Sylvia Browne: Life On The Other Side

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Minor Axis

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Anyone read this? I'm only 2 chapters in, but this very very interesting. The author is a psychic, she has had a spirit guide since she was a young, she was a theology major in college and claims to have studied every religion in the world including the 26 versions of the Bible. She claims through regression hypnosis, she accidentally stumbled into past lives of subjects, some back as far as the pyramids. That reincarnation is a fact, but it is chosen by spirits. She strongly believes in God, but all most everything else, in religion is man's meddling and attempts to exert control over fellow man. Most interesting, apparently she has a spirit guide that likes to blab about the other side. If you are open minded, it's a pretty incredible read, but I acknowledge it all boils down to do you believe her...

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Minor Axis

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I believe in the concept of reincarnation.

If you think there all souls, it makes more sense than a continual procession of souls who get one chance, one life to get it right.

Ugh, I hate Sylvia Browne. I don' think I've heard a single "prediction" of her's actually being right.

I'm not really focused on her predictions, however, if she is making them and they are wrong, then I'd say it reduces here credibility across the board.

Thanks! A friend gave me the Sylvia Browne book plus Ghosts Among Us by James Van Praagh. I used to catch his show on occasion. Was it "Beyond"?

My beloved used to love Sylvia when she was a regular on the Montel Williams show. Wasn't that back in the '90s?

Yes I believe so. While I find this book, should I say "compelling"(?), when I do an online search regarding Sylvia Browne there are pages of links about her being a fraud. I'm not sure what to make of that...
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Minor Axis

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For anyone into this stuff, if you are not afeared of stepping forward, I'm trying to figure out how the following issues are supposed to work (not just debate if it's possible or impossible:

On page 98 of Life On the Other Side the author mentions that the Otherside is all most an exact replica of Earth but lots nicer, no bugs and no predator animals, and the weather is wonderful all the time! It includes two of the lost continents Atlantis, and Lemuria. Out of curiosity I googled the later and got this: Lemuria.

however, the concept of Lemuria has been rendered obsolete by modern theories of plate tectonics.

Not that Lemuria could not exist in heaven, but that's looking like a strike against her.

I'm seeing what appears to be more cracks in Ms. Browne's armor, or maybe I'm just not understanding. The premise is that soul's volunteer to come to this Earth to overcome an obstacle or improve one's self in some manner. And during this process they create a chart and actually designate how long they want to be here. At first I assumed there had to be chance factors that could cut the experiment off early, but if there isn't, I'm having a problem with a premise that basically we live in a giant reality simulator that makes it looks like events are random, or of our choosing, but can be slewed to produce specific results like an individual dieing in a certain time frame, maybe even a tight time frame.

I've not hit this in the book yet, but we all know how people are significantly effected by genetics, even share behavior tendencies with their parents. So if a soul starts off in one way and is introduced into a body that alters it's behavior, why would that person appear to be the same person when you see them on the other side? I understand the idea of appearing as a "familiarity" projection, but would you recognize this person's personality on the other side? Remember this is supposed to be their true self, not Earth altered self. So how exactly should they look?

Minor Axis

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Personally for me one of the best books on this subject is We Don't Die - George Anderson's Conversations with the Other Side.

I read it as a teen and it blew my mind. :thumbup

I will have to check this out.

Regarding Life On The Other Side, I've tried to look at this book with an open mind however, after finishing it, I'll tell you that this book is either a REVELATION, or it's the product of a vivid imagination, or it's the product of a manipulative huckster cashing in on people's desire to pin down the here-after.

I've always felt that if there is a point or purpose to our lives, it is to overcome obstacles, to learn lessons and to improve ourselves. So this aspect of Ms Browne's story is very appealing. However, I've read several authors who have created incredible worlds from their imagination. Her version of Heaven is very attractive, and it has just as much validity as what we read in official Holy books or any faith based dogma. But the bottom line, I'm open minded but not ready to take the plunge! :D

That said, Ms Browne claims she grew up psychic, that it runs in her family and that she received much support from her psychic Grandmother growing up. Her statements are supposedly backed up by decades of regressive hypnosis research taking people back before their births into this reincarnation, information received directly from her Spirit Guide, her near death experience, and astral trips she has personally taken to the other side.

Tidbits from her book for your entertainment:
God is made up of two halves, a male side and a female side called Azna which together make up the Godhead.
HeavenThe place we know as heaven, looks like an almost duplicate of Earth, without human development, with perfect weather 78° year around, without insects or predatory animals of any kind. We as spirits exist in this magnificent paradise for eternity. We all revel in learning, arts, and other stimulations of the mind, while trying to make ourselves better Spirits.
Appearance In spirit form we look like humans and appear to have a human physiology despite not needing to have a digestive track or the need to sexually reproduce. When the spirit guide was asked by Ms Browne why is this? The answer was "this is what God wants".
Physics in Heaven is completely different than within what we know as the Universe functioning as a different dimension.
Thought Projection As spirits we create things like spaces (homes) to live in by using "thought projection". Because Physics are different and the creative process is on a different plain, these creations basically exist in their own space and can be accessed from anywhere instantaneously. However you can live anywhere you want, on the beach or up in the mountains, and can have any size dwelling you desire from a modest bungalow to a massive castle. Sprits can travel instantly by thinking about it.
The Earth Sim That the Earth you and I know functions as large simulator that allows us as spirits to improve ourselves without direct knowledge of the here-after and to work through obstacles and learn lessons.
Building in Heaven includes impressive structures like the pyramids and the Rome Collesum. Spirits created these things and they are appreciated for their beauty. Humans on Earth have recreated some of these structures based on their subconscious memories of the Other Side.

Using The Simulator:
One of the ways spirits improve themselves is by making a run through the Earth Simulator.
*We chart this visit with primary themes, and secondary themes, basically a course with obstacles that include a series of "out" points, points to exit the simulation.
*A committee reviews this plan and approves it or makes suggestions if you are digging too deep a hole for yourself.
*All humans have a Spirit Guide that they choose, a confidant to look over them and help them. However SGs can't read your mind unless you give them permission to read your thoughts and hear your prayers, which usually go direct to God.
*All of the humans we run into on this Earth are other spirits like ourselves who are running through the simulator.
*Direct knowledge of the Other Side is limited because if we all knew with certainty, this was just a simulator, and in the end we were all headed back to the good place, some percentage of us would not work very hard to make a success of this incarnation.
*Upon death, we see a tunnel and a white light at the end, frequently with a loved one waiting on the other end. This tunnel if chock full of good feelings, a warm and fuzzy returning home feeling.
*When we get back we are greeted by a group of our friends/loved ones. We are given the opportunity to review our lives and we are the judges of how well we succeeded dealing with the challenges we mapped out for ourselves prior to leaving.
*Depending on how traumatic our return is we may need extra counseling and therapy to reorient to the Other Side.

Misc Points
* Spirit Appearance - You have a real appearance that is recognized by other spirits, but you can take on different appearances. On the Other Side you are recognized by whatever appearance you assume. For humans on Earth, the spirit can assume the form of one of their incarnations so the human they are interacting with can recognize them.
* Suicide - With some exceptions like severe trauma or mental disease, suicide is a big negative and earns you a trip right back to the uterus. In addition very bad people, like mass murderers also get shot straight back to Earth.
*No Hell However there are those who choose to turn away from God and be evil. These spirits are constantly be recycled through earth. No heavenly break for them.
*Sex- No sex. No need to procreate. However there is "merging". I picture it as the scene from the movie Cocoon where the Earthling has the equivalent of sex with the female alien.
*Soul Mates-Everyone has a soul mate, an intimate twin, created at the same time your spirit was created, not to be confused with a Earth based love interest/sexual partner.
* No Marriage- There is no marriage and no human style families. There are groups of people that you love and interact with on a regular basis.
* Spirits Cures- Spirits are working on cures to the major human diseases. When these cures are found, they are passed onto the subconscious minds of humans researchers in the way of inspiration.
* No Saints There are no official "Catholic Saints" a man made designation, no to imply there are not giving people all over the world who should qualify for Saint status.
Spirits can come to visit anytime they want. They are not to be confused with spirits who choose not to go to the light due to strong separation anxiety from their environment.
*Angels are God's representatives. The do good deeds. They never incarnate to Earth, but they can appear there.
*Intelligent Life- There is intelligent life on other planets. Based on different physiology, they have their own Other Side, but send representatives to meet and confur with our Other Side.
*No Time- There is no sense of time on the Other Side. What seems like decades to us is only a hours over there.

So when 300 people die on an airplane, did they all choose to go out at the same time and place?
If intimate knowledge of the Other Side is frowned upon, why does Ms Browne get to be psychic and have a talkative Spirit Guide blabbing incessantly about it? *Not a completely fair description. She only offers up info when asked.


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back in the early oughts i watched her on montel and someone asked her who the next (2008) president would be and she said "a black man" and here we are.. now how would she have guessed that??

not saying i buy it all but shes got some interesting ideas. a friend sent me her book to read i think its the same one as the OP posted.. i never did read it though


The cake is a metaphor
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Of course I don't believe in psychics.

I admire their abilities though. They're very good at what they do.

Minor Axis

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The interesting aspect of my approach to this book is that I started it with anticipation because here is a story not based on on ancient texts written by superstitious men, but a story based on a Spirit Guide with a direct line to the other side, Astral Travel, and thousands of test cases! Well, as I got into all the nitty gritty details, sadly I realized all of this could just be a result of an active imagination. Hence once again, I hit the faith barrier. I mean Ms. Browne's version of the afterlife would be wonderful, but why should I believe? :)

Minor Axis

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I've been thinking about this some more. Problems with her theory:

1. When a plane with 400 people on it goes down, have all these people selected this event as their exit point?
2. Millions of people living what I consider to be a miserable existence- all volunteers? I realize that being poor and miserable might be one of the most desirable obstacles to overcome on Earth, so maybe that is a really popular choice for those wanting to experience the Earth Simulator?
3. If Spirits are basically good and they are twisted by entering to human body to suffer from human short comings like greed, avarice, murder, how can they be held responsible when they come back as spirits and regain their senses?
4. If she told a family their son was dead, and it was provided by her spirit guide, how did she get this wrong?
5. If the effectiveness of experiencing the Earth Simulator is diminished by knowing the big picture, it is a simulator, there is an afterlife, how come she and other psychics get to cheat, by receiving all that info from their spirit guides? :


In Memoriam - RIP
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The books I linked to give an entirely different picture than what Ms Browne says.

Relayed by 100's of people. Not that each case is in lockstep w/the others, but a lot of the main 'theme' is the same.

What I took from them is that our life here is school. We pick what we want to do, or are sometimes assigned, so we can learn from our mistakes from the past. If we're successful, we ascend another level higher to 'god'. If not, we try again.

We do indeed meet up w/our friends & loved ones. But not in the way Sylvia proclaims is true. Then again, she's entitled to her opinions. As I have not died and come back, I cannot say for sure either way.

But when a lot of people who have come back w/stories along the same vein, it's interesting. Tho, the cynic in me says since it's the same man doing the regressions he could be leading them all.

I do know my mom knew. She had a gas hot water heater blow up on her (way before I was born). She had 3rd degree burns over most of her body. She 'died' three times during her ordeal. She always told me we'd have a talk when I was 16 about how it changed her perspectives on life. Sadly, she died when I was 12. I do know that she wasn't into organized religion. But that she knew there is indeed a higher power than ourselves.

cam elle toe

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I've had a regression done, and so did my ex. I'm a believer...always have been. I have not read any of her books...but have read 100's in a similar vein over the years

Minor Axis

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The books I linked to give an entirely different picture than what Ms Browne says.

Relayed by 100's of people. Not that each case is in lockstep w/the others, but a lot of the main 'theme' is the same.

What I took from them is that our life here is school. We pick what we want to do, or are sometimes assigned, so we can learn from our mistakes from the past. If we're successful, we ascend another level higher to 'god'. If not, we try again.

We do indeed meet up w/our friends & loved ones. But not in the way Sylvia proclaims is true. Then again, she's entitled to her opinions. As I have not died and come back, I cannot say for sure either way.

But when a lot of people who have come back w/stories along the same vein, it's interesting. Tho, the cynic in me says since it's the same man doing the regressions he could be leading them all.

I do know my mom knew. She had a gas hot water heater blow up on her (way before I was born). She had 3rd degree burns over most of her body. She 'died' three times during her ordeal. She always told me we'd have a talk when I was 16 about how it changed her perspectives on life. Sadly, she died when I was 12. I do know that she wasn't into organized religion. But that she knew there is indeed a higher power than ourselves.

I read the Sylvia Browne book because a friend handed it to me. I'll look around and see if I can find an inexpensive copy of Journey of Souls. I'd like to know how detailed it is and how far into the other side does these reports go? Ms Browne explains an extensive layout (Earth is a replica of heaven) with the Hall of Wisdom, Hall of Records, Hall of Justice, exactly what the procedure is upon crossing over. After I started getting into these kinds of details it started to seem like a movie I once watched with Robin Williams where he and his immediate family all die and he has to go save his wife who committed suicide... ;)

I've had a regression done, and so did my ex. I'm a believer...always have been. I have not read any of her books...but have read 100's in a similar vein over the years

How much of this regression do you remember? Did it include a former life? Any death, birth transition details? I wonder how hard it is to find reputable people who conduct this? :)

cam elle toe

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I remember all of it...down to the clothes I was wearing. It was a former life in the American midwest, 1800's....probably my last incarnation...I was male. The method used was simple, but very effective. Everyone in the group "took something" from it...I know mine made me realise lots of things about myself NOW...and why I'm how I am. :)

My ex, in his regression, DID see himself die..he also saw his mother (this life) coming to greet was an amazing experience to be part of.

I'm happy to answer any other questions.

Minor Axis

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I remember all of it...down to the clothes I was wearing. It was a former life in the American midwest, 1800's....probably my last incarnation...I was male. The method used was simple, but very effective. Everyone in the group "took something" from it...I know mine made me realise lots of things about myself NOW...and why I'm how I am. :)

My ex, in his regression, DID see himself die..he also saw his mother (this life) coming to greet was an amazing experience to be part of.

I'm happy to answer any other questions.

I am intrigued. How do you find reputable people who conduct regressions?