Teachers having sex with students

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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So I am riding around doing stuff this morning and the guys on the radio were talking about another female teacher that had sex with a student.

I have a son and two daughters.

Now if this was a guy and it involved my daughters it would have sent me over the top.

But this was a nice looking woman. So if it was my son I would have given him a high five and then told him what a dumb ass he was for being caught and oh by the way how about some for the old man :D

I doubt on the male side there are many that disagree with me. So we have a double standard it would appear. Also when these women get caught they do not get nearly the jail time.

anyway I am severely jealous. I would have jumped at the chance if a teach that look like this went after me.
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DT3's Twinkie
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I think the punishment should be the same.

As far as I'm concerned the teacher student relationship should be as sacred as a Doctor/Patient ot Therapist/Patient relationship.

I know we all joke about how we wish we could have tapped some of our teachers, but I think in th elong run, it can be damaging to a students pshyche.

And adult shold have more self control than that.

Just my opinion


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that lucky kid, i always wanted my English teacher over her desk but alas it would never happen :(

If my kid id be so proud! lol

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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don't get me wrong.

I agree the teachers should not be doing that.

But there are not many guys at that age that would turn it down.

Hope she enjoyed it because it will not be worth the penalty paid.


DT3's Twinkie
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I think it goes past the sexual issue, it's about adults having more self control, her job is to encourage intellect, discipline and mold a mind for the future.


Active Member
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I think the punishment should be the same.

As far as I'm concerned the teacher student relationship should be as sacred as a Doctor/Patient ot Therapist/Patient relationship.

I know we all joke about how we wish we could have tapped some of our teachers, but I think in th elong run, it can be damaging to a students pshyche.

And adult shold have more self control than that.

Just my opinion
Yeah, I'd agree with you on this.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I think it goes past the sexual issue, it's about adults having more self control, her job is to encourage intellect, discipline and mold a mind for the future.

well I would have like to have myself molded by her :24:

I get your point and not arguing that.

the odd part is most of these female teachers are pretty good looking.


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how old was the student tho? if he was in the last yr of school he wouls be 18.. so had he left the shool already it wouldnt be a problem.. i dont get the big deal.. as long as there is not bumpin his grades up and what not.. each to their own...

(that all depends on his age of course)


DT3's Twinkie
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It's a perfectly natural phychological dynamic, to have an attraction to those who mentor us, but that's why we need to cherish that relationship and not make it somethig it isn't.

I owe an awful lot to all of my teachers and mentors over the years, had that ever crossed the line, I might not have been in the position I am in now, and I respect and take seriously the mentoring I do now.

There has to be a line, and the mentor is supposed to bethe one mature enough and capable of drawing that line.


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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It doesn't matter the age to me. It doesn't matter the sex of the teacher to me. To have that student/mentor relationship cross the line is damaging to the psyche whether they figure that out right away or decades later. There is a violation there and it's not right in any circumstance.

I know my girlfriends and I joked about how hot our lacrosse coaches were, but if any of them had actually made an advance at me I would have been totally horrified.


Well-Known Member
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I think the punishment should be the same.

As far as I'm concerned the teacher student relationship should be as sacred as a Doctor/Patient ot Therapist/Patient relationship.

I know we all joke about how we wish we could have tapped some of our teachers, but I think in th elong run, it can be damaging to a students pshyche.

And adult shold have more self control than that.

Just my opinion


My parents are both retired teachers and one of their colleagues was caught after he'd had a two year relationship with a student. She was 15 when it came out meaning it began when she was 13...and there were others. All of whom were quite traumatized by the whole experience. These were all girls that came from troubled homes and it was if he preyed on that weakness and desire to be loved. He was found out because he became obsessed with the one that got him caught. He died in prison, btw.

That said, I think the punishment should be the same whether they are male or female. That aside, there are really great teachers out there who work very hard to mentor their students and when things like this happen, it makes it very difficult for them. It gives them all a bad name and makes them all suspect.


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Few things...

1. When it comes to gender, males are perceived to be the ones in control. Popular logic is that women don't (in general) coerce men into having sex. It's always the other way around. So the male is always the bad guy.

2. And I think most would agree that in a teacher/student relationship, it's the teacher with the control. Popular logic is that the teacher is coercing the student into sex. And many will often assume the teacher used their influence/power over the student in manipulating them into having sex. The teach is the bad guy.

3. When it comes to age, there is a total double standard.
Younger male v. Older female:
Male - MILF hunter. Female - Cougar.

Older male v. Younger female:
Male - dirty old man. Female - gold digger.

Given the above in this scenario we have the older female with the younger male scenario.
Male is in control. Male is MILF hunter. Female is Cougar. Minus the teacher/student negativity and we are left with what many perceive as still a positive experience.

Reverse genders:
Male is in control (manipulating female). Male is older (dirty old man). Female is younger (not necessarily a gold digger, but certainly a victim). Plus the teacher/student dynamic. All signs point to defenseless female being victimized by an older man who has power over her.

Ain't life grand?

Goat Whisperer

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I think the punishment should be the same.

As far as I'm concerned the teacher student relationship should be as sacred as a Doctor/Patient ot Therapist/Patient relationship.

I know we all joke about how we wish we could have tapped some of our teachers, but I think in th elong run, it can be damaging to a students pshyche.

And adult shold have more self control than that.

Just my opinion

Well, I dunno. Must of the time the guys will consent to the sex and most of the girls won't. It is still circumstantial rape, but it should never get as much time as rape rape.


New Member
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I think the punishment should be the same.

As far as I'm concerned the teacher student relationship should be as sacred as a Doctor/Patient ot Therapist/Patient relationship.

I know we all joke about how we wish we could have tapped some of our teachers, but I think in th elong run, it can be damaging to a students pshyche.

And adult shold have more self control than that.

Just my opinion

I totally agree. As someone going into teaching, I hold my relationships with my future students high, and see myself as a role model to them for at least as long as they are in my class. The best teachers are the ones students remember for the positive impact they had on their lives, not the damaging effects something like this will have.

Now, as you state, I am sure most, if not all of us, have had a teacher that we would have def. liked to have hit the sac with, but the teacher as an adult should have enough self control to never let that happen.

Tyler Durden

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So I am riding around doing stuff this morning and the guys on the radio were talking about another female teacher that had sex with a student.

I have a son and two daughters.

Now if this was a guy and it involved my daughters it would have sent me over the top.

But this was a nice looking woman. So if it was my son I would have given him a high five and then told him what a dumb ass he was for being caught and oh by the way how about some for the old man :D

I doubt on the male side there are many that disagree with me. So we have a double standard it would appear. Also when these women get caught they do not get nearly the jail time.

anyway I am severely jealous. I would have jumped at the chance if a teach that look like this went after me.

I have two daughters and would feel the same way if I had a son. I'd feel "hey, good luck" to him, but "woh, call the cops" for my daughters.

Double standards I know. I don't apologise for them!

Put's me in mind of the, never to be trusted, Ike Turner and a story he once told. He was being interviewed and the female interviewer got him on the subject of how he lost his virginity. He said it was at some pretty early age by this older woman that he worked for. She basically flat out seduced the guy. Because of his age, the interviewer leant forward and in a very serious tone said "nowadays they call that abuse" and ol' Ike in his southern drawl replied "yep....but back then we just called it fun"

Peter Parka

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I think its an abuse of trust either way. If the student is of a certain age though and its consential, it's not rape and not nearly as bad. Teachers still shouldnt be having sex with their pupils though, whatever the situation and should be disciplines and struck off if they do, not in a criminal court though if it isn't rape or under age sex. I see things should be equal whatever the sex of the pupil but I guess its just that Dads tend to be very protective about their daughters.