hmm wierd commercial Pete. how come you saw it and its not in english? But yeah thats definitely the same song.
Anyway todays pick is an oldy but a goody. I also threw in a remix thats not to bad at all.
Lucy in the
Sky with
Diamonds - The Beatles
YouTube - Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Original song
YouTube - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles (team9 remix)
Remix song
Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,
And she's gone.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Ah... Ah...
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies,
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,
That grow so incredibly high.
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,
Waiting to take you away.
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,
And you're gone.
Picture yourself on a train in a station,
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties,
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile,
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
just a little tidbit if you feel like learning something new. The beatles wrote this song in 67. It along with "rain", "tomorrow never knows", "Straberry fields forever", and "i am the walrus" were all catagorized as Phychedelic Rock.
Psychedelic rock is a style of
rock music that attempts to replicate the mind-altering experiences of
hallucinogenic drugs.
[1] by using lyrics that describe dreams and refer to drug use using bizarre sounds created by altering the instruments and vocals with electronic effects such as heavy distortion, tape-loops echos and delays,
phase shifting, or by playing taped sounds backwards.
IMO this shit is AWESOME!!!!! movies like Pink Floyd's "the wall" which are basically meant to watch when your all fucked up just make me feel like im in the 70's.
Although i have never done acid Im sure it would make the beatles movie and other similar films 200% better haha.
Song Contreversy
According to the Beatles, one day in 1966 Lennon's son, Julian, came home from nursery school with a drawing he said was of his classmate, a girl named Lucy. Showing the artwork to his father, young Julian described the picture as "Lucy — in the sky with diamonds."
Reference to drugs and the title of the song
While Lennon and the Beatles were often frank about their drug use, for decades they denied that "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" had anything to do with LSD. In a 2004 interview, however, Paul McCartney spoke openly about his Beatles-era drug use, revealing that songs such as "Day Tripper" and "Got To Get You Into My Life" were written directly about LSD and marijuana. When questioned about "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," he noted that Julian's painting had inspired the song, but that it was "pretty obvious" that the song was about an acid trip.
In a 1971 interview, Lennon recalled hearing about how the initials of the title spelled out "LSD", then checking if the same thing had happened with other Beatles songs and finding "they didn't spell out anything." In that same interview, he stated the song was composed in a conscious attempt to craft poetry, and in 1980 he confirmed the images were taken from Alice in Wonderland.
In The Beatles Anthology (2000), Ringo Starr claimed he was present when Julian showed his "crazy little painting". McCartney recounted the time he and Lennon spent in Lennon's music room, swapping suggestions for lyrics, saying, "We never noticed the LSD initial until it was pointed out later, by which point people didn't believe us."[4]
Although the Beatles say they did not name the song after LSD, the song was conceived and recorded during a time when the Beatles were experimenting with LSD frequently.
George Martin also denied the song was about LSD in the book The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions by Mark Lewisohn. However, Lewisohn goes on to say "there can be little doubt that this was the very substance that provoked such colourful word imagery to flow out of Lennon's head and onto paper."
so thats that. Next time somebody talk about this song and the supposed meaning behind it you will have the whole scoop!
thanks and please leave a comment. im seeing alot of views but no comments haha