The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and backs)

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Theres no such thing. There is no Army EMT job. The EMS system on Army posts are run by civilians.

I'm guessing that you're a 68W, right? In which case, the civilian equivalent is an EMT. Based on your avatar, you have your CMB badge... so you are effectively an Army EMT.
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The Doc

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

I'm guessing that you're a 68W, right? In which case, the civilian equivalent is an EMT. Based on your avatar, you have your CMB badge... so you are effectively an Army EMT.

Yes I am a 68W and i have a CMB. I am an EMT in the Army. The Army has trained me up to EMT-B standard. I do not work as an EMT. An EMT is an Emergency Medical Technician who treat and transport using an ambulance or other vehicle (With the exception of ER EMT's) and also EMT's dont carry firearms. They also wear gloves and dont come out unless the scene is safe. Being an Army Medic, your scene isnt ever safe and alot of the time you cant wear gloves. We also dont run around with ambulances. We ride in whatever the platoon seargent is riding in.

The closest duty I have to being an EMT is maybe when my platoon goes to the range i hang out incase someone gets hurt.

ALSO: The CMB (Combat Medic's Badge) is an award for treating patients while actively engaged in combat (Firefight's etc..) there are MANY medics who dont have them. Not having a CMB doesnt mean your not a medic. It just means your not a combat medic yet. A CMB also does not prove anyone is a 68W because it can be given to other professions in the 68 series (i.e. Lab Techs, X-Ray Tech's, OR Tech's etc..) but those guys rarely ever get them because they dont ever leave the wire.


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Yes I am a 68W and i have a CMB. I am an EMT in the Army. The Army has trained me up to EMT-B standard. I do not work as an EMT. An EMT is an Emergency Medical Technician who treat and transport using an ambulance or other vehicle (With the exception of ER EMT's) and also EMT's dont carry firearms. They also wear gloves and dont come out unless the scene is safe. Being an Army Medic, your scene isnt ever safe and alot of the time you cant wear gloves. We also dont run around with ambulances. We ride in whatever the platoon seargent is riding in.

The closest duty I have to being an EMT is maybe when my platoon goes to the range i hang out incase someone gets hurt.

ALSO: The CMB (Combat Medic's Badge) is an award for treating patients while actively engaged in combat (Firefight's etc..) there are MANY medics who dont have them. Not having a CMB doesnt mean your not a medic. It just means your not a combat medic yet. A CMB also does not prove anyone is a 68W because it can be given to other professions in the 68 series (i.e. Lab Techs, X-Ray Tech's, OR Tech's etc..) but those guys rarely ever get them because they dont ever leave the wire.

I never disagreed with any of that, or claimed otherwise. I merely said that the closest civilian equivalent to a 68W is an EMT... Jesus Christ dude, you take offense to everything.

The Doc

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

I never disagreed with any of that, or claimed otherwise. I merely said that the closest civilian equivalent to a 68W is an EMT... Jesus Christ dude, you take offense to everything.

No you stated I was an Army EMT, which I am saying I am not.


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Yes I am a 68W and i have a CMB. I am an EMT in the Army. The Army has trained me up to EMT-B standard. I do not work as an EMT. An EMT is an Emergency Medical Technician who treat and transport using an ambulance or other vehicle (With the exception of ER EMT's) and also EMT's dont carry firearms. They also wear gloves and dont come out unless the scene is safe. Being an Army Medic, your scene isnt ever safe and alot of the time you cant wear gloves. We also dont run around with ambulances. We ride in whatever the platoon seargent is riding in.

The closest duty I have to being an EMT is maybe when my platoon goes to the range i hang out incase someone gets hurt.

ALSO: The CMB (Combat Medic's Badge) is an award for treating patients while actively engaged in combat (Firefight's etc..) there are MANY medics who dont have them. Not having a CMB doesnt mean your not a medic. It just means your not a combat medic yet. A CMB also does not prove anyone is a 68W because it can be given to other professions in the 68 series (i.e. Lab Techs, X-Ray Tech's, OR Tech's etc..) but those guys rarely ever get them because they dont ever leave the wire.

not all scenes that EMT or paramedics go into are safe. we do have things call tacital medics....we carry guns, no gloves, bullet proof vests, etc. granted we are not out in the desert fighting or have bombs going off overhead, but we can can put ourselves into very scary situations

The Doc

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

not all scenes that EMT or paramedics go into are safe. we do have things call tacital medics....we carry guns, no gloves, bullet proof vests, etc. granted we are not out in the desert fighting or have bombs going off overhead, but we can can put ourselves into very scary situations

Those guys work with law inforcement like SWAT and whatnot


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

No you stated I was an Army EMT, which I am saying I am not.

You are the Army equivalent of an EMT in terms of knowledge and ability. Sheesh.

The Doc

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

No.. an EMT cant stick an IV, Do Chest tubes, preform cricothyrodotomies, Needle Chest Decompressions's, Prescribe Medication, Administer Intraosseous infusions, etc..


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

A paramedic can do all of those things... I suppose I should have clarified I was speaking of the advanced level EMT certifications. A paramedic is the top level of EMT certifications, often times requiring a college degree (but no always) and having at least 1,500 hours of training. An EMT-B can start IVs in many localities, and an EMT-C can start IVs and perform cardiac emergency treatments.

So... a paramedic certified EMT is roughly the civilian equivalent of an Army 68W medic.

Now that we have that cleared up, I still disagree with your assertions regarding so-called "simple" injuries.

The Doc

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

I'm going to have to disagree with your assertion that there is no difference between ibuprofen and Celebrex or the other prescription drugs that you listed. Ibuprofen is a non-selective COX inhibitor, while the others you mentioned are COX-2 inhibitors. Which I think you were getting to with your comment about Mobic and stomach problems. By not blocking the COX-1 enzyme, it largely eliminates the possibility of stomach ulcers and the like developing with extended use. I've personally been on relatively high doses of Celebrex in the past for different pain problems, and I did notice a difference in my pain levels as opposed to simply taking high doses of ibuprofen. So, it's not the medical industry trying to make more money off of you, it's an issue where the medical industry is providing a more targeted drug for the specific purpose of anti-inflammation and pain relief without GI side effects due to the COX-1 enzyme being inhibited.

Your assertion that doctors only want to make money is rather disingenuous. An x-ray isn't an unnecessary procedure, it's a responsible one that provides the medical provider the information necessary to make an informed diagnosis. They wouldn't want to diagnose your shoulder pain as simple overuse when you actually had a separation that wasn't obvious through physical examination. It's not about making extra money, it's about providing the proper care. It is professionally irresponsible of you to suggest to people that they can simply fix issues by themselves when there could be a more severe underlying problem. Your suggestions are sound common sense solutions for basic aches and pains; but I wouldn't tell people that it is unnecessary to visit their doctor for pain they may be experiencing. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment for chronic conditions is one of the worst things people can do. I'm certain that people here more than likely exhibit proper common sense when it comes to issues like these, but other people might not... so I would caution you before telling people that they don't need to see their physician for pains they might be experiencing.

No, I'm not a medical professional, but most of my family is, has, or will be in the medical field in some way... so I've been around it for most of my life, have extensive experience taking pain killers due to chronic knee and shoulder problems that I have (not to mention various broken bones), and I worked in a physical therapy clinic as a coder, front office, and a treatment assistant. Just some things I thought I should throw out there, no offense intended.

I did not say celebrex and ibeuprofin were the same thing. They are both anti-inflammatories so their main purpose is the same. The point I was getting at is lets say you just need 800mg of Motrin, to make more money they will write you a celebrex scrip (Thats assuming that there are no contraindications for celebrex; heart issues) because they know you wont look into it and still buy it.

I never said X-rays themselvs are un-neccessary, but most of the time they are used un-neccessarily. I.E. Your wrist is an obvious sprain, but there are no red flags for a fracture (Snuffbox Test;Scaphoid etc..) they will do a 'Just incase' X-Ray when there wont be anything wrong just to cost you more money.

I also work at a physical therapy clinic rightnow btw. Im working as a PT Tech. If you really did work in a physical therapy clinic you would know what RICE therapy is, uses of heat and cold, contrast bath's, Taping, dry needling, wrapping, stretching etc..

I have a family full of doctors, and some of the doc's i worked with in the Army were on the civilian side before. Thats just how it is. Money, Money, Money. Im sure you would like to believe the boo boo on your ankle is serious, eventhough its not. The doctor wants you to believe that too. Stronger med's and imaging means more money. People in the medical field look out for one another.

Also, everyone here is trash talking RICE therapy. Look it up. Even if you break a bone, sprain a joint, stress fracture, stress reaction etc... your going to end up in some form using RICE therapy.


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

I did not say celebrex and ibeuprofin were the same thing. They are both anti-inflammatories so their main purpose is the same. The point I was getting at is lets say you just need 800mg of Motrin, to make more money they will write you a celebrex scrip (Thats assuming that there are no contraindications for celebrex; heart issues) because they know you wont look into it and still buy it.

Really, you didn't say they were the same thing? Also, you do realize that the physician doesn't make any additional money from prescribing a scheduled medication over telling you to take an OTC, right?

Ofcourse, ibeuprofin is an NSAID (Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug) which will help keep the inflamation(swelling) down. Ibeuprofin is a shitty pain killer but it keeps the swelling down. You might be thinking but my doctor gave me Naproxen, or Mobic, or Celebrex but really they all do the same thing. Celebrex, Naproxen, and Mobic all cost more and do the same thing as ibeuprofin. This is just the medical field making money off of you. (Unless you have stomach issues then Mobic in better then ibeuprofin)rehabilitation.

You might want to actually pay attention to the things that you say.

I never said X-rays themselvs are un-neccessary, but most of the time they are used un-neccessarily. I.E. Your wrist is an obvious sprain, but there are no red flags for a fracture (Snuffbox Test;Scaphoid etc..) they will do a 'Just incase' X-Ray when there wont be anything wrong just to cost you more money.

X-rays are used as a way of correctly diagnosing a problem. Again, I'd rather pay the $15 to have an x-ray done and ensure that there isn't anything else seriously wrong before accepting a treatment plan. It's poor medical practice to prescribe treatment for an injury, especially a joint injury, without getting x-rays done... especially with the amount of malpractice lawsuits that go around. It's not a matter of trying to bilk you out of additional money, because they're not seeing any of it in most cases, but it's a matter of being thorough, and covering their ass in the process.

I also work at a physical therapy clinic rightnow btw. Im working as a PT Tech. If you really did work in a physical therapy clinic you would know what RICE therapy is, uses of heat and cold, contrast bath's, Taping, dry needling, wrapping, stretching etc..

I know exactly what RICE therapy is, and was performing it with patients when you were in elementary school. I handled heat and cold with patients, ultrasound, e-stim, whirlpools, etc... everything but massage and manual manipulation.

I have a family full of doctors, and some of the doc's i worked with in the Army were on the civilian side before. Thats just how it is. Money, Money, Money. Im sure you would like to believe the boo boo on your ankle is serious, eventhough its not. The doctor wants you to believe that too. Stronger med's and imaging means more money. People in the medical field look out for one another.

My dad was a military physician, as was my grandfather (dad was Air Force, grandfather was Army)... they are/were also private practice physicians after their military service. Whether you choose to believe it or not, medicine isn't all about "money, money, money". My dad is a family practice physician, and treats his patients based on their condition and the type of treatment he believes is necessary based on his 23+ years of experience as a physician. I'm one of those patients that double checks every type of therapy or med that is prescribed to me, and I've only had one physician recommend a test that I didn't believe was necessary... and that was a neurologist that tried to get me to have an LP as a way of testing for why I have my persistent headaches.

Also, everyone here is trash talking RICE therapy. Look it up. Even if you break a bone, sprain a joint, stress fracture, stress reaction etc... your going to end up in some form using RICE therapy.

I don't believe that I've trash talked it in the least bit... it's a perfectly legitimate therapy and has good results for a lot of different conditions. Feel free to correct me if I've misspoken regarding it though.

I'm not your everyday person when it comes to stuff like this... I do my research, medicine is in my family (dad and grandfather were physicians, mom was an RN, sister is 3 weeks away from her RN, ex-wife is an LVN and a year away from her RN, my grandmother was a coder, my other grandfather was a hospital administrator, my uncle was a paramedic, and I've been in physical therapy and medical IT). I've also had extensive treatments for joint problems (bad knee and am probably looking at a replacement by the time I'm 50), persistent headaches, and I've broken more bones than I care to remember right now. Like I said though, a lot of what you've suggested is good common sense, but other parts of it are medically irresponsible or not factual as far as I'm concerned.