Tea Party under attack

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Having way too much fun
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You realize that the "Tea Party" isn't a political party, right? As much as everyone longs to build a box to put all these people in and generalize about, "it" isn't the correct pronoun so much as "them".

Wouldn't it be great (and completely impossible) if We the People completely rejected party politics and started vetting individual politicians?

It isn't???

Where you aware that they took over the Maine GOP? Did you happen to read the Maine GOP platform?

You can rad it here

Did you read the part where they want to oppose treaties such as the UN Treaty on Rights of the Child.
I guess they are looking to bring back child labor, or feel the need to apply capital punishment to kids... Hell, I don't know.

If this doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.
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I don't know why you do this shit on purpose other than a Kelvinesque joy of stirring shit. Do you honestly think any American would oppose the treaty because they don't think children deserve rights? Did it not once cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, they don't believe they need the UN for such things? Maybe, and this is a stretch for you I'm sure, maybe we can take care of our own kids without a dictate from outside our sovereign nation.

Conversations with you can be stimulating when you're not trying to look so stupid.


Having way too much fun
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I don't know why you do this shit on purpose other than a Kelvinesque joy of stirring shit. Do you honestly think any American would oppose the treaty because they don't think children deserve rights? Did it not once cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, they don't believe they need the UN for such things? Maybe, and this is a stretch for you I'm sure, maybe we can take care of our own kids without a dictate from outside our sovereign nation.

Conversations with you can be stimulating when you're not trying to look so stupid.

Their entire fucking platform is 4 pages yet they choose to make it a point to oppose this treaty by name. You actually believe it was a general statement opposing the UN?
You need to wake the fuck up. I didn't mention it to stir the pot, I brought it up because it stood out like a neon sign.
If you choose to look past such glaring signs of crazy, that's your prerogative.


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Did you read the part where they want to oppose treaties such as the UN Treaty on Rights of the Child.
I guess they are looking to bring back child labor, or feel the need to apply capital punishment to kids... Hell, I don't know.
Yeh, I see how they hid the reasoning is such arcane and confusing language:

h. Oppose any and all treaties with the UN or any other organization or country which surrenders US sovereignty. Specifically:
i. Reject the UN Treaty on Rights of the Child.
ii. Reject “LOST” the Law Of The Sea Treaty.
iii. Reject any agreement which seeks to confiscate our firearms.


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Their entire fucking platform is 4 pages yet they choose to make it a point to oppose this treaty by name. You actually believe it was a general statement opposing the UN?
You need to wake the fuck up. I didn't mention it to stir the pot, I brought it up because it stood out like a neon sign.
If you choose to look past such glaring signs of crazy, that's your prerogative.
It's becoming difficult to look past YOUR glaring signs of crazy.


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*bangs head at the "Tea Party* being corrupted by sold-out politicians*

*does a little dance that Ron Paul's (the freaking Originator of the Tea Party) son Rand won his Primary against a NeoCon.....*

I have come to the conclusion (for my sanity) that there are now two Tea Parties. The original (Good) and the one Sarah Palin jumped on (Bad)....

There. I feel better. Go Rand!

As soon as all of us start voting only for politicians that put We The People as their first, second & third priority things will change. Until then, same sold out shit, different day.

That leaves 90+% out. Bye Arlen. Obviously some people are indeed keeping track of just who gives you money. Yay!


Having way too much fun
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*bangs head at the "Tea Party* being corrupted by sold-out politicians*

*does a little dance that Ron Paul's (the freaking Originator of the Tea Party) son Rand won his Primary against a NeoCon.....*

I have come to the conclusion (for my sanity) that there are now two Tea Parties. The original (Good) and the one Sarah Palin jumped on (Bad)....

There. I feel better. Go Rand!

As soon as all of us start voting only for politicians that put We The People as their first, second & third priority things will change. Until then, same sold out shit, different day.

That leaves 90+% out. Bye Arlen. Obviously some people are indeed keeping track of just who gives you money. Yay!

Be careful who you put your support behind. It isn't always we the people that these people are looking out for. Rand Paul sold out to the Tea Party and then jumped right back on the GOP band wagon once he won the nod. He was anti republican until McConnell had a little talk with him. I guess it was pointed out that he step back in line or money and power would be withheld.
And I'm not sure I understand his objection to the Americans with disabilities act where he wants to repeal it.
Rand Paul is not his father, nor does he stand for the same things. It would be in your best interest to take some time and learn about him... I did


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Yet of all the treaties out there, they felt the need to cite this one...
They also invoked the names Tea Party and Ron Paul. Obviously that local republican party didn't think their ideas carried enough weight on their own and they needed to stir emotions. The platform is pretty much down-the-line hard right Republican (big R).


Having way too much fun
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* Creeping Tentherism: The platform directs "the State of Maine to join with other states in asserting our 10th amendment sovereignty rights which protect us from unconstitutional government intrusions." Which is a fancy way of saying "people should not have health care."
* Mandates a "Read The Bill" Act: The platform authors say this will "restore clarity," as well as "eliminate the corruption associated with side issues, earmarks, pork or riders." Mind you, they don't want to eliminate the "side issues, earmarks, pork or riders," just the "corruption" associated with it. (Which presumably disappears by reading bills!) Hey, even a Tea Party activist has got to get paid by special interests!
* No Fairness Doctrine: Like President Obama, the Tea Partiers are against bringing back the Fairness Doctrine. But they are against it the hardest!
* No EFCA: Or, as they put it, no Employee Free Choice Elimination Act, or EFCEA, pronounced "eff-KEY-ya." This is a fancy way of saying, "Let's not have unions, or fair workplaces."
* ACORN, yargh!!: The Maine Tea Partiers are very concerned that poor people might organize and vote for things, so they will destroy ACORN or anything like it! "Prohibit any public funding of advocacy groups such as ACORN, no matter what it or its affiliate organizations rename themselves. Also, they want to scrap the "motor voter" initiative, which allows people to register to vote at the DMV, because that's way too convenient.
* No more treaties with the foreigns!: The platform calls for the rejection of the "UN Treaty on Rights of the Child" and the "Law Of The Sea Treaty," which makes some sense, seeing that our territorial waters are slowly becoming our "Strategic Petroleum Reserve."
* Roll up the illegals: The platform calls for arresting and detaining illegal immigrants "for a specified period of time" before deporting them. No indication on what they will do with these undocumented immigrants during that "specified period of time."
* Super Christianism: The platform seeks to "Reassert the principle that 'Freedom of Religion' does not mean 'Freedom from religion." Which means Mainers had better like religion, because they'll be getting a buttload of it.
* Bailout for heterosexual marriage "Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman." Some forms of big government intrusion into the personal lives of citizens are okay.
* No idea what this means at all! "Return to the principles of Austrian economics." Basically, worshipping Ludwig von Mises and/or Leontopodium alpinum.
* Let Ron Paul destroy the Federal Reserve: With torches!
* Defeat cap and trade and climate change scientists: With whatever torches are left over from that time Ron Paul destroyed the Federal Reserve.
* Healthcare is not a right: "As a compassionate society we will aid those in need." For example, Maine has many beautiful woodlands in which you can crawl off to and die, here's a Google Map, go Galt, sickie!
* And of course...: Eliminate the Department of Education, one world government, and "Dirigo" -- which either means the Maine state motto or the Maine state healthcare system.
Yup, the inmates are now running the asylum.


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Nice non-attribution there. What you've quoted is huffington post's latest panicked attempt to discredit the term "Tea Party".

Throw it on the pile. If Jason Linkins (nice name; spose he's ashamed to reveal his real one?) believed one word he writes, this would be a non-story. They'd ignore it and let it fade into oblivion.

The Republicrats alternate between ridicule and claiming the ideas were theirs all along. Yes, the inmates are running the asylum. Let's vote them out and replace them with people who truly value the ideals and principles that the United States was built on.


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Be careful who you put your support behind. It isn't always we the people that these people are looking out for. Rand Paul sold out to the Tea Party and then jumped right back on the GOP band wagon once he won the nod. He was anti republican until McConnell had a little talk with him. I guess it was pointed out that he step back in line or money and power would be withheld.
And I'm not sure I understand his objection to the Americans with disabilities act where he wants to repeal it.
Rand Paul is not his father, nor does he stand for the same things. It would be in your best interest to take some time and learn about him... I did

Honestly, I haven't checked into him. I just know he's Ron's son and did indeed defeat a big $ neocon. But, I do agree wholeheartedly that even the most earnest politician will be corrupted upon entry into 'TheClub'.

Heck, even Ron Paul said it on his campaign trail. He could not guarantee he wouldn't be assimilated once elected. The ONLY politician I have heard say that publicly.

One could say that about Barack. Once he got into office he did a 180 on everything he said he'd do. You'll do what we tell you to do or else.

Once one understands that, the real question is what will it take to rip the grip off of our politicians. Or perhaps a better question is just exactly Whom has that iron-clap grip on our politicians?

Hey, at least some of us realize our politicians are not our own. Can't say that for most of the population. Tho, perhaps I'm wrong? The shittier things get, the more apparent it is to people that they are NOT listening to us. That in itself is a good thing. :nod:
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Having way too much fun
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Remove the money and you go a long way to removing the corruption.

Minor Axis

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They won 1 primary (I think). Lets see if they can win an election. I'm not an expert on the Tea Party, but the movement seems unrealistic in what their expectations are, appealing to bigots, inadvertently, overtly, I don't know. Not saying they are all bigots, some are just not my type of people.


And again, this picture needs to be revisited: Cut Taxes Not Defense? Who is in La-la land? Our Military costs more than the next 10 countries combined.






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*thinks all the way back to Ron's campaign and the principles of the Tea Party*

Abolish the IRS and go to a Fair Tax
Abolish the Federal Reserve and go back to the Gold Standard
Pull all our Troops home
Quit sending Billions in defense monies to other nations
Repeal the Patriot Act
Go back to State's Rights on Abortion.
Stop the Drug War
Go back to the Bill of Rights
Go back to the Constitution
Viewing both as sound documents, not antiquated toilet paper.
Securing our borders in an intelligent way
Doing away w/corporate lobbying
Abolishing the Electoral College

There are more I'm sure, but I'm only on half a cup of coffee......

There was never racism in Ron's Platform. Never. If I remember correctly, a few of Ron's opponents tried to hint at that. Along w/him being a kook and a coward.

Now, if people that embrace the above traits in a candidate happen to be racist, how is that Ron's problem? When is any candidate the sum of their followers?

If you agree w/the listing above, you too are an Original Tea Party person.:nod:

Now I'm done :horse:horse:horse:horse

*perhaps people are indeed waking up? From CNN's front page:

Will you be voting against incumbents in November?

This is not a scientific poll

Yes 67%


Total votes: 46533
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Minor Axis

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I'm not accusing the Tea Party movement of being totally corrupt. I'm saying it attracts the wrong people if you are trying to get something good accomplished.