It's more like 60%, but rural poverty is rampant in Pakistan, also.
Some did.....but they chose that life.
The poor in Pakistan don't choose to live in misery, or are you claiming they do?
I don't doubt that one bit.
I also don't doubt many Pakistani live with them, also.
Your culture has engineered a never ending life of misery for those caught in poverty.
And those photos are but a small collection of slums existing in Pakistan.
Here is an image google search using only the search terms, Pakistan slums: slums&btnG=Search&tbm=isch&tbo=u&gbv=1
If the Taliban do take in your expensive homes, your fine clothing, your manicured appearances.... will face the wrath of those people in those photos.
And intellectuals will be among the first the Taliban round up, sympathizers or not
Nope, not my life style.