Or maybe he made it to this point and realized it's all nonsense:
How can you be against rape, etc... but also be against any organization that could stop it? It's a catch-22. We don't want crimes against people, but we can't stop the criminals because that takes away their liberties. It's nonsensical.
No, it's not even like that.
The only point that what you posted made was that authority figures aren't needed. Nothing nonsensical about that. Any position of power can come with the ability to exploit those underneath you, and so often it is done in some way. Just because there'd be no police doesn't mean that the people can't solve problems... now thinking cops are needed is nonsensical.
Furthermore, if a true anarchist society was brought about you wouldn't rape someone. And if you did, it could be dealt with. Do you honestly think that police are the only solution to the problem? I don't deny that some cops think they're doing well or are trying to, and I don't oppose each cop as an individual, I oppose the concept of authority. What the hell, that quote even says that anarchists would stop people who were exploiting/harming others.
Edit: I just want to stress that when I say things like "authority figures aren't needed," I mean in the future if there was an anarchist society. I am well aware that right now the world is so fucked that cops can be helpful. I can even admire the willingness to put your life in danger. I know there are some people who have something to do with the police force here and I don't mean to offend them.
However, without them realizing what they're doing, they are helping protect a system that does not work, simply put. Unintentionally maybe, but it's still happening. And just to criticize myself, I am also helping protect a system that does not work, because at this point it's really difficult not to to some degree.
Edited again: Here's a view on how crimes could be solved:
Punishment: who watches the watchers?
There are three possible aims of punishment: restraint, revenge or reform Capitalism only seems to succeed at the first two. The retributive and vengeful "justice" of the present system has been a total and utter failure.
Attempting to reform people through coercion and force can never succeed. Arguments based on fear and terror are never very convincing. The institutionalised murder of the death penalty has never had the slightest effect on violent crime figures. It amounts to no more then revenge. Prison, if it achieves anything, tends to perpetuate crime with minor offenders often going on to commit greater crimes. Why not re-offend if nothing has changed when you get out?
Capitalism can not solve the problem. It creates the conditions which lead to most crimes. The supposed system of justice amounts to a closed caste of judges and legal professionals. These are initiated into a tangled web of complex rules and regulations, where any concept of justice or fair play intrudes purely randomly.
Getting rid of capitalism, and replacing it with an anarchist system, will greatly reduce crime. But what about the mentally unbalanced or "crimes of passion"? Their is no doubt that some form of incarceration will be needed in particular cases. There are people who will have to be removed from society for their own good and that of others.
This in turn implies some form of law enforcement agency (or whatever title you come up with) will be needed. Of course this will be smaller, and fully answerable the the community as a whole. It will focus purely on the detection of individuals and their imprisonment. There must be no element of revenge. The aim, where possible, should be their reform and release.
These are some ideas on crime and punishment. Obviously there is no 100% perfect solution, though we think we can suggest a drastic improvement. The issue of crime and punishment in a future anarchist society does raise some complex questions. The WSM doesn't claim to have all the answers.
Housebreaking...joy riding ... heroin pushing ... mugging ... rape : Crime, Criminals, Punishment an anarchist view (for the full article, and a site with many more... it'd be more in depth that way)
It's a funny contradiction though, for sure.