mazHur the terrorist loving, racist pervert does hate The US and Western Culture.
It's one 'I hate the US' thread after another.
[/QUOTE][[[[[[[ Such conduct cannot be of a good American who accuses someone for what he is not nor what he is doing.
America has an important role in world politics and any news concerning it is worthy of mention inorder that those who are not aware of the realities hid from them from classified media reports is brought to them for evaluation and good understanding of
facts unknown or little known to us all. It is but an informative source of information and must not be narrow mindedly construed as anti american,,,,However, Stone has a tiny brain and is a small person to lay accusations on anyone who tries to put forth sources of public information,,,,,,
Stone is definitely deranged and tries to be bossy, grouchy and grumpy,,,,,he surely is sick and sadistic. He wants others to agree with him in any or all case which is absurd and uncalled for...Not a good American at all. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

And it's envy that's driving you mad
Doesn't this quote belong in the joke forum?
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[YOU ARE A JOKE FORUM, IDIOTA!!]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]