Respect for waiting.

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I know you said that you were not purposely waiting until you were married to have sex, but should you decide to do so, it is a way of respecting and loving your future wife before you've even met her. And then to let her know that and to express that to her on your wedding night would be extremely special and romantic.

One thing you said that I found confusing was that if one was not having sex to procreate that it was dirty. So you think sex with your spouse is only to procreate? You do not think it is ok to have sex for pleasure with your spouse? Just curious.

BTW . . . I think it is very respectable and shows a considerable amount of self control, which is a very admirable character trait, to remain a virgin until marriage. I know you said you are not religious and I don't know if this means that you no longer seek a relationship with God, but your obedience does not go unnoticed by Him. It is when we operate under His umbrella of provision and love that we are able to soak up His protection and blessings.

Don't get upset by what other people say about you being a virgin. It is nothing to be ashamed of or to be prideful about either. Feel comfortable in your decision so that others do not get under your skin about it.


I don't see how it is disrespecting someone by having a sexual relationship with someone else before you even meet this "mystery" person.

To start this off, I copied a few excerpts from my thread to allow direction to the start of this debate.

My point of view is that I believe the whole 'no sex before marriage' is a sham, but just another way for the church to control your life.

I sure hope Grace and AEF find this. I wanna read both sides of the coin.
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we're in a new before marriage in my opinion is stupid. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait and experience just one person. THAT'S IT. You would never know what else was out there.

All Else Failed

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If someone wants to wait till they find the right person, or for marriage, thats totally fine. Whatever makes them happy. I just don't think its necessary to wait in order to fully respect someone in a sexual manner.


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yeah, i should have mentioned this so people aren't jumping down my throat...but to each his own...i was just giving out my opinion and what i thought about it.


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we're in a new before marriage in my opinion is stupid. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait and experience just one person. THAT'S IT. You would never know what else was out there.
you say sex before marriage is stupid and then say why would anyone wait?


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we're in a new before marriage in my opinion is stupid. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait and experience just one person. THAT'S IT. You would never know what else was out there.

I agree. Thinking in more visual terms. I don't want to wait based on the ideology because sure boobs are great the first few times, but once you get used to them big aeroles don't turn me on.

I can't imagine why a woman would want to wait. The guy you marry whips out his 2" dick and it's nothing but "is it in yet?" for the next 50 years.


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For starters, I don't care what other people do. It's their decision.

Me and Amber didn't have sex until we were married (not all my choice :D ), but who cares? It's us. Do what's right for you, don't worry about what other people think.


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This subject is too complex for me for me to sit here and type and type and type. I've got a buttload of homework I have to get done today.

So I will copy and paste some stuff someone else wrote that I agree with.
If anyone is interested I'll be posting a link as well to the whole 'article'/'report'.

It is good reading if you are interested in how this rocking Christian girl thinks about this subject. ;)

Its exclusiveness and uniqueness is what makes it so special to the two people involved. To spread the intimacy "around" to a variety of sexual partners dilutes and scatters (in little doses to a number of people) the totality of all the love, care, and intimacy one has to give.
This is the choice and the real challenge facing young people today. If given the option of a hamburger at 5:00 or a filet mignon at 7:30, are there good reasons to forego the hamburger and wait for the filet? Why not both? Why not take the hamburger now and the filet later?
This "both" mentality reflects the rationale of those who encourage sexual activity outside of marriage. It is my conviction, however--through personal experience and hundreds of counseling situations--that it is not possible to have both without encountering problems later. Too many hamburgers now tends to ruin one's taste for filet mignon later on. A popular song, "Mambo No. 5" by Lou Bega, dramatically illustrates this:
"A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita is all I need
A little bit of Sandy in the sun
A little bit of Mary all night long
A little bit of Jessica here I am
A little bit of you makes me your man. . . I do all
To fall in love with a girl like you
You can't run and you can't hide
You and me gonna touch the sky"
The accumulation of stored-up sexual memories one has experienced with multiple partners creates a composite, mental "phantom" which that person brings along with him/her to every sexual encounter with a spouse. The more vast the experience, the greater the likelihood that the unfortunate partner will not, by comparison, be able to measure up in sexual performance to his/her looming, unseen rival!
Biological Argument

Now let us examine the various arguments posed to justify and rationalize sexual activity before and outside of marriage. We will analyze the data of each argument briefly and explore its general implications so the reader can decide which course of action will provide the best path to the most meaningful and satisfying sexual experience with a life partner.
Perhaps the most common reason used to justify sexual activity of all kinds is the simple fact that the sex drive is a basic, biological one, along with hunger, thirst, and survival. The argument is as old as the Bible where Paul states in I Corinthians 6:13, "Food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food." The Corinthians were using the biological argument to justify their immorality, but Paul explained that the analogy to the sex appetite was (and is) fallacious. Humans cannot live without food, air, or water. But we can live without sex.
Nature has several things to say on this point. First, God has built into the natural world a mechanism for sexual release (quite apart from any human initiative): nocturnal emissions--orgasmic release while asleep. Second, that nature rejects human promiscuity is dramatically illustrated by sexually-transmitted diseases (STD). The AIDSA menace world-wide is killing millions today. It is estimated that one third of the population of Sub-Sahara Africa is HIV positive! To make matters worse, new strains of gonorrhea and syphilis are appearing today that stubbornly resist antibiotics which previously provided adequate treatment.{5}
In stark contrast, couples who confine sex to their marriage partners face no such danger from disease. Further, we can safely conclude that abstinence does not impair one's health. Sociologist Robert Bell quips, "There appear to be no records of males hospitalized because girls refused to provide sexual outlets."{6}
While recognizing that human beings, as mammals, share many common genetic characteristics with cats, dogs, chimpanzees, etc., we do not find comparable sexual behavioral patterns in the animal world. A tomcat takes any female who will receive him, but he then wanders off to others while the female raises the young alone. Human sexuality is unique in that it not only includes, but transcends physical reproductive elements. It reaches an intimacy unknown in animals.
Statistical Argument

A second popular argument reasons that "Everyone is doing it." First, we must categorically deny that this is a true statement. Looking back to the Kinsey Report findings between 1948-53, it reported that 58% of the college-bound boys between 16-20 were without sexual experience and 80% of the twenty-one year-old unmarried women were virgins{7}. More recent studies{8} show significant increases of promiscuity among these populations, but no study says everyone is doing it.
Further, it is important to note that statistics do not reflect or establish moral values. Masters and Johnson in their findings have noted, "Is the frequency with which something happens a reliable indication of its value (or rightness)!" {9} Until recently the Papuan Tribe in the South Pacific had a 100% majority consensus that cannibalism was right! Does that make it right? A majority can be wrong or misguided. If a society sets the standards, those standards are subject to change with the whim and will of the majority. Therefore, in one generation (19th Century) slavery may be right and abortion wrong, while the next generation (20th Century) says slavery is "out" and abortion is "in." This serves to prove that making something legal does not necessarily make it moral.
In every school, college, or community, there are significant numbers of young people who are committed to abstain from sexual activity until marriage. Any young man or woman who wants to be one of them will have plenty of company. It is up to each person to decide where he or she will show up in the statistics.
Proof of Love Argument

A third argument suggests that intercourse demonstrates a proof of one's love for another. It supposedly symbolizes how much the other cares. One therefore exerts pressure upon the more reluctant partner to demonstrate a certain level of care for the other. Those reluctant partners who succumb to this pressure do so with the underlying hope that it will somehow cement the relationship and discourage the other from searching elsewhere for a less hesitant friend.
Any person who insists on making sex the ultimate proof of a genuine relationship isn' t saying "I love you," but rather, "I love it"! True love concerns itself with the well-being of the other person and would not interpret hesitation in such a selfish way. Furthermore, the person adopting this practice develops a pattern of demonstrating love by purely sexual responsiveness. Ultimately he or she enters marriage with somewhat of a distortion as to what real intimacy means, to say nothing of having to deal with the memories of previous lovers. Some behaviors are irreversible, and this process is like trying to unscramble an egg. Once it's done, it's done.
The broader perspective sees sex as an integral and important part of a meaningful relationship--but not the totality of it. Remembering this will help any individual to make the right decision to refrain from sexual involvement if a potential partner puts on the pressure to make sex the test of a meaningful relationship. In this regard, Hugh Hefner, the creator of the Playboy empire, said he didn't believe in promiscuity, just "meaningful" relationships! {11}
Instructive at this point are the comments of Cynthia Maddox, a former special girl of Hefner's. When her "meaningful" relationship with Hefner declined, she began to see a psychiatrist. As Hugh Hefner's ex-girlfriend and a Playboy cover girl, she found many men looking on her as a sort of trophy-in short a sex symbol. But she felt much different inside. She said, "Sometimes. . .God, I don't feel like I have any identity of my own. . .I would like someone who really notices me, really can respect me, really can remember things about me-some man who thinks about me when I am away from him." (11) In short, Cynthia perceived the fallacy of sexual responsiveness as "proof" of love: she still hungers for intimacy and self-esteem. She gave sex, but she wants to love and be loved. She wants to give herself sexually in a caring relationship.
When a couple insists on a premature beginning for sexual intercourse, their interpersonal communications tends to slack off. Ironically, in their coming together sexually, the couple may lose the very thing they really wanted. . .intimacy and companionship.


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Needed to use two posts in a row. Sorry.

Psychological Argument

This is also a popular one and closely tied to the biological argument discussed above. Here's the question: "Is sexual restraint bad for you?" A student paper, Perspective, published by two combined religious fellowships at Southern Methodist University, gave the following comment in a paper dealing with a "realistic approach to sex on campus":
Psychological problems may be caused by fear of bring found out, lack of respect for the other person, or severe conflict between moral training and sexual reality (permissiveness). Part of the couple's responsibility is recognizing these disturbances and taking whatever action is necessary to either alleviate or live with these feelings. (12) (parenthesis and underline mine).
Nothing in the article indicates what is meant by "alleviate." The implied options are to alleviate guilt feelings, by somehow lowering one's standards and developing indifference to previous moral training, or learning to cope with feelings of guilt. The article makes no suggestion, however, as to how this might be accomplished. Obviously, one course of action that alleviates guilt is abstinence; i.e., preventing guilt by deciding not to engage in a behavior that produces it!
Studies show that men and women who experiment with sex outside of the permanent commitment intended to accompany and give content to it are the real candidates for a crack-up. (13) Sublimating one's sex drive is not unhealthy. Recognized authorities agree that the learning of sublimation is important for the proper emotional development of any person. In sublimation the process of sexual and aggressive energy are displaced by non-sexual and non-destructive goals. Sublimation becomes beneficial in making one ready to accept substitute gratifications and to become more adaptable to the circumstances of life.
Guilt, however, unlike sublimation, can produce devastating results in human behavior. It is anger turned inward, producing depression, a lowered self-esteem, and fatigue. Researchers find the highest prevalence of nervous symptoms among those with the least sexual restraint. Further, chastity and virginity contribute very little to sexual problems; unsatisfying relationships, guilt, hostility toward the opposite sex, and low self-esteem do. To put it another way, There are no scars where there have been no wounds.
In this pleasure-crazed society, some persons need no further justification for sexual activity beyond the fact that it's fun. "If it feels good, do it!" says the bumper sticker. No one, including I, would deny that sex is fun. Skin against skin is pleasant.
Perhaps the "Epicurean" approach to life was best expressed by Ernest Hemingway when he said, "What is moral is what I feel good after and what is immoral is what I feel bad after." (14) The real question is, "How long after?" The "fun" syndrome forces us to sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate. In my counseling experience I've never met any individuals who were sorry for postponing their sexual activity until they were able to give themselves to a special person in marriage. I have, however met and counseled with scores of people who regretted that they did not. Here are two examples from comment cards after I gave a lecture on this subject:
"I started having sex at a very young age and have been active throughout the years. If I could do it all over again, I think I would save myself."
"I've been so many places and _____ (had intercourse with) so many that I've begun to look at girls as objects instead of people. I don't know if I can find my way back."
Both of these were virile young college men. The second poured out his regrets to me personally, his eyes filled with bitter tears. Obviously during their sexual encounters and experiences these men were feeling good and having fun. The passing of time, however, altered their perspective, and now they had changed their minds. Can we learn from the wisdom of other's experiences? It takes maturity to do so.
Probe Ministries - Why Wait Till Marriage?


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I agree. Thinking in more visual terms. I don't want to wait based on the ideology because sure boobs are great the first few times, but once you get used to them big aeroles don't turn me on.

I can't imagine why a woman would want to wait. The guy you marry whips out his 2" dick and it's nothing but "is it in yet?" for the next 50 years.

yeah that's basically what I was trying to get at but couldn't get the words to come out right :)


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this is def a subject that will be around till people reach common ground and unity. because the world we live in is not full of completly self aware people, but self aware, to animal, to self aware, and back again.
take the case of the wandering eye. what does the wandering eye show, lust? and what does lust show sometimes, an animal want towards something we deem worthy of sexual contact? and sometimes this happens to bf's, gf's, husbands, wives. but sometimes, these very people get mad at their loved one when they catch them with their wandering eye. now i understand this isnt the case with some, they dont care if their lover "looks" at "beautiful things", because they do to, so who cares, but this is just a small example of how sex and its draw, can seep into everyday life, for a lot of people.
look at bachelor parties and things like that, "one last shot at freedom", lol, wasnt that "freedom" gone when you first put yourself with the one you will spend forever with, or wait, does that end the next day, like a faucet that can be turned off so easily over night,lol? or is sex or a sexual arousal that important to a lot of people.
i think its also important to note that people know what it feels like to get off, they know, even when done in its "lowest form", it can still feel really good. but love with another person, true love, most people have no idea what that feels like, no idea what its like to have the person you've longed for since the dawn of man, and you cant find that feeling with a steady wrist or hip, by yourself, or with a passer byer, lol.
and though there are plenty of examples of how sex can become more important then most things, and how much it takes up the mind, instead of other things. and as grace pointed out, the ramifications, and possible downfalls on the human psyche and physical nature, That i too have shared in sex's feasts, and at times thought it was as good as it could ever get, and i know that you can learn tricks, or whatever, after having it with such and such amount of people, but after having met true love, it strips me clean, and virgin i feel again. to have not had sex with the one you were meant to be with forever, its like never having sex before, no matter how many times you've had it.
but then, what if i got myself in trouble before i met her, that my animal ways had hurt me physically, with disease, or somehow prevented me from pleasing her, the one i would rather please forever, rather then a night or a few months or years,lol. (im sure she'd still love me, but that would have to be one of the first things id have had to tell her, to see if she'd stay, and that would have been hard,lol)
again, this is so flippin complicated, you've got people worried that if they didnt know what it was like to have sex with the spouse before marriage, you would be craving something outside of it till the end, which is a total bummer, but if thats so important, then thats the mess the person has to lay in for all that time.
this subject, like abortion, can fall into the black and white subject list, and i myself, have gone from black, white, black, white, on this topic for a while, but thank god for true love, if everyone could just find that special someone, then maybe none of this would be an issue anymore,lol.

All Else Failed

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For starters, I don't care what other people do. It's their decision.

Me and Amber didn't have sex until we were married (not all my choice :D ), but who cares? It's us. Do what's right for you, don't worry about what other people think.


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For starters, I don't care what other people do. It's their decision.

Me and Amber didn't have sex until we were married (not all my choice :D ), but who cares? It's us. Do what's right for you, don't worry about what other people think.

it might matter more when your daughter (if you have one or will, i dont know,lol), meets a guy who feels its just fine to sleep with whoever, gets something (disease, whatever), doesnt tell your daughter, and now it is your problem. i know its a bit of a downer thought, but its possible.

All Else Failed

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This subject is too complex for me for me to sit here and type and type and type. I've got a buttload of homework I have to get done today.

So I will copy and paste some stuff someone else wrote that I agree with.
If anyone is interested I'll be posting a link as well to the whole 'article'/'report'.

It is good reading if you are interested in how this rocking Christian girl thinks about this subject. ;)
"To spread the intimacy "around" to a variety of sexual partners dilutes and scatters (in little doses to a number of people) the totality of all the love, care, and intimacy one has to give."

So untrue it hurts. Making blanket, generalizations like this to categorize all people in is dangerous and a lie.


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"To spread the intimacy "around" to a variety of sexual partners dilutes and scatters (in little doses to a number of people) the totality of all the love, care, and intimacy one has to give."

So untrue it hurts. Making blanket, generalizations like this to categorize all people in is dangerous and a lie.

i agree, i mean, to those who find true love, it does not matter, no old memories stick or flutter into the minds of the lovers during intimacy. but grace does make a point, because it does speak to a lot of people, maybe not all, but certainly a lot i feel. people who dont know what it means to give up all old memory, instead of keeping it in their mind, so they have another thing to think about to keep their hard on going,lol. this happens more then when would like to think, and there are not many "true" lovers out there, so i imagine that it can take away from a lot of peoples love, but not true love, not in the least. which is the view point from which i agree with you