People still watch cable news shows?
I must confess, I do watch my local Faux morning show. But that's for traffic & weather. Plus it's the only local news that doesn't cut away to a national news show.
That said, for over a decade I have gotten my news online. Independent news blogs are the way to go. hehehehehehehe.... Sometimes a blurb from one of the sites I read will make it to my Faux morning news but it's never the whole story. I've 'known' these morning newscasters for many years and sometimes wonder if they'll say the whole story but that's not what they're being paid to do and everyone needs a job these days so I don't hold it against them.
It was refreshing seeing Anderson Cooper blow a gasket in the aftermath of Katrina. Every once in a while a talking head can show their human side. He retained his job too. Maybe his CIA background carried weight?