They are stuck in this mentality that we can fight a war on drugs. Gen. McCaffrey was on the news this morning. I he was a "Drug Czar". Of course he defended the status quo. He thinks kids would get it more easily at the 7/11. Sure.
Legalize it. Tax it and conrol distribution as we do alcohol. We do not have the resources to continue to fight this bogus war.
When prohibition was repealed, the criminal element was decimated. While people can grow pot on their own, it would never the less, kill the foreign pot market. Think of the stimulus to the economy as farms are converted and the associated industry emerges to process and manufacture joints.
I don't smoke it, it makes me ill. But I hate the fact we waste our resources trying to prevent something that is as well established as the pot market. Also foolishness of locking up people for possession.