Its because most of you present ideas (creationism for example or god) which I have already considered, researched and found to be unworthy of my time. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
unworthy of your time....
love the dismissive attitude...
Everyone thinks their POV is right, and they will defend it. Whether they change their minds when faced with facts and the truth is up to them, if they are smart, they will change if FACTS are reputable. Its just that I haven't received any facts that contradict what I believe to be true. Call that close minded if you will.
ironically enough, that's precisely what that is...
Can't spell ironic without Ron.
(I don't know where that came from, just threw it in there)
Some views are objectively stupid. Creationism, for example, is stupid.
See, it's no OBjectively stupid, it SUBjectively stupid to you. BIG difference, and I'm just pointing out the fact that you don't see those types of things.
"From a macro standpoint, you're limiting yourself from seeing things that are bigger than you, ideas and ideals that you haven't even considered."
Can you give me a specific example of me doing this? Can you provide me something that I should accept that will stop making me "limit" myself? Ideas, theories etc etc...
I'm saying it's a macro item, so specific examples are moot. I'm making a general observation.
What I can tell you is this, and this is not about being a believer nor is this thread a debate about creationism or God:
I'm a happier person as a result of thinking there's an afterlife, or that my 4 cherubic children are a gift from somewhere other than biology. It just works.
You don't see things like that. It has to be concrete, cold hard fact, tactile, tangible.
I believe in karma. I believe in fate. I think there's something out there that's way bigger than me. Not religion or God, per se, just something. And I feel it because I'm open to it. And it feels good.
I will say this only once, and only for the purposes of this thread, because I don't want it to appear as grandstanding. I'm a member of Mensa (BFD, I know) and I have a documented IQ of 147. I say this only to establish the fact that I'm not a knuckledragging simpleton that believes the Earth is 6,000 years old "Cuz tha BEYEBULL toll me so, y'all!!"
I'm no dummy, yet I leave myself these possibilities. I listen to people all the time that I KNOW for a fact are less smart than I. But I mine what they say for pieces of information that I can use to expand myself. I never dismiss out of hand what others have to say, no matter where or who it comes from.
You don't do that. You see a great many things as unworthy of your time, and in that you miss things..
Socialism isn't bunk, its practiced by democracies all over the world. (but lets not turn this into a socialism debate).
Agreed, but it largely doesn't work well because of human greed.