Officer on Duty said that since there was no written lease agreement, no written eviction notice, and that he always paid in cash, he stands no chance in court. He said it would be considered a civil matter. He also said that since he wasnt on a lease and there was no proof he even paid me, I have nothing to worry about.
Problem solved. Thanks everyone for your help. I will be notifying Jeff via certified mail about this and hopefully this is all over. Im going to quit reading these posts because I really dont need to hear what will be said. Im sticking to my advice from the police. I dont care to read the arguing after this.
I wouldn't take that as a problem solved. The office on duty should have been smart enough to realize he is not obligated (nor allowed in my town) to give you legal advice. Since he lacked that knowledge, i would also question his knowledge of the law regarding contractual agreements. It is the purpose of lawyers to give legal advice and the judge to determine whom is correct. Honestly, I think you should save yourself the time and court cost and resolve this like an adult. He doesn't live there, why should he still pay you rent?