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How do you explain this??

since 2013 • en español

this web site presents images and commentary on the sad and deplorable living conditions people voluntarily dwell in, as well as the vehicles they drive. this site may be unsuitable for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humor, tourette's syndrome, irrational religious beliefs, excessive body hair, and/or contains imagery or language that may be inappropriate for younger viewers. if this is the case, please do not enter, just go away.
this site may be offensive and insensitive to some visitors. if you are at work and are dominated by political correctness, bail now, as there will no doubt be something that some whiny jerk will find offensive.

I just took a look at the 'Ohio' link since I live in Ohio......that's probably upscale housing to most Pakistanis.
Here's the screenshots:




Let's look to see what Pakistan has to offer.

Karachi shitholes





Karachi water supply

another shot of Karachi slum residents searching for water in open sewers:

And you ask me to explain why a residential owner in Ohio is in the name of God/Allah did you allow the conditions in Pakistan get to the levels of human misery that I see in the above photos?

You do live in a shithole of human misery of your nation's own doing.

And I need no excuses for my nation, it is what it is.


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I just took a look at the 'Ohio' link since I live in Ohio......that's probably upscale housing to most Pakistanis.
Here's the screenshots:




Let's look to see what Pakistan has to offer.

Karachi shitholes





Karachi water supply
another shot of Karachi slum residents searching for water in open sewers:

And you ask me to explain why a residential owner in Ohio is in the name of God/Allah did you allow the conditions in Pakistan get to the levels of human misery that I see in the above photos?

You do live in a shithole of human misery of your nation's own doing.

And I need no excuses for my nation, it is what it is.

According to American standards you live in shitholes...I have seen your houses, homes of common American,,,,the are like cubby holes...only rich people afford to live in decent homes.
According to Pakistani sub standard those who live in those slums are illegal immigrants from Assam, Bangla Desh , Burma, India , etc or refugees from least they have a place to live in with income as low as $1 a day! Had you this much income you would surely be living in nullahs and manholes...

Here is the real picture of the locals residential houses...
To be honest you should have showed the standard pictures of residential houses of actual Pakistanis. But you tried to explain and defend your weaknesses by posting irrelevant slums in some lowcast areas in Karachi...

I live in One of the houses appearing in this pictures below..
Baby, you can only dream of living in such dream houses as ours!










You can see more typical Pakistani houses here..


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American slum area
Now go to a mirror, mazHur, and practice saving face.
you should...

Here are hundreds of images of slum houses in America..
Have a look at the mirror and commit harakiri if you wish to..for face saving. What a big liar and a black mailer you are!

Shitholes in America..enjoy!








Click here to see more shitholes in America!! defence bungalows&client=opera&hs=Pl9&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=5mqXU-XOCqG00QX_lYHABw&ved=0CCAQsAQ#q=slum areas in usa&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=VErpXih79DhgVM%3A;aBtnoQR-qnGgtM;;;1200;1600

You do live in a shithole of human misery of your nation's own doing.


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Here is the real picture of the locals residential houses.................................
No, those are 'defense bungalows' in your link, many that seem for sale, so you don't know who lives there.......and you added also the search terms 'client' and "opera&hs" .....Only the elite and very wealthy need safe houses and the middle class don't live in opera houses.

All you've accomplished is admitting the elite and very wealthy of Pakistan live in nice homes.
No bigger nor expensive than many middle/upper middle class residents in my area and nowhere near what the wealthy live in through out the US.

I recently stayed in a Bed and Breakfast inn that was nicer that the homes you posted.

And you'll find no American cities where citizens draw water from sewers, let alone open sewers.
According to the HDI, 60.3% of Pakistan's population lives on under $2 a day,


"Vulnerability" in this case stands for the underlying susceptibility of economically deprived people to fall into poverty as a result of exogenous random shocks. Vulnerable households are generally found to have low expenditure levels. Households are considered vulnerable if they do not have the means to smooth out their expenses in response to changes in income. In general, vulnerability is likely to be high in households clustered around the poverty line. Since coping strategies for vulnerable households depend primarily on their sources of income, exogenous shocks can increase reliance on non-agricultural wages. Such diversification has not occurred in many parts of Pakistan, leading to an increased dependence on credit.[18]

While economic vulnerability is a key factor in the rise of poverty in Pakistan, vulnerability also arises from social powerlessness, political disenfranchisement, and ill-functioning and distortionary institutions, and these also are important causes of the persistence of vulnerability among the poor.[19]

Other causes of vulnerability in Pakistan are the everyday harassment by corrupt government officials, as well as their underperformance, exclusion and denial of basic rights to many in Pakistan. Also, lack of adequate health care by the state lead the poor to seek private sources, which are expensive, but still preferable to the possibility of medical malpractice and being given expired medicines in state run medical facilities. Also, the failure by the state to provide adequate law and order in many parts of the country is a factor in the rise of vulnerability of the poor.[19]

By the end of the 1990s, the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a country's social and economic resources for development emerged as Pakistan's foremost developmental problem. Corruption and political instabilities such as the insurgency in Balochistan and decade long armed conflict with the Taliban in Waziristan region resulted in reduction of business confidence, deterioration of economic growth, reduced public expenditure, poor delivery of public services, and undermining of the rule of law.[22] The perceived security threat on the border with India has dominated Pakistan's culture and has led to the domination of military in politics, excessive spending on defense at the expense of social sectors, and the erosion of law and order.

Pakistan has been run by military dictatorships for large periods of time, alternating with limited democracy.[23][24] These rapid changes in governments led to rapid policy changes and reversals and the reduction of transparency and accountability in government. The onset of military regimes have contributed to non-transparency in resource allocation. In particular, the neglect by the Pakistani state of the Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has rendered the region poverty-stricken [4]. Those who do not constitute the political elite are unable to make political leaders and the Government responsive to their needs or accountable to promises. Development priorities are determined not by potential beneficiaries but by the bureaucracy and a political elite which may or may not be in touch with the needs of the citizens. Political instability and macroeconomic imbalances have been reflected in poor creditworthiness ratings, even compared to other countries of similar income levels, with resulting capital flight and lower foreign direct investment inflows.

In addition, Pakistan's major cities and urban centres are home to an estimated 1.2 million street children. This includes beggars and scavengers who are often very young. The law and order problem worsens their condition as boys and girls are fair game to others who would force them into stealing, scavenging and smuggling to survive. A large proportion consumes readily available solvents to starve off hunger, loneliness and fear. Children are vulnerable to contracting STDs such as HIV/AIDS, as well as other diseases.

Pakistan is home to a large feudal landholding system where landholding families hold thousands of acres and do little work on the agriculture themselves. They enlist the services of their serfs to perform the labor of the land.[27] 51% of poor tenants owe money to the landlords.[28] The landlords' position of power allows them to exploit the only resource the poor can possibly provide: their own labor.
Although Pakistan's poverty rate declined by about 10 per cent from 2001 to 2005, almost a quarter of the population still live below the national poverty line, and some 60 per cent are just above that level. Meanwhile, health and education indicators remain low in comparison with other countries in South Asia, and socio-economic indicators for women are the lowest in the sub-region.

And poverty is more widespread in your rural areas than in your cities:.

Pakistan ranks 146th out of 187 countries on the United Nations Development Programme's 2013 Human Development Index – a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. And poverty in Pakistan is predominantly a rural problem. While rural people make up two thirds of the population, they account for 80 per cent of the country's poor people.
According to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in 2011, Pakistan was among the 26 countries having alarming levels of hunger.
The United States is supporting vibrant and sustained research and development efforts in Pakistan. The US and Pakistan’s joint efforts in the field of agriculture and economic growth will contribute to a stronger, brighter future for Pakistan,” said USAID Mission Director Gregory Gottlieb. live in a shithole of human misery no matter how well your protected elite live.

)Take a hint, when the Taliban take control of Karachi, those few that live in the homes you posted, and the intellectuals ( like you claim you are ) will be the first rounded up and interred or eliminated.
Be wise, take heed of that and get out before Karachi falls. )


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American slum area

you should...

Here are hundreds of images of slum houses in America..
Have a look at the mirror and commit harakiri if you wish to..for face saving. What a big liar and a black mailer you are!

Shitholes in America..enjoy!








Click here to see more shitholes in America!! defence bungalows&client=opera&hs=Pl9&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=5mqXU-XOCqG00QX_lYHABw&ved=0CCAQsAQ#q=slum areas in usa&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=VErpXih79DhgVM%3A;aBtnoQR-qnGgtM;;;1200;1600

You do live in a shithole of human misery of your nation's own doing.

The US has poverty, no one here is denying it.
But Pakistan's poverty is monumental and life endangering on a scale that surpasses most of the world.
Our 'shitholes' are heaven to your middle class :D

Did you notice any US citizens wading in sewage, searching for their next meal, their next drink of water?
Poverty exists in the US......hell exists in Pakistani poverty.

BTW......why are you encrypting some of those photo links?

The Man

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It appears as if you have been busted again MAZ with dishonest and misleading posts.,,you are showing houses in PK for the very rich there.
Defense bunkers...pretty fucked up nation..thats right terrorists everywhere.
But back to being have claimed prior that the average pk citizen makes about a dollar a day...therefore most of the people live in shitholes ..or out in the open.
Fact is the govt would take the children away from the parents here if there is not decent shelter..fresh water..electric..working in the home..clean clothes etc.
The average family in PK lives in such poverty that those children would be yanked from the parents with charges being files against the parents for child neglect.
Those children would then be questioned...and more charges files against many of the parents for child rape...child abuse.
There would be charges for siblings that have been sold of the existing children.
A dollar a day is nothing maz here in america..I am serious..The average American wastes several dollars a day ..seriously.
You are either being dishonest when you said you have spent much time in America..or you are being dishonest in your comparison of America and PK if you have been.
PK is an absolute shit hole...its a fact
PK is filled with perverts..its a fact
Pk is filled with savages...its a fact
Pk could provide better living to many..if that money was not spent on state sponsored terrorism...thats a fact


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No, those are 'defense bungalows' in your link, many that seem for sale, so you don't know who lives there.......and you added also the search terms 'client' and "opera&hs" .....Only the elite and very wealthy need safe houses and the middle class don't live in opera houses.

All you've accomplished is admitting the elite and very wealthy of Pakistan live in nice homes.
No bigger nor expensive than many middle/upper middle class residents in my area and nowhere near what the wealthy live in through out the US. of us wealthy&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=OoiXU8maOce0yASW2ICYDQ&ved=0CAUQ_AU

I recently stayed in a Bed and Breakfast inn that was nicer that the homes you posted.

And you'll find no American cities where citizens draw water from sewers, let alone open sewers.


And poverty is more widespread in your rural areas than in your cities:. live in a shithole of human misery no matter how well your protected elite live.

)Take a hint, when the Taliban take control of Karachi, those few that live in the homes you posted, and the intellectuals ( like you claim you are ) will be the first rounded up and interred or eliminated.
Be wise, take heed of that and get out before Karachi falls. )

You fool, why don't you understand Pak is an agricultural country with about 70 of its population engaged in agriculture.

Hippies originated in America and picked their food from garbage bins. This can be taken as one example of how life is with some Americans who boast to be a 'rich' nation! haha!

Defence/Clifton are in Pakistan,,,,,I live there..
The slum areas you cherry picked are inhabited by refugees and unregistered/ unauthorized lot...those are encroachments and those who live on encroachments do deserve to suffer as they do.

Are you a Hippie too?? I can show you a garbage dump where you can go and have your fill...for free??


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A dollar a day is nothing maz here in america..I am serious..The average American wastes several dollars a day ..seriously.
You are either being dishonest when you said you have spent much time in America..or you are being dishonest in your comparison of America and PK if you have been.
PK is an absolute shit hole...its a fact
PK is filled with perverts..its a fact
Pk is filled with savages...its a fact
Pk could provide better living to many..if that money was not spent on state sponsored terrorism...thats a fact

I don't have to be dishonest in telling you that I have visited America several times. I still have good friends there and it surprises me to find rogues like you and Stone spoiling American image which i hailed in my mind! That's deplorable, indeed.

Nobody spends on encroachers and non tax payers....
You doled out money to military to promote war rather than helping the poor uplift their lives. In fact you acted 'criminally'.

Go and see conditions in India and some other developing country ...they are worse than Pak..
America is good but you don't seem to reflect the good


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The US has poverty, no one here is denying it.
Did you notice any US citizens wading in sewage, searching for their next meal, their next drink of water?
Poverty exists in the US......hell exists in Pakistani poverty.

BTW......why are you encrypting some of those photo links?
I have seen some American eating shit from garbage dumps and begging for hashish!


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You fool, why don't you understand Pak is an agricultural country with about 70 of its population engaged in agriculture.

Hippies originated in America and picked their food from garbage bins. This can be taken as one example of how life is with some Americans who boast to be a 'rich' nation! haha!

Defence/Clifton are in Pakistan,,,,,I live there..
The slum areas you cherry picked are inhabited by refugees and unregistered/ unauthorized lot...those are encroachments and those who live on encroachments do deserve to suffer as they do.

Are you a Hippie too?? I can show you a garbage dump where you can go and have your fill...for free??

You fool, why don't you understand Pak is an agricultural country with about 70 of its population engaged in agriculture.
It's more like 60%, but rural poverty is rampant in Pakistan, also.

Hippies originated in America and picked their food from garbage bins.
Some did.....but they chose that life.
The poor in Pakistan don't choose to live in misery, or are you claiming they do?

The slum areas you cherry picked are inhabited by refugees and unregistered/ unauthorized lot
I don't doubt that one bit.
I also don't doubt many Pakistani live with them, also.
Your culture has engineered a never ending life of misery for those caught in poverty.
And those photos are but a small collection of slums existing in Pakistan.
Here is an image google search using only the search terms, Pakistan slums:

If the Taliban do take in your expensive homes, your fine clothing, your manicured appearances.... will face the wrath of those people in those photos.

And intellectuals will be among the first the Taliban round up, sympathizers or not ;)

Are you a Hippie too??
Nope, not my life style.


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I have seen some American eating shit from garbage dumps and begging for hashish!

No you haven't.
Shit goes down the toilets and hashish is not a common drug of choice in the US.

Pakistan.....shit floats in open street sewers.
Drug of choice seems to be one for diarrhea.....:D
Nalidixic Acid is still the Drug of Choice for Shigellosis in Pakistan

Drug of choice for recreation seems to be hashish
Informative link


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It's more like 60%, but rural poverty is rampant in Pakistan, also.

Some did.....but they chose that life.
The poor in Pakistan don't choose to live in misery, or are you claiming they do?

I don't doubt that one bit.
I also don't doubt many Pakistani live with them, also.
Your culture has engineered a never ending life of misery for those caught in poverty.
And those photos are but a small collection of slums existing in Pakistan.
Here is an image google search using only the search terms, Pakistan slums: slums&btnG=Search&tbm=isch&tbo=u&gbv=1

If the Taliban do take in your expensive homes, your fine clothing, your manicured appearances.... will face the wrath of those people in those photos.

And intellectuals will be among the first the Taliban round up, sympathizers or not ;)

Nope, not my life style.

I can perceive you ,,,a hippy picking ration from garbage bins...
and spewing filth at others.

Do you take hashish or crack??


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Still curious as to why you encrypt some of those image links.
why are you trying to side track the matter rather than come with a straight reply to my QUESTION??

and you don't copy paste from hither and thither...pigeon!


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why are you trying to side track the matter rather than come with a straight reply to my QUESTION??

and you don't copy paste from hither and thither...pigeon!

I'm still curious .....why were some of those links encrypted?
Were they illegal in Pakistan?