Should we pursue living forever?

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I've been contemplating this since I read that it might be possible, in the next 20 years, for us to live forever.

Also, inside Dana's post, "Born to Decompose", the concept was touched upon.

It had me wondering, should we live forever? Is that a good idea? There are several negative impacts I can think of straight away.

1. Overpopulation? Without attrition, the world would quickly "fill up". Food could become scarce. So then, would it be necessary to limit who gets to have babies? How would it be done?

2. Which brings to mind, would the technology be shared with everyone? Rich and poor. Powerful and weak, all countries around the globe?

3. If the world became too overpopulated, would it be necessary to ask people to volunteer to dispatch themselves? Of course in some cultures, that would be frowned upon. So then what?

4. Supposing we answer those questions, what about how we psychologically deal with the concept of never dying?

I believe in relieving people suffering from illnesses via technology, but, for myself, I'm not so sure I'd want that to go any further than that.
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Peter Parka

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There's still a lot of room on earth if we distribute it evenly and restore deserts ect, dunno about after that, this is a hard one.


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that's a scary forever. I'd just like to die at an old age...preferably 85...if i make it that long.


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I don't know? It depends on if I get to keep my loved-ones around me too and we're all in good health.

If that were the case, that you could, would you want to, given the concerns I've raised or others that you can think of.

There's still a lot of room on earth if we distribute it evenly and restore deserts ect, dunno about after that, this is a hard one.

That raises other questions since some countries are groaning under population redistribution already. Assimilation being the chief amongst their complaints.

that's a scary forever. I'd just like to die at an old age...preferably 85...if i make it that long.

It's scary to me as well. Knowing it has an end, is in some ways comforting. There is path we follow in how we structure our lives. For instance, if the end were suddenly open prospect, would there be retirement or would one just grind on throughout eternity?


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1. Overpopulation? Without attrition, the world would quickly "fill up". Food could become scarce. So then, would it be necessary to limit who gets to have babies? How would it be done?

Interesting topic, unfortunatly I'll hve to come backtomorow to make a better response, but I've got to go to bed in a min so will just comment on this one.

Over population is already an issue in China. They try to deal with it with the 'One Child Policy', one child per family, if the woman gets pregnant again the government forces them to have an abortion.

Has anyone read 'The Wanting Seed'? They also have a similar law. In fact, that book is basically about trying to control the over population in the world. Through wars with no enemies, promoting homosexuality by rewarding those who are homosexuals. Strangely enough though, this book was published before China got the one child policy law.. so the book is not paryoding real life.

There was a theory by someone who was discussing what would happen if the world was over populated. It's in my uni notes somewhere so will post it tomorow night if anyones interested


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Gawd! What a horrible thought. Living a life is forever is a nightmare I would even wish on my worst enemy.

Living forever is too much. Theres only so much life you can live, after 400 years it'd probably get a bit boring.

What would be a good thing is if people didn't die young, 10 years old, 18, any age below 70 is to young to die in my opinion. at the age of 70 you have lived a long life. But unfortunately life doesn't work that way and we can't stop it from happening

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Interesting topic, unfortunatly I'll hve to come backtomorow to make a better response, but I've got to go to bed in a min so will just comment on this one.

Over population is already an issue in China. They try to deal with it with the 'One Child Policy', one child per family, if the woman gets pregnant again the government forces them to have an abortion.

Has anyone read 'The Wanting Seed'? They also have a similar law. In fact, that book is basically about trying to control the over population in the world. Through wars with no enemies, promoting homosexuality by rewarding those who are homosexuals. Strangely enough though, this book was published before China got the one child policy law.. so the book is not paryoding real life.

There was a theory by someone who was discussing what would happen if the world was over populated. It's in my uni notes somewhere so will post it tomorow night if anyones interested

What happens in practice in China is barbaric though


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Gawd! What a horrible thought. Living a life is forever is a nightmare I would even wish on my worst enemy.

You and I share that in common babe.

It has no appeal to me and it quite frankly causes me great concern for my kids. What kind of a world will they be living in, were this to come to pass?

I enjoy my life and I want to live it to the fullest, but if the end were not a prospect, what is there then to live for? I think that's part of the goodness of it.

Interesting topic, unfortunatly I'll hve to come backtomorow to make a better response, but I've got to go to bed in a min so will just comment on this one.

Over population is already an issue in China. They try to deal with it with the 'One Child Policy', one child per family, if the woman gets pregnant again the government forces them to have an abortion.

Has anyone read 'The Wanting Seed'? They also have a similar law. In fact, that book is basically about trying to control the over population in the world. Through wars with no enemies, promoting homosexuality by rewarding those who are homosexuals. Strangely enough though, this book was published before China got the one child policy law.. so the book is not paryoding real life.

There was a theory by someone who was discussing what would happen if the world was over populated. It's in my uni notes somewhere so will post it tomorow night if anyones interested

Bingo Laurs! Exactly one of the thoughts I had in mind was China and how they are "handling" overpopulation. I find it disguting. Forcing abortions. The resulting infanticide of girl children. Their population ratios, as I understand it, are all out of whack now. A couple years ago I read that women in the provinces were being kidnapped because there are not enough to go around. This is where their cultural values, male children are more desireable than female, has created a nightmare.

I haven't read that book. I look forward to your next post! Sleep well! :)

I believe we "live forever" anyway, but to continue on forever, on earth, in the same body? thanks

Amen! That's another reason. Even if they can repair and replace parts, I think we would still be stuck with some inherent problems with our bodies.

Living forever is too much. Theres only so much life you can live, after 400 years it'd probably get a bit boring.

What would be a good thing is if people didn't die young, 10 years old, 18, any age below 70 is to young to die in my opinion. at the age of 70 you have lived a long life. But unfortunately life doesn't work that way and we can't stop it from happening

I think I'd be a bored after 100. :)

As I said, and I agree with you, relieving suffering is a good thing and as it applies to kids, especially so.


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in reply to Peters post, thats the way of their place, just like theres things oin other countries that aren't right in my opinion.

Think the policy has been in action for the past 20 years.

This is the info about the theory

•Hypothesis – Population growth always exceeds above the food supply
•Population has a tendency to push above the food supply
•Thomas Malthus came to prominence for drawing attention to the potential dangers of population growth
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Minor Axis

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Has anyone read 'The Wanting Seed'?

How about Logan's Run? Population is controlled by killing you at 30, but no one, at least the victims don't know until it's too late.

Have you ever thought from another standpoint, the intent is not to live forever on this Earth but move on to the spiritual plane? You don't know what your missing! ;)

Point number two- the articles I've read about transferring your consciousness over to a machine or transferring them to another brain, I have a hard time with that. Let's say for example that someone else's memories and life experiences can be transfered to you. Does that make you, them? Actually you are you, with altered memories. True, you are what your memories are, that is what makes you you versus someone wandering around who does not know who they are. But if your memories were wiped, your physical body would still be you and start developing new memories, it's still you!

Point number three, not really a point but interesting none the less- Machines are being developed that can see into you mind and reconstruct stored images or memories. Scientists Extract Images Directly from Brain.

The bottom line, if it can be done, mankind will do it. Should this kind of progress happen? I'm undecided but that is progress. Maybe after 1000 years of living the brain will be ready to try something new. But imagine the new things you'll see just by living that long. :D
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In Memoriam - RIP
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"living forever" or extended life span if possible would probably be only for those that can afford it. Unless theres some all natural cure for death....


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How about Logan's Run? Population is controlled by killing you at 30, but no one, at least the victims don't know until it's too late.

Have you ever thought from another standpoint, the intent is not to live forever on this Earth but move on to the spiritual plane? You don't know what your missing! ;)

Point number two- the articles I've read about transferring your consciousness over to a machine or transferring them to another brain, I have a hard time with that. Let's say for example that someone else's memories and life experiences can be transfered to you. Does that make you, them? Actually you are you, with altered memories. True, you are what your memories are, that is what makes you you versus someone wandering around who does not know who they are. But if your memories were wiped, your physical body would still be you and start developing new memories, it's still you!

Point number three, not really a point but interesting none the less- Machines are being developed that can see into you mind and reconstruct stored images or memories. Scientists Extract Images Directly from Brain.

The bottom line, if it can be done, mankind will do it. Should this kind of progress happen? I'm undecided but that is progress. Maybe after 1000 years of living the brain will be ready to try something new. But imagine the new things you'll see just by living that long. :D

I thought about Logan's Run as I was typing the OP. That scenario is a bit different than living for 100's of years and then being killed to control population. Or have I got the story wrong?


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"living forever" or extended life span if possible would probably be only for those that can afford it. Unless theres some all natural cure for death....

That is one of my concerns, would the technology be limited to the rich and powerful? Something tells me yes.


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i dont want to live forever. it seems the longer i live the worse life seems to be. not for me in general but the more i see that makes this world suck. i dont want the assholes ruining it more by being able to live longer. if that means i dont get to live longer, well that's a small sacrifice to try and minimize the damage done by idiots in this world.

Tree Fingers

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Yeah it might be possible to understand the brain to a poinnt where we can replicate it inside a computer,
Thus eternal life
I dont want to die young but i dont want to live forever

Tree Fingers

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My only regret about not wanting this idea is not experiencing the future
The breakthroughs mankind could make in the next 100 or so years