The Bengazi fiasco

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Let me get this right

  1. The ambassador and three others are killed
  2. The initial explanation is that it was a protest out of control due to an anti Muslim video
  3. Several days later UN ambassador Rice again refers to the video as being the cause for the disturbance
  4. As time passes and more is know it is determined this was not an out of control protest gone wrong but a planned attack
  5. Obama is outraged that McCain and Graham criticized Rice for her making misleading comments
  6. Obama says Rice was given talking points from the White House
  7. Congress is given video of the scene which clearly indicates is was a terrorist attack
  8. Petraus testified he always considered it a terrorist attack and his talking points were amended

Somebody has a lot of explaining to do
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The Man

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Glad to see this thread AA.
This is one issue that just seemed to fade.
We apologize for a video that wasnt the cause {Clinton}...possibly causing new laws in the future.
We do nothing while the attack is happening.
We delay the fact that it was terrorists as long as possible.

Punked again.
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The Man

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And Clinton {Secretary of state} apologizing

While her position is as such

Under the Constitution, the President of the United States determines U.S. foreign policy. The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.

In other words she took the orders from Obama....Why would she come up with this on her own..and if she did why did the president not correct it.


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Damn. Do you teatards ever stop, lol. Obama won. Get over it.

But do tell - where was all the conservobot outrage when this happened:

Like in 2002 when the US Consulate in the Karachi, Pakistan, was attacked and 10 were killed?

Or in 2004 when the US embassy in Uzbekistan was attacked and two were killed and another nine injured?

How about in 2004, when the US Consulate in Saudi Arabia was stormed and 8 lost their lives?

There is more: In 2006, armed men attacked the US Embassy in Syria and one was murdered.

Then in 2007 a grenade was thrown at the US Embassy in Athens.

In 2008, the US Embassy in Serbia was set on fire.

In 2008, bombings in the US Embassy in Yemen killed 10.

Notice the dates, all before the Obama administration.

Not yet convinced that all the noise over Benghazi has nothing to do with love of countryman? How about the biggest, most catastrophic attack and murder of Americans? As a New Yorker, Sept. 11, 2001, is indelibly imprinted on my psyche and I’m sure on the rest of the country. 3,000 perished in the most brutal act of terror in our recent history—all under a Republican administration. George W. Bush and his team had nine warnings that al-Qaida would attack within the United States, but they did absolutely nothing. No one in that administration’s head rolled for that stunning incompetence.

But Republicans now want President Obama’s head for Benghazi.

Here is an excerpt from the Ninth Public Hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, held Thursday April 8, 2004, where Bush adviser Condoleezza RiceCondoleezza Rice, is being questioned:

MS. RICE: I remember very well that the president was aware that there were issues inside the United States. He talked to people about this. But I don't remember the al Qaeda cells as being something that we were told we needed to do something about.

“MR. BEN-VENISTE: Isn't it a fact, Dr. Rice, that the Aug. 6 PDB warned against possible attacks in this country? And I ask you whether you recall the title of that PDB.

MS. RICE: I believe the title was "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States." Now, the PDB --

MR. BEN-VENISTE: Thank you.

Rice, in uncharacteristic obtuseness, for she is an academically brilliant and accomplished woman, gave the above unbelievable answer. We all now know they knew of imminent danger facing American citizens, but buried their head in the proverbial sand, ostrich style. (Read the official transcript on that hearing here: Thursday, April 8, 2004 - National Commission on Terrorism).

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Like other things that spin out of control it boils down to who knew what when

And the cover up is always worse than just telling the truth

One can rant about the past all they want but this is the present. and it is not going to make it go away I suspect

Don't blame the messenger. I did not make this about politics. I merely started a thread stating facts. Giving a place to follow the events.


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Like other things that spin out of control it boils down to who knew what when

And the cover up is always worse than just telling the truth

One can rant about the past all they want but this is the present. and it is not going to make it go away I suspect

Don't blame the messenger. I did not make this about politics. I merely started a thread stating facts. Giving a place to follow the events.

Awww bullshit Allen. :p Not about politics? Really? :24: It's killing your tired old conservobot ass that Obama won and you, like the GOP, is grasping at straws.

Come on man - how many "cover-up" threads did you start about 9/11?

The Man

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Awww bullshit Allen. :p Not about politics? Really? :24: It's killing your tired old conservobot ass that Obama won and you, like the GOP, is grasping at straws.

Come on man - how many "cover-up" threads did you start about 9/11?

How does one starting a thread about a cover up a conservobot?


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How does one starting a thread about a cover up a conservobot?

Dear gawd........

The Man

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John...thats a rather weak response.
So again...why is someone a conservobot if the expose a coverup?
Does that make Obama a conservobot for exposing the water boarding?...or who ever the hell exposed it...hero or conservobot?


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You are using an extremely poor analogy with torture TM.....and if you remember, our debates on it at TSG painted me as the bleeding heart left wing liberal for denouncing it, with you as the hard core conservative for supporting it and both of us almost banned for our long and drawn out debates on it.
I'm as much against legalizing waterboarding, and exposing it for what it is, torture... today.... as I was at that other forum. should be an issue of morality, not partisan politics.

On the Bengazi issue, I'm hanging back to see what falls out with greater in depth investigative reports.....I suspect the typical cluster fuck that all past Presidents have experienced at one time or another, but that wouldn't excuse it.

Minor Axis

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Like other things that spin out of control it boils down to who knew what when

And the cover up is always worse than just telling the truth

One can rant about the past all they want but this is the present. and it is not going to make it go away I suspect

Don't blame the messenger. I did not make this about politics. I merely started a thread stating facts. Giving a place to follow the events.

If this scandal was created by people who were genuinely concerned with the welfare of our diplomats instead of being another partisan fishing trip, I'd look upon it more kindly. There were classified elements of what happened, and you might just have to excuse the US Ambassador to the United Nations if she was unaware or refused to blurt classified information all over the airways when she made her statement. It is obvious that our intelligence community knew what had taken place soon after it happened. I seem to recall that there was a previous request for security funding for US Embassies that was turned down by Congress.

Joe the meek

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So again...why is someone a conservobot if the expose a coverup?

I may be wrong, but I believe Johns point is that multiple times in our countries history there have been deaths overseas that may smell of a cover up IF someone dug into our governments actions or lack of actions. However, it seems this incident is being investigated "harder" than many of the other past incidents under previous presidents.

I didn't vote for Obama, and I don't think he's that great of a president.

That said, the fact is, what happened in Bengazi was tragic. Do I think that the US may not of been prepared for it as well as they should of been? Yes. However, hindsight is a perfect science.

People tend to forget that it was the butthole in the US expressing his freedom of speech who decided to go making a film about Islam, with undoubtedly the intent to stir up a hornets nest (which he did, and is now in jail due to a probation violation I believe) that started this ruckus.

Some guys with some large than normal firepower decided to take advantage of the situation, and they did.


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I may be wrong, but I believe Johns point is that multiple times in our countries history there have been deaths overseas that may smell of a cover up IF someone dug into our governments actions or lack of actions. However, it seems this incident is being investigated "harder" than many of the other past incidents under previous presidents.

I didn't vote for Obama, and I don't think he's that great of a president.

That said, the fact is, what happened in Bengazi was tragic. Do I think that the US may not of been prepared for it as well as they should of been? Yes. However, hindsight is a perfect science.

People tend to forget that it was the butthole in the US expressing his freedom of speech who decided to go making a film about Islam, with undoubtedly the intent to stir up a hornets nest (which he did, and is now in jail due to a probation violation I believe) that started this ruckus.

Some guys with some large than normal firepower decided to take advantage of the situation, and they did.

Thanks Joe. TM needs help with his reading comprehension, lol.


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People tend to forget that it was the butthole in the US expressing his freedom of speech who decided to go making a film about Islam, with undoubtedly the intent to stir up a hornets nest (which he did, and is now in jail due to a probation violation I believe) that started this ruckus.
You really buy that? So the timing, coordination, and amount of arms suddenly produced are all coincidental?

The Man

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You are using an extremely poor analogy with torture TM.....and if you remember, our debates on it at TSG painted me as the bleeding heart left wing liberal for denouncing it, with you as the hard core conservative for supporting it and both of us almost banned for our long and drawn out debates on it.
I'm as much against legalizing waterboarding, and exposing it for what it is, torture... today.... as I was at that other forum. should be an issue of morality, not partisan politics.

On the Bengazi issue, I'm hanging back to see what falls out with greater in depth investigative reports.....I suspect the typical cluster fuck that all past Presidents have experienced at one time or another, but that wouldn't excuse it.

I was just tossing something out there that everyone could agree on and it took time for the truth to emerge.{the waterboarding}
Goes back to Johns conservobot statement ...With his logic they would be conservobots as well {those who exposed it}