Selling the lie about 9/11 and Iraq.

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OTz original V.I.P
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I dunno I'm trying to think many attacks on the US have happened since 9-11???none...we must be doing something right over there
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OTz original V.I.P
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its funny to me that most of the people that bitch about whats going on over there do nothing about it...and I'm sorry but your opinions also don't mean much to get your "facts" from liberal media...unless you go there and witness first hand whats going on do you think you really know whats up? there are some people here that make very educated posts about why things are messed up and I respect that but for the most part a lot of you others that post on this subject just take little nuggets of bullshit information take it to heart and think you know whats really going on over some real research about it instead of cut and pasting the 1st thing that pops up on goggle


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TripSevens, if YOU have the right to say what you want on here, so does Homer, and he's been around a lot longer than you. He is right, everybody has heard all of this before, there's no need to keep bringing this up.


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its funny to me that most of the people that bitch about whats going on over there do nothing about it...and I'm sorry but your opinions also don't mean much to get your "facts" from liberal media...unless you go there and witness first hand whats going on do you think you really know whats up? there are some people here that make very educated posts about why things are messed up and I respect that but for the most part a lot of you others that post on this subject just take little nuggets of bullshit information take it to heart and think you know whats really going on over some real research about it instead of cut and pasting the 1st thing that pops up on goggle

I think it's funny that you disregard an opinion because it is "liberal based" and i also think that there are far more ways to get facts than just google and the news...
I am very familiar with what goes on over there, in fact i am bloodily familiar..
you see there are just as many military members that disagree with what is going on over there as that agree. And while you have to complete the mission you don't have to like it.
See i am quite familiar with what my family in the middle east is going through as they are hated and spit on every day for trying to make a hell hole a better place. That doesnt affect my judgment.
I am whole heartedly in support of men and women who risk there lives every day to fight for a cause that many no longer believe in..
that doesnt mean that i am going to agree with mr. commander in chief on the issue though.
1. Pres. Bush said we were going in there because Houssein had weapons of mass destruction and was refusing to give location of said weapons to the US and "UN" inspectors. Well Hans Blitz said himself that he doubted their existence and was ignored by this administration. Their is no record or evidence of them ever having been there and The Administration themselves admitted that it was "faulty intelligence" lol, well when you ignore the intelligence that doesnt support your position you tend not to have the complete picture there huh Barney!!
2. Pres Bush said that Houssein had ties to Al Queda and was supporting terrorism. Fact: Houssein didnt support any faction that threatened his complete and total control of his country. He also was on a kill on sight list of mr Bin Ladens because he killed millions of fellow Muslims in his warfare with the kurds.
3. Pres Bush said that the money from the oil wells we "occupied" would pay for the war...LOL 450 billion dollars later maybe not there Georgie...

so theres your facts uncle pork meat...there's research and intellect all in a nice bullet point format....
check, your move


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TripSevens, if YOU have the right to say what you want on here, so does Homer, and he's been around a lot longer than you. He is right, everybody has heard all of this before, there's no need to keep bringing this up.

I actually posted the article or cut and pasted a google as some call it.

I don't recall Trip stating Homer doesn't have the right to speak his mind regardless that we may or may not have 'heard it all before.' When one disregards a repeated lie it could be construed one believes that lie to be truth. The truth is Mr. bush LIED about the reasons for this attack and occupation of Iraq which has angered not only the Iraqis, Americans, but many other folks in the world. But you would have us all just stop talkin' about it coz "everybody has heard all of this before." Maybe the whole world should just shut up, huh? Or do you just want some posters to shut up?

And it's a message board, some of us don't want to just talk about our hawt dates or how pretty our rides are or even what we did last night, we want to remind folks that we have an idiot for a President and we shouldn't make this mistake again.

Now you can tell me all about myself and all my experiences and how I haven't been around long enough to speak my mind since you must be some kinda psychic.