Tea Party Movement a Front for Big Oil?

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Tea Party in the U.S. Musings:
"That this was never a movement about taxes or the deficit. It was always a movement about ignorance."
- Bill Maher refering to the U.S. based Tea Party.

I don't think you should quote Bill Maher for anything!

I think it's unfair to tar all Tea Party supporters as being ignorant. They do have genuine gripes and genuine concerns.
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Minor Axis

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I don't think you should quote Bill Maher for anything!

I think it's unfair to tar all Tea Party supporters as being ignorant. They do have genuine gripes and genuine concerns.

I love Bill. Name a statement he has made you take issue with...

And while all Tea Party supporters are not ignorant, there is an abundance to make up for the informed ones. Exhibit #1: Christine O'Donnell.

Exhibit#2: tea-party-racist-signs-07-white-slavery.jpg


Exhibit#4: monkeyspend.jpg

I can keep going but I won't.
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I love Bill. Name a statement he has made you take issue with...

He was asked: "if you could ask Bush any question, and he had to answer under oath, what would it be"

Bill Maher: "I'd ask.... *thoughtful pause* what were you thinking during those few minutes after you found out about the attacks on 9/11 and just sat there *smug look on face*"

Interviewer: "*shaking head* really? that's what you'd ask"

Bill Maher: "yes, that's what I'd ask"

Interviewer: "out of everything? you could ask about the real reason for the Iraq invasion, about what they knew about 9/11 beforehand, and that's what you'd ask?"

Bill Maher, realising he's not half as clever as he thinks he is, but still carries on: "yes, that's what I'd ask."


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you know you'd make an awesome anarchist. Come over to the dark side, we've got cookies ;)
i don think this is off topic, seems to me the gist is how uneducated the electorate can be

case in point

we just had civic election in Ontario, we voted for a mayo, for our local councillor and also our local school board trustee. The winner of one of the races for school board trustee, won without trying. He registered as a candidate, did zero canvassing, did not participate in any of the debates, no lawn signs , nothing - the reason? His name, he has the same name as a guy well known in the region, who has not been involved in local politics since 2006 - the voters saw the name recognised it and blindly voted, so this particular school board has a guy on it now with no experience - needless to say the defeated incumbent is spitting feathers

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Just another attempt to marginalize what is truly a grass roots effort

Never heard of these guys

If they help with promoting it then good for them

We need some fiscal sanity and you are not getting it from anybody currently in office at all levels

Minor Axis

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Bill Maher is an idiot who has an agenda of hatred that he masks with his "comedy".

This claim of "hate" is commonly used by conservatives when you belittle something near and dear to them, you know, like big business or war profiteering. What is his agenda besides lashing at (who I consider are) the idiots? Glen Beck was mentioned. I would propose that Bill Maher does not make up shit like Glen Beck and Fox News does.

He rails against what he sees as the sinking of America and yes he masks it in derogatory comedy, but who exactly does he hate? Does he hate Palin and Christine O'Donnel or just make fun of them for being idiots? Feel free to look at either of the videos I posted or find one of your own that illustrates his hate. He's against big business taking advantage of working people, lobbyists running government, making war big business, is against greed especially when it hurts the country, is for womens rights and is against racial and religious prejudice although (I believe) he is an atheist. He's a really bad guy.

Let's talk about the Tea Party- who do they hate? :)

Just another attempt to marginalize what is truly a grass roots effort

What exactly does the Tea Party stand for?
1) Fiscal Responsibility (do we need armed forces bigger than the next 20 countries combined, just one of many fiscal issues or is it ok to spend spend spend on defense?)
2) Cut my taxes (and lets not talk about what we want from taxes)?
3) A return to the good old days (then lets talk about what aspects of the good old days are yearned for).
4) Taking our country back (from who? Whose country is this?)
5) Fairness in the work place?
6) Against/for corporate greed?
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This claim of "hate" is commonly used by conservatives when you belittle something near and dear to them, you know, like big business or war profiteering. What is his agenda besides lashing at (who I consider are) the idiots? Glen Beck was mentioned. I would propose that Bill Maher does not make up shit like Glen Beck and Fox News does.

He rails against what he sees as the sinking of America and yes he masks it in derogatory comedy, but who exactly does he hate? Does he hate Palin and Christine O'Donnel or just make fun of them for being idiots? Feel free to look at either of the videos I posted or find one of your own that illustrates his hate.
You've got to be kidding. Surely you're not that blind. The guy is cancerous with hate. It's fine if you agree with him, but don't be his apologist.


In Memoriam - RIP
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They all know who signs their paychecks and they act accordingly. Left & Right.

George Carlin got it right. The Owners have elections & pundits so we have the illusion of having a say but the course remains the same. Left or Right. The proof is all around us.

Outside of George, I have yet to hear any of them speak real truth. Left or Right. They know the taboo subjects and avoid them like the 'you'll be terminated' plague that they are.

On that note, I'm off to slave for our Owners for some more Pennies while they profit in the Billions.

Minor Axis

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Or .... OR ... maybe liberals have to take the opposite side of conservatives - who want to conserve - and your conservatives want to conserve, hell I don't know, government power (?), and ours want to conserve personal liberty.

OR idea.png ... maybe our liberals want to be liberal with favors to their union contributors, and our conservatives want to conserve their flow of contributions from Wall Street.

Conservatives are adverse to change and typically want to preserve/conserve what they consider to be their advantages in society. Regarding advantages, you can use this to describe all people who are looking for support that advances their individual causes and values

You've got to be kidding. Surely you're not that blind. The guy is cancerous with hate. It's fine if you agree with him, but don't be his apologist.

After looking up the definition, I decided you and Kyle are right although I admit this is not what I think of when I think of hate:

Hate: to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate bigotry.
No Accountable I don't need to make excuses for Bill Maher. I do agree with most of his criticisms focused on conservatives. What are the grounds for dismissal of the thoughts of passionate people? Based on the above definition, something more must be said then the word "hate" as a valid criticism.

I suggest Kyle used it as a means of accusing him of being blind/irratrional with hate. Can appropriate logical feelings result in feelings of intense dislike? Look at the conservative movement. It reeks of hate. Whether it is logical, justified, or blind hate is up to the standards of the evaluator.

On that note, I'm off to slave for our Owners for some more Pennies while they profit in the Billions.

Lol. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Just another attempt to marginalize what is truly a grass roots effort

Never heard of these guys

If they help with promoting it then good for them

We need some fiscal sanity and you are not getting it from anybody currently in office at all levels

It might have been grassroots at one point, but the point is it's not anymore - the movement is now bought and paid for by a giant oil corporation. Therefore it's NOT a grassroots movement anymore, it's a movement for big business.


Having way too much fun
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They all know who signs their paychecks and they act accordingly. Left & Right.

George Carlin got it right. The Owners have elections & pundits so we have the illusion of having a say but the course remains the same. Left or Right. The proof is all around us.

Outside of George, I have yet to hear any of them speak real truth. Left or Right. They know the taboo subjects and avoid them like the 'you'll be terminated' plague that they are.

On that note, I'm off to slave for our Owners for some more Pennies while they profit in the Billions.

Listen to the Thom Hartmann show on Fridays. Every Friday he has an hour of his show dedicated to "Brunch with Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders joins Thom on his show talking politics. They take many calls and answer the questions of the day.
You will not find a more honest politician, you will like him.

If you go to Thom Hartmann's website, you can listen for free.