Sexism and Sarah Palin

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Having way too much fun
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You're right, there are no credentials needed. But how can they expect informed votes when we aren't getting to know her?
When was her last press conference? Here, let me help... Never. Can you name the last presidential or vp candidate that didn't hold a press conference? I can't.

You can't hide your candidate from the press because she isn't ready to face them. I don't want a VP who spent the last month cramming in the information needed to hold that position.

Washington outsider? Definitely a plus... But there are many Washington outsiders who are actually qualified to be VP without spending a month learning what they need to know... It scares me...


DT3's Twinkie
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You're right, there are no credentials needed. But how can they expect informed votes when we aren't getting to know her?
When was her last press conference? Here, let me help... Never. Can you name the last presidential or vp candidate that didn't hold a press conference? I can't.

You can't hide your candidate from the press because she isn't ready to face them. I don't want a VP who spent the last month cramming in the information needed to hold that position.

Washington outsider? Definitely a plus... But there are many Washington outsiders who are actually qualified to be VP without spending a month learning what they need to know... It scares me...

Press conference about what?

Why would she hold a talk...About something she knows little about? I mean it's obvious the press has been prodding her about experience they know she doesn't have. I agree that she could be a little more public, but because she's not in the "in crowd" she typically isn't going to get all the opportunities to speak her mind.

She doesn't scare me any more than Biden, he's as much of a political backslider as anyone in this campaign, the only difference is he insists on making a public fool of himself when he does it, which does buy him a few point I guess.

But still, he was a poor choice as well. As intelligent and informed as Obama is it scares me that THAT was his choice.

Spend some time looking through his record on the Hill


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1. The Katie Couric interviews....And I think there were well over a half dozen, i thought were catty on behalf of Katie.

Catty? Why, because she actually made her answer a question and didn't let her off the hook? I find it odd that you would just accept a candidate because she's girl next door and not be concerned that she couldn't answer a question directly. Could you fault all of the candidates for that? Surely! But don't fault an interviewer for actually trying to get a solid answer out of one of them...I'd like to see more of that.

2. And you of all should recognize and appreciate that there are technically no "credentials" needed to hold either office other than what is required by the Constitution.

Right...that's the mentality that got us George W. Bush. Sorry, but I want the best candidate for the job...not Dan Quayle in a skirt.

Personally I think picking a Washington outsider, and I mean total outsider is a smart move for anyone, all we have seen is the career DC politicians trade blows by contorting Congressional records.

I have no opposition to that either but I would hope to hell his/herr foreign policy experience...ok, I won't even say experience...definition is broader than Vladimir Putin flying into his/her airspace.

Both sides have done nothing but trade blwos that simply are not relevant, the media should be emphasizing that she is young, spirited, a working mother with some grass roots leadership skills, that hasn't been tainted by the lure of "best interest" windfalls.

I'll agree with you on the bickering bit...I would love just once to see an election where not one candidate's character is assassinated by the other, but rather we hear nothing but what they stand for, period. However, if that is your criteria, save the working mother bit, I'd be your candidate for Veep...and trust me, I am not qualified. Besides, Putin's never been in my airspace. ;)


DT3's Twinkie
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Catty? Why, because she actually made her answer a question and didn't let her off the hook? I find it odd that you would just accept a candidate because she's girl next door and not be concerned that she couldn't answer a question directly. Could you fault all of the candidates for that? Surely! But don't fault an interviewer for actually trying to get a solid answer out of one of them...I'd like to see more of that.

Right...that's the mentality that got us George W. Bush. Sorry, but I want the best candidate for the job...not Dan Quayle in a skirt.

I have no opposition to that either but I would hope to hell his/herr foreign policy experience...ok, I won't even say experience...definition is broader than Vladimir Putin flying into his/her airspace.

I'll agree with you on the bickering bit...I would love just once to see an election where not one candidate's character is assassinated by the other, but rather we hear nothing but what they stand for, period. However, if that is your criteria, save the working mother bit, I'd be your candidate for Veep...and trust me, I am not qualified. Besides, Putin's never been in my airspace. ;)

I am color coordinating my responses with the above:

Did you actually watch any of the interviews? Or just the snippets that made Palin look awkward?
Because she may not know a lot, but how do you get that experience without having the job? Wouldn't you agree that the VP job is probably unique to any other job in the world bar pretty none?

The elctoral college, and in my opinion a buy out of the voting system is what got GW into office at least the first time, don't blame me for the Dems not having anything better than Al Gore or Kerry to throw at him, if the media hadn't have pulled what they pulled Dean would have been president, people were way more excited about him than Obama, if you remember, hell Dean had an entire generation following him.

I didn't vote for GW either, but the fact still remains....The Electoral College got him the election, if you saw the popular vote he got his ass whipped;) Again, not the Republican party fault.

Tell me what the "perfect" qualities would be for a person to hold a job that only a handful of people have held since the inception of the country?

Seems to me like the liberals are always trying to convince everyone that they are so much more keen onthe needs of the country....So lay it on me....How would you fix it?

Both candidates have the potential to sink this country, pick your poison, and for Biden to not have the knowledge of who the president was during the height of the depression or that there was not on e single television yet, to me says about as much in the way of intellectual neecs of the job as Palin making a comment about shared airspace.

Has she made a comment that isn't true about her experience in public office?

Because I can spend all day blowing holes in 190+ days and beyond of Obama, and certainly Biden, Biden is an easy target, hell the Dems should be calling for Obama to pick another VP, not that itmatters now.

Minor Axis

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Seriously.....How many shots of Johns ass do they take....?

Your conspiracy theory might hold more weight if not for the yahoos who will vote for the ticket because she is hot...

Katie was catty? I think you are imagining that to support your point of view. Here is an excellent analysis of the Couric/Palin interview from Newsweek. This article rips her lack of education and understanding of the recent $700 billion bailout. It rings true when you ready Palin's answer in print. Her answer is not what is quoted below.

Couric asked her a smart question about the proposed $700 billion bailout of the American financial sector. It was designed to see if Palin understood that the problem in this crisis is that credit and liquidity in the financial system has dried up, and that that's why, in the estimation of Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, the government needs to step in to buy up Wall Street's most toxic liabilities. Here's the entire exchange:

COURIC: Why isn't it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families who are struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries; allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: That's why I say I, like every American I'm speaking with, were ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health-care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, helping the—it's got to be all about job creation, too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health-care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive, scary thing. But one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today, we've got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that.

This is nonsense- a vapid emptying out of every catch-phrase about economics that came into her head. Some commentators, like CNN's Campbell Brown, have argued that it's sexist to keep Sarah Palin under wraps, as if she were a delicate flower who might wilt under the bright lights of the modern media. But the more Palin talks, the more we see that it may not be sexism but common sense that's causing the McCain campaign to treat her like a time bomb.

Fared Zakaria ends the article by saying: "McCain says that he always puts country first. In this important case (picking Palin as VP), it is simply not true."


DT3's Twinkie
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Your conspiracy theory might hold more weight if not for the yahoos who will vote for the ticket because she is hot...

Katie was catty? I think you are imagining that to support your point of view. Here is an excellent analysis of the Couric/Palin interview from Newsweek. This article rips her lack of education and understanding of the recent $700 billion bailout. It rings true when you ready Palin's answer in print. Her answer is not what is quoted below.


Fared Zakaria ends the article by saying: "McCain says that he always puts country first. In this important case (picking Palin as VP), it is simply not true."


Some of the most intelligent economic advisors on the planet...Or supposedly sold the US on a bunk bill, that's the truth.

Honestly, ho many folks really understand how the economy works, ask those morons on the Hill, if they had a clue...They never would have voted on it.

I do agree, she isn't politically in the know, I understand that bothers folks, but niether is the asshat at the helm right now, and honestly you'd have a hard time convincing me that a Consitutional Law major has any better of an idea.

That's why they select advisors and cabinets. The bail out is fucking rediculous, once again We The People get the opportunity to bail out the universe, except this time I think the world is wiser, you don't see the giant surge in the markets like what was sold to us.

And today....30+ billion more goes to AIG for doing such a fan-fucking tastic job of driving that company into the ground.

So no, she's no economic genius, and obviously neither is anyone else who voted on the bill.


DT3's Twinkie
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And something she did say right, was about the people living within their means, not spending above the class they are in.

It's at least logical.


DT3's Twinkie
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Another thing, since we are on the subject...

If the banks really lost 700+billion, and we give them 700 billion, then it's not a 700 billion dollar bailout...Seems to me that it becomes a 1.4 trillion dollar hole we have dug ourselves in...right?

Maybe I think too far out of the box?

Minor Axis

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Honestly, ho many folks really understand how the economy works, ask those morons on the Hill, if they had a clue...They never would have voted on it.

I can only cross my fingers and hope they made the right decision. Apparently according to "the experts" allowing AIG to go down would have triggered huge adverse economic blowback. But how about that expensive junket AIG execs just went on after being bailed out? They need a combat boot up their asses. :yuk

I linked this article in another post (whose fault is it?)- The Monster That Ate Wall Street.


DT3's Twinkie
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I can only cross my fingers and hope they made the right decision. Apparently according to "the experts" allowing AIG to go down would have triggered huge adverse economic blowback. But how about that expensive junket AIG execs just went on after being bailed out? They need a combat boot up their asses. :yuk


I couldn't agree more, honestly neither side REALLY knows how to fix this, it's never been broken this bad.

To make it worse, our government states that they want to "Take control of some banks to stabilize the operations"

The result:

The market that opened strong due to overseas markets, has plunged to 9,000 and some change...The market players know that if the government gets involved, they aren't just going to stick the head in...If you know what I'm saying.:eek


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I am color coordinating my responses with the above:

Did you actually watch any of the interviews? Or just the snippets that made Palin look awkward?
Because she may not know a lot, but how do you get that experience without having the job? Wouldn't you agree that the VP job is probably unique to any other job in the world bar pretty none?

The elctoral college, and in my opinion a buy out of the voting system is what got GW into office at least the first time, don't blame me for the Dems not having anything better than Al Gore or Kerry to throw at him, if the media hadn't have pulled what they pulled Dean would have been president, people were way more excited about him than Obama, if you remember, hell Dean had an entire generation following him.

I didn't vote for GW either, but the fact still remains....The Electoral College got him the election, if you saw the popular vote he got his ass whipped;) Again, not the Republican party fault.

Tell me what the "perfect" qualities would be for a person to hold a job that only a handful of people have held since the inception of the country?

Seems to me like the liberals are always trying to convince everyone that they are so much more keen onthe needs of the country....So lay it on me....How would you fix it?

Both candidates have the potential to sink this country, pick your poison, and for Biden to not have the knowledge of who the president was during the height of the depression or that there was not on e single television yet, to me says about as much in the way of intellectual neecs of the job as Palin making a comment about shared airspace.

Has she made a comment that isn't true about her experience in public office?

Because I can spend all day blowing holes in 190+ days and beyond of Obama, and certainly Biden, Biden is an easy target, hell the Dems should be calling for Obama to pick another VP, not that itmatters now.

First, let me just say you are making a huge assumption about my political affiliation based on the fact that I'm not a Sarah Palin or Bush fan. Nowhere in there did I say it's the republicans fault and/or yay I'm a liberal...and if you'll notice, there were points in which I agreed with you. That would be like me looking at your posts and saying you're obviously a shill for the Republican party who believes nothing but the propaganda they spew. But golly gee shucks...that wouldn't be fair to make that assumption based on that. ;)

Now back to the blue bits. I've exhausted myself (and nearly wanted to spear my ears out) listening to Sarah Palin in interviews, in her canned speeches, etc. trying to find something redeeming or something of actual substance other than "we're gonna change stuff cuz golly gee we're mavericks and we're different and Obama is bad and not trustworthy." Pah! Don't for a second lump me in with Joe Bag o' Donuts who just follows a party. Now as far as experience, do you hire a person to be a surgeon who has no idea what a scalpel is so he can get on the job training? Hell no! I'm tired of this mentality that anyone can be the president or vice president. They cannot. If you're a hiring manager, you're going to want to hire the best candidate for the job, period end of! The same should apply for the leader of the free world and his/her potential successor. Look at my city for example, Pittsburgh. They elected Luke Ravenstahl on the "give the kid a chance" model; he's been an embarrassment and has not done anything to help this city that is really struggling. Sorry, it hits too close to home to just give someone a shot like that based on why the hell not...there is far too much at stake here.

The electoral college is a broken system that I think should be done away with completely. It was instituted when some of the states were just being established and didn't have population. So, in order to give them a voice, voila. It's archaic and has no use now...and actually, Bush did win the popular vote in the second election...not by much, but he did... ;)

As for her making a comment about her, she hasn't...when asked that question, she usually just evades and does the "Obama doesn't either" esque response. But she has commented on fighting the bridge to yeah...after she favored it and then saw that it wasn't going to pass. That's a big bunch of hooey.

...and the comments about liberals and fixing the country...etc. Both parties claim they are the answer, they run their entire campaigns on it's a bit farcical to say that it's just liberals saying that. McCain is doing it, Obama is doing it...that's campaigning.

Peter Parka

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Sorry if this has already been covered but this is my opinion. I think Sarah is an arsehole and has been proved to be one in court. Its even worse when republicans are attacking Obama on his lack of experience and then have this disgraced woman as their choise for vice president. Way to go conceding the election Republicans!:clap


DT3's Twinkie
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Sorry if this has already been covered but this is my opinion. I think Sarah is an arsehole and has been proved to be one in court. Its even worse when republicans are attacking Obama on his lack of experience and then have this disgraced woman as their choise for vice president. Way to go conceding the election Republicans!:clap

Most republicans attack Obamas experience. It's a typical ploy to throw people off the issues, I don't need that card, there's too many other reasons to not vote for him.

I've said it before, focusing on Palin, hey, she has little to none in the way of executive experience, to me that's a great place to start.

Donnie and I think being president should be like jury duty, you get summons in the mail and go "Fuck......Why do I have to be president this week":D

I mean come on, Kermit The Frog couldn't fuck this country up any worse than it already is:dunno

Peter Parka

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Most republicans attack Obamas experience. It's a typical ploy to throw people off the issues, I don't need that card, there's too many other reasons to not vote for him.

I've said it before, focusing on Palin, hey, she has little to none in the way of executive experience, to me that's a great place to start.

I agree with you there! I hate how this election has been more about mud slinging than policies. I actually thought Palin was ok until this shit came out. I dont dislike her because of her inexperience, I dislike her because of her proven corruptness.


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On the issue of inexperience....given the choice if I had to make one...I would rather have an inexperienced vice president in office than an inexperienced president.


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I'm pretty sure most 5th graders know more about the country than she does... So yea, the only good thing about her is that she is a MILF. She has no other good qualities. So of course that's all they will flaunt. Hey, it's a chick.

Barak is way sexier, though. MmMmmmmmMmMm.

Palin is so dumb I'm surprised she could even figure out how to have kids, especially with abstinence only education!


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I'm pretty sure most 5th graders know more about the country than she does...
I''d like to see a 5th grader become governor with the amount of knowledge they have about the country.

Palin is so dumb I'm surprised she could even figure out how to have kids, especially with abstinence only education!
Having a strong moral conviction does not make a person dumb. Abstinence until marriage also does not mean that a person is too dumb to know how to have sex. I think if a 13 year can manage to figure it out without any kind of sex education, an adult can figure it out on their wedding night. Its not exactly rocket science.


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The only thing I have learned from Palin is that you can see Russia from Alaska...

She makes rape victims pay for their own rape kits.

Look where abstinence only ed got her daughter...

Yea, have your morals, but know how to protect yourself, too!

She probably has a huge bush. Gross.

I doubt she could even spell Mississippi or even could name all 50 states! Especially since she isn't surrounded by any!

Only good thing about her- she's kinda cute. Doubt she knows how to fuck, though.