...
Perhaps maybe legislation, limiting the amount of time each broadcaster has... splitting channels up maybe.... but then who'd trust the govt to do that and not use rules like that for their own agenda...
Ok, need help with this one, any ideas?
When you try to force someone to give equal time to all sides, it becomes equal time to two sides only: their side and any opposing side that sounds insane by comparison. And it's equal time, not equal passion, balanced presentation, or even time of day. Thirty minutes of "our side" during prime time, thirty minutes for them at 1am.
Of course, you're not only asking the mainstream media to inform us to take that decision to abolish the mainstream media, you're asking the legislature they support to enact law to share airtime with the enemy. They'll figure out a way, if they have to, to pass a law with the right name and the right general words, but the end result will surely be something to further entrench the status quo.
No, direct competition is the way to get the right ideas in the right way to the right people. Forcing people to do things not in their own best interest will yield a result that meets the absolute minimum of the written standard, at best.