Bill Maher is an idiot who has an agenda of hatred that he masks with his "comedy".
This claim of "hate" is commonly used by conservatives when you belittle something near and dear to them, you know, like big business or war profiteering. What is his agenda besides lashing at (who I consider are) the idiots? Glen Beck was mentioned. I would propose that Bill Maher does not make up shit like Glen Beck and Fox News does.
He rails against what he sees as the sinking of America and yes he masks it in derogatory comedy, but who exactly does he hate? Does he hate Palin and Christine O'Donnel or just make fun of them for being idiots? Feel free to look at either of the videos I posted or find one of your own that illustrates his hate. He's against big business taking advantage of working people, lobbyists running government, making war big business, is against greed especially when it hurts the country, is for womens rights and is against racial and religious prejudice although (I believe) he is an atheist. He's a really bad guy.
Let's talk about the Tea Party- who do they hate?
Just another attempt to marginalize what is truly a grass roots effort
What exactly does the Tea Party stand for?
1) Fiscal Responsibility (do we need armed forces bigger than the next 20 countries combined, just one of many fiscal issues or is it ok to spend spend spend on defense?)
2) Cut my taxes (and lets not talk about what we want from taxes)?
3) A return to the good old days (then lets talk about what aspects of the good old days are yearned for).
4) Taking our country back (from who? Whose country is this?)
5) Fairness in the work place?
6) Against/for corporate greed?