the big immigration row - ch5

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my big immigration u-turn inspired by the big immigration row - live on ch5 18.02.14

most on this show
were just a teaser
and now i take a self blow
because i find myself agreeing with Luisa.
the extremist were visible
not at all cloudy
the humiliation makes them not invincible
how pathetic was Anjem Choudary.
there was allot of variety
and voices did get graty
i have previously expressed myself about "mouth or mighty"
yet again no betrayal from Katy.
we all have to get realistic
but are the figures reliable
so i am not going to go ballistic
there has been no increase 60's 70's 80's 90's 00's its undeniable.
i think we need to change the debate
bored of immigration
we need to focus on the communicate
the key is integration.
success is all about the "interact"
but will this island always have a divide
i have gone full circle "fact"
with my u-turn i have great pride.

( i done allot of thinking about this issue, and when i look deep into this issue i no that all low paid jobs that no one would want to do is filled by people coming from abroad willing to do a hard days work for what they are entitled to, a fair fare days pay. yes i can see the point some may feel that is one less job for a British person, but they are in the same position to apply for this same job. i now understand from the facts released that the amount of people coming to this country has not gone up or down massively from allot of years back as i make reference above. there for, i now am making a u-turn on all claims made by ukip - far right groups - English defense league etc etc. just love to no what you lot feel on this forum about this debate that was on ch5 last night. would be grateful if a few reply's could rhyme. thanking you. i have tried to get this to ch5 and Luisa as i made reference to both above. and if Luisa wants to go into Big Brother with me or any other recording - i am up for negotiations - i have not yet had a email from Luisa. )
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