The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and backs)

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The Doc

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I have seen some pretty shitty medical advice been given out for a long time. I am in the Army, I am a Medic. Alot of times i stand alone with no doctor or PA and thus have to deal with many issues myself. Musculoskeletal/sports injuries and STD's are alot of what I deal with (Aside from trauma ofcourse) so I wanted to try and help you guys out.

How the medical field works, on the civilian side where you guys are, doctors want to make money. You show up, they make money, they recomend you for an X ray they know you dont need but you will still get, they make more money, they give you a fancy medication you dont need, they make more and more money at your expense when you can fix issues by yourself.

With all injuries, the first thing you should do is try RICE therapy for atleast 1 week. What is rice therapy?

Rest - Rest the injured aream use it least as possible
Ice - Ice it for no longer then 15 minuites, will cut the swelling down good
Compress - Wrap it up with ACE wrap, not very tight so it cuts off circulation but tight
Elevate - Raise the affected body part on a pillow or something when sleeping. Gravity itself will pull the swelling down.

Ofcourse, ibeuprofin is an NSAID (Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug) which will help keep the inflamation(swelling) down. Ibeuprofin is a shitty pain killer but it keeps the swelling down. You might be thinking but my doctor gave me Naproxen, or Mobic, or Celebrex but really they all do the same thing. Celebrex, Naproxen, and Mobic all cost more and do the same thing as ibeuprofin. This is just the medical field making money off of you. (Unless you have stomach issues then Mobic in better then ibeuprofin)

If you sprain an ankle or wrist, or hurt your knee or shoulder use the RICE therapy with NSAID's and you will be gravy. If you dont see improvement within a week then go in and consult your doctor for X-ray because you might have a stress fracture/stress reaction. If you broke it, you would know immideatly.

A good rule to remember is if its BOTH your Wrists, BOTH your ankles, BOTH your kness, or BOTH your shoulders then its bi-latteral pain which more often then not indicates an overuse injury from running or working out. Its a self inflicted injury from working out too hard or running too much.

My feet hurt is another common one. Most people complaining their feet hurt need new shoes or have improper shoes. Find out what your arches are on your feet. You might need special shoes or inserts. DO your feet hurt alot more in the morning then get better throughout the day? Thats a classic symptom of Plantar Fasciitis which means you need new shoes!

The Back is very different then the rest of the body. Its sensative to many thing. With the back you need to pinpoint your pain, If your pain isnt midline on your spine (its to the left or right) then its muscular in nature and those are very easy to fix. Rest it, and put heat on it, and use NSAID's. If its midline on your spine it could be a skeletal injury. Those dont heal easy. You might need an X-ray. If you feel your lower extremities (Legs) going numb, or you lose control of bladder or stools (You shit yourself) consult doctor immideatly because those are signs of spinal injury.

If you have any questions just ask. Theres alot I didnt cover because i was being general, but i have insight in alot of theese body parts. Currently, i work at a physical therapy clinic for alot of combat and musculoskeletal/sports injuries rehabilitation.
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alice in chains

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

my penis is too can i decrease it in size, Doc? =( please help


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

what is your view on non qualified intervention?

i.e. i have zero first aid training, two days ago i saw someone in the middle of what looked like an epileptic seizure, thankfully some one was attending to him and i have since learn he is OK

if however i was first on the scene, i may have done something to him that could worsen his situation, I want to help people but even with basic first aid training I might do more harm than good and in these days of flying lawsuits get myself into a lot of trouble

Peter Parka

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

I'm feeling rather gay, how would you cure it?

Kyle B

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

what is your view on non qualified intervention?

i.e. i have zero first aid training, two days ago i saw someone in the middle of what looked like an epileptic seizure, thankfully some one was attending to him and i have since learn he is OK

if however i was first on the scene, i may have done something to him that could worsen his situation, I want to help people but even with basic first aid training I might do more harm than good and in these days of flying lawsuits get myself into a lot of trouble

It's really up to the discretion of the person on the scene. If you feel like you have enough training or know what you're doing, then you can help. Just remember that people love to sue. Also, if someone tells you not to touch them, and you do, it's assault. If they're unconscious, or are a minor with no parent available, you can go by implied consent.

The Doc

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

what is your view on non qualified intervention?

i.e. i have zero first aid training, two days ago i saw someone in the middle of what looked like an epileptic seizure, thankfully some one was attending to him and i have since learn he is OK

if however i was first on the scene, i may have done something to him that could worsen his situation, I want to help people but even with basic first aid training I might do more harm than good and in these days of flying lawsuits get myself into a lot of trouble

I dont touch anyone who is not covered under TRICARE, even if they are dying. If i save your life you can still sue me. Medical advice is what i give to civillians, that is all.


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I dont touch anyone who is not covered under TRICARE, even if they are dying. If i save your life you can still sue me. Medical advice is what i give to civillians, that is all.

That is sad that someone capable of saving life fears litigation over decency


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Is there no greater moral code though? Surely docs and trained medics should have courage of their ability to do the right thing, i would be horrified if a loved one died because the first responder did nothing because of lack of proof of insurance

The Doc

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Is there no greater moral code though? Surely docs and trained medics should have courage of their ability to do the right thing, i would be horrified if a loved one died because the first responder did nothing because of lack of proof of insurance

Its not about ability my friend. You can get shot in the leg for example. I can walk by and see this. I keep a fully stocked Blackhawk Stomp 2 Medical Bag in my trunk at all times. I pull it out, get a Tournakit on your femoral artery clamming it shit, pack your wound with QuikClot and Kerlix, Wrap it up, Get an IV line started on you.. Save your life..have gloves on and everything... and even drive you to the Emergency room. You can still sue the crap out of me if i am not the local EMS service. Eventhough I am the reason you are alive today.


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

I'm going to have to disagree with your assertion that there is no difference between ibuprofen and Celebrex or the other prescription drugs that you listed. Ibuprofen is a non-selective COX inhibitor, while the others you mentioned are COX-2 inhibitors. Which I think you were getting to with your comment about Mobic and stomach problems. By not blocking the COX-1 enzyme, it largely eliminates the possibility of stomach ulcers and the like developing with extended use. I've personally been on relatively high doses of Celebrex in the past for different pain problems, and I did notice a difference in my pain levels as opposed to simply taking high doses of ibuprofen. So, it's not the medical industry trying to make more money off of you, it's an issue where the medical industry is providing a more targeted drug for the specific purpose of anti-inflammation and pain relief without GI side effects due to the COX-1 enzyme being inhibited.

Your assertion that doctors only want to make money is rather disingenuous. An x-ray isn't an unnecessary procedure, it's a responsible one that provides the medical provider the information necessary to make an informed diagnosis. They wouldn't want to diagnose your shoulder pain as simple overuse when you actually had a separation that wasn't obvious through physical examination. It's not about making extra money, it's about providing the proper care. It is professionally irresponsible of you to suggest to people that they can simply fix issues by themselves when there could be a more severe underlying problem. Your suggestions are sound common sense solutions for basic aches and pains; but I wouldn't tell people that it is unnecessary to visit their doctor for pain they may be experiencing. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment for chronic conditions is one of the worst things people can do. I'm certain that people here more than likely exhibit proper common sense when it comes to issues like these, but other people might not... so I would caution you before telling people that they don't need to see their physician for pains they might be experiencing.

No, I'm not a medical professional, but most of my family is, has, or will be in the medical field in some way... so I've been around it for most of my life, have extensive experience taking pain killers due to chronic knee and shoulder problems that I have (not to mention various broken bones), and I worked in a physical therapy clinic as a coder, front office, and a treatment assistant. Just some things I thought I should throw out there, no offense intended.


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Its not about ability my friend. You can get shot in the leg for example. I can walk by and see this. I keep a fully stocked Blackhawk Stomp 2 Medical Bag in my trunk at all times. I pull it out, get a Tournakit on your femoral artery clamming it shit, pack your wound with QuikClot and Kerlix, Wrap it up, Get an IV line started on you.. Save your life..have gloves on and everything... and even drive you to the Emergency room. You can still sue the crap out of me if i am not the local EMS service. Eventhough I am the reason you are alive today.

You should keep a release form in your bag at all times as well, then you wouldn't run into that problem. ;) Hey dude, I can help you out... but I need you to put your name on this form and sign it first. :D


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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Is there no greater moral code though? Surely docs and trained medics should have courage of their ability to do the right thing, i would be horrified if a loved one died because the first responder did nothing because of lack of proof of insurance

Here's the rub on that one... there are certain professions that give you a "duty to assist" mandate depending on your locality. I believe California has a "Good Samaritan" law on the books that largely eliminates the legal ramifications from someone providing emergency medical assistance, but we also have a duty to assist provision where you can be fined, sued, or I believe even have your medical license suspended if it is proven that you did not assist someone in need of emergency medical attention.

It's all a rather convoluted mess. I know that my dad will respond, but won't touch the person unless he gets their verbal consent with someone else around that heard it... or they're unconscious and obviously cannot give consent.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

I too would caution about not getting an x-ray

In many cases I would not myself but I also would not wait a week. And as to always knowing if a bone is broken. My BIL proved me wrong on that one. I would have expected him to be in more pain and not been able to walk on a broken ankle.

And if you do have a broken bone I think you need to get that secured pronto so it does not heal improperly.

Not trying to dis you Doc. I get your point. Many go to the hospital right away for what turns out to be a sprain.

Carry on.

Joe the meek

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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Its not about ability my friend. You can get shot in the leg for example. I can walk by and see this. I keep a fully stocked Blackhawk Stomp 2 Medical Bag in my trunk at all times. I pull it out, get a Tournakit on your femoral artery clamming it shit, pack your wound with QuikClot and Kerlix, Wrap it up, Get an IV line started on you.. Save your life..have gloves on and everything... and even drive you to the Emergency room. You can still sue the crap out of me if i am not the local EMS service. Eventhough I am the reason you are alive today.

Is that true even with the good samaritan laws?

I believe if you have "some" qualifications and utilize what you know to the best of your ability to help someone in need, you may be protected from lawsuits.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Cure for most musculoskeletal injuries(Sprained ankles/wrists to knees and ba

Is that true even with the good samaritan laws?

I believe if you have "some" qualifications and utilize what you know to the best of your ability to help someone in need, you may be protected from lawsuits.

Never assume :p