Religous law making a comeback

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I didn't missed you point at all. neither I am going to tow your line...If you don't like to read my stuff then don't...
I am not here to please your whims

This is exactly why you keep involving yourself in controversy.
You seem to think readers have to believe what you post.
But what you do post is often challenged and shown to be false and you then try to save face with denial and name calling.
I'm here to read and debate what I think can be challenged and you've made yourself a foolish target.

I am not here to please your whims
Actually, you are doing that in a perverse way. I enjoy debating you.
I wouldn't be hanging out in this forum as much if you left.
Please stay :)
I enjoy verbally kicking your ass all over this forum :D
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Silly question which only serves the ends of a habitual troll,..
Good that you were not that judge the diff for yerself./

From animal-human sex statistics, it appears many animals are in danger from Pakistani males.


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The Man

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I've heard it can kill a Christian in much of the ME and Southeast Asia.
Indeed..its impossible to win.
In the rare event the Christian would merely be a setup.
All he or she would have to do is drink from the wrong the entire water supply is no longer "Islamic"..Happens in PK
Maz claims PK is not as strict as other it is hard telling what the fate of the Christian would be
In SA I do know that bibles crosses...etc are taken away immediately upon entry into SA..and there is to be no mention of Christianity

The Man

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The Taliban are taking over Karachi Maz...Thriving as you put it.
They have taken control of about 25 percent of Karachi.
We already know you lied to us about saying they were not there.
However you later did admit in part there were there...only because you were busted
The taliban enforce are in favor of sharia.
You want Gitmo closed immediately.
You have openly supported terrorism in these the point it is safe to call you a terrorist/terrorist supporter.
See maz you dont have to shoot a rocket launcher into a crown to be a terrorist.
Just like in the army here you can be a medic a radio man mechanic etc and be part of the team "the army"

With terrorists maz..there is no paper work like in the army a person can be a terrorist without the paper work.
You are obviously a terrorist supporter..all would agree.
Supporting terrorism by whatever means rather by giving false information..false fronts..false positive images..hiding them.
You actively support terrorism..which IMO makes you a terrorist.
There are two sides/ Pro terrorists...Anti terrorists choose to be pro.
You publicly provide false information to protect terrorism.
You also promote terrorism.
You try to change peoples position of anti terror to pro terror.
You are part of "Team Terror" Maz .
With your rooftop shooting video{you uploaded} instilling fear in the city{in yet another city} and your open support of terrorism doesnt look good.

IMO now would be a good time to drop the "love for westerners" front and admit to being a terrorist...Its all good.
The only thing I really want to know is why..what events led to the decision for you to join "team terror"
I am not concerned in which organization you belong to..there are more than 60 terrorist organizations in can even be one that isnt listed.
I am only interested in how does a terrorist in his mind justify the actions of terrorism.
Lay it on us brother so we can better understand what it is that makes terrorists do what terrorists do.
You wont convince me with lies BTW....Be honest please.


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The Taliban are taking over Karachi Maz...Thriving as you put it.
They have taken control of about 25 percent of Karachi.
We already know you lied to us about saying they were not there.
However you later did admit in part there were there...only because you were busted
The taliban enforce are in favor of sharia.
You want Gitmo closed immediately.
You have openly supported terrorism in these the point it is safe to call you a terrorist/terrorist supporter.
See maz you dont have to shoot a rocket launcher into a crown to be a terrorist.
Just like in the army here you can be a medic a radio man mechanic etc and be part of the team "the army"

With terrorists maz..there is no paper work like in the army a person can be a terrorist without the paper work.
You are obviously a terrorist supporter..all would agree.
Supporting terrorism by whatever means rather by giving false information..false fronts..false positive images..hiding them.
You actively support terrorism..which IMO makes you a terrorist.
There are two sides/ Pro terrorists...Anti terrorists choose to be pro.
You publicly provide false information to protect terrorism.
You also promote terrorism.
You try to change peoples position of anti terror to pro terror.
You are part of "Team Terror" Maz .
With your rooftop shooting video{you uploaded} instilling fear in the city{in yet another city} and your open support of terrorism doesnt look good.

IMO now would be a good time to drop the "love for westerners" front and admit to being a terrorist...Its all good.
The only thing I really want to know is why..what events led to the decision for you to join "team terror"
I am not concerned in which organization you belong to..there are more than 60 terrorist organizations in can even be one that isnt listed.
I am only interested in how does a terrorist in his mind justify the actions of terrorism.
Lay it on us brother so we can better understand what it is that makes terrorists do what terrorists do.
You wont convince me with lies BTW....Be honest please.

mazHar is a terrorist loving, racist pervert.


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Those are really just exemptions, MAN, rather than impositions like Sharia would be.
Ohio has a large community of Amish and Mennonites in several of it's eastern counties and though they look at life differently, they don't impose their will upon others.
Jehovah Witnesses also seem benign.

I know you are concerned about the spread of Sharia in the US, but IMO, a more likely imposition could come from our own home-grown extremist Christian fundamentalists as they have a large base already established in the US, are not considered an alien factor and if you remember, had a large influence in public opinion for invading Iraq.
I remember Falwell's call for war when he posted at World Net Daily, the need for Christians to back that war in support of their God.
I also remember many arguments at that time frame, by rabid Christian fundamentalists, calling for the rewriting of the Constitution and the insertion of a Christian theocracy.
The US public didn't buy that, the general Christian populace didn't buy that.
So, because we as a nation reject a theocracy by familiars, it's unlikely we as a nation would accept such an alien notion as Sharia from outsiders.
Our strength lies in having a large population that's accustomed to being free.

Idiota, Sharia is voluntary..all Muslims are bound to enforce it upon themselves voluntarily...
If some Muslim doesn't he is not acting rightly as a Muslim,...
and, particularly in a Muslim majority place or where Islam is the state religion other Muslims monitor that their fellow brethren in faith do not go beyond it..for that the Quran specifies punishments and the Sharia court enforces them as per Sharia Law.


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The Taliban are taking over Karachi Maz...Thriving as you put it.
They have taken control of about 25 percent of Karachi.
We already know you lied to us about saying they were not there.
However you later did admit in part there were there...only because you were busted
The taliban enforce are in favor of sharia.
You want Gitmo closed immediately.
You have openly supported terrorism in these the point it is safe to call you a terrorist/terrorist supporter.
See maz you dont have to shoot a rocket launcher into a crown to be a terrorist.
Just like in the army here you can be a medic a radio man mechanic etc and be part of the team "the army"

With terrorists maz..there is no paper work like in the army a person can be a terrorist without the paper work.
You are obviously a terrorist supporter..all would agree.
Supporting terrorism by whatever means rather by giving false information..false fronts..false positive images..hiding them.
You actively support terrorism..which IMO makes you a terrorist.
There are two sides/ Pro terrorists...Anti terrorists choose to be pro.
You publicly provide false information to protect terrorism.
You also promote terrorism.
You try to change peoples position of anti terror to pro terror.
You are part of "Team Terror" Maz .
With your rooftop shooting video{you uploaded} instilling fear in the city{in yet another city} and your open support of terrorism doesnt look good.

IMO now would be a good time to drop the "love for westerners" front and admit to being a terrorist...Its all good.
The only thing I really want to know is why..what events led to the decision for you to join "team terror"
I am not concerned in which organization you belong to..there are more than 60 terrorist organizations in can even be one that isnt listed.
I am only interested in how does a terrorist in his mind justify the actions of terrorism.
Lay it on us brother so we can better understand what it is that makes terrorists do what terrorists do.
You wont convince me with lies BTW....Be honest please.

Every criminal in the city feigns as Taliban to create dread...
Moreover, Taliban is concerned with Afghans but people wrongly attribute the title Taliban to every Pakhtun...
which is an ethnic race facing another dominating ethnic people called the Muhajirs or the members of MQM..

Read current affairs and stop whining silly words to mislead people and the thread., are really a bugger!!


Well-Known Member
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The Taliban are taking over Karachi Maz...Thriving as you put it.
They have taken control of about 25 percent of Karachi.
We already know you lied to us about saying they were not there.
However you later did admit in part there were there...only because you were busted
The taliban enforce are in favor of sharia.
You want Gitmo closed immediately.
You have openly supported terrorism in these the point it is safe to call you a terrorist/terrorist supporter.
See maz you dont have to shoot a rocket launcher into a crown to be a terrorist.
Just like in the army here you can be a medic a radio man mechanic etc and be part of the team "the army"

With terrorists maz..there is no paper work like in the army a person can be a terrorist without the paper work.
You are obviously a terrorist supporter..all would agree.
Supporting terrorism by whatever means rather by giving false information..false fronts..false positive images..hiding them.
You actively support terrorism..which IMO makes you a terrorist.
There are two sides/ Pro terrorists...Anti terrorists choose to be pro.
You publicly provide false information to protect terrorism.
You also promote terrorism.
You try to change peoples position of anti terror to pro terror.
You are part of "Team Terror" Maz .
With your rooftop shooting video{you uploaded} instilling fear in the city{in yet another city} and your open support of terrorism doesnt look good.

IMO now would be a good time to drop the "love for westerners" front and admit to being a terrorist...Its all good.
The only thing I really want to know is why..what events led to the decision for you to join "team terror"
I am not concerned in which organization you belong to..there are more than 60 terrorist organizations in can even be one that isnt listed.
I am only interested in how does a terrorist in his mind justify the actions of terrorism.
Lay it on us brother so we can better understand what it is that makes terrorists do what terrorists do.
You wont convince me with lies BTW....Be honest please.

Religion is rules to guide the leaders to lead the fools.....
"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."
― Desmond Tutu

bastards4.png bastards4.png


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You have a weak brain,,,you simply fail to understand. Not your problem but your mind's and mindset's....
Go clean your dingleberries....your gal friend, if any, (I don't believe you could ever have one!!) will mind them...

hahaha!! Am glad to see you fluster!! My gal friend is a Canadian lady,,,,I warn you she won't like your frivolous antics and may shove your dingleberries in your mouth to shut your asshole



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How would you know? You express few scientific concepts correctly concerning evolution, you are quite ignorant on the topics. You have no understanding of the differences between the concepts of evolution, abiogenesis, and the Big Bang event.

Did your Taliban handler suggest getting into theological arguments at this time as a diversion?

Sophistry again......religion and science are not comparable concepts.
The issue is one of harm, it's an issue of imposing religious views through 'creation science' which is not science to begin with. And you did argue against the sciences involved in evolution, abiogenesis and Big Bang.

Your Taliban handler might not like the construction of that comment ;).....:D

Maybe that appeased your handler enough, maybe not.
Science has nothing to do with instructing us on morality and ethics let alone emotions.
IF science and religion are not compatible then whey were most of the Nobel laureates Jews, others Christians and a few Muslims or Hindus??

YOU raise a false argument....evolution is still under debate,..and is cannot force anyone to accept it more than something having a pinch of salt.


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Idiota, Sharia is voluntary..all Muslims are bound to enforce it upon themselves voluntarily...
If some Muslim doesn't he is not acting rightly as a Muslim,...
and, particularly in a Muslim majority place or where Islam is the state religion other Muslims monitor that their fellow brethren in faith do not go beyond it..for that the Quran specifies punishments and the Sharia court enforces them as per Sharia Law.

Sharia is voluntary

Not with your buddies, the Taliban and al Qaeda, in charge of attempting to take charge..
And not in Islamic nations that impose it.

You merely lie again.


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Every criminal in the city feigns as Taliban to create dread...
Moreover, Taliban is concerned with Afghans but people wrongly attribute the title Taliban to every Pakhtun...
which is an ethnic race facing another dominating ethnic people called the Muhajirs or the members of MQM..

Read current affairs and stop whining silly words to mislead people and the thread., are really a bugger!!

There are even Taliban being reported in the ranks of ISIS.......again, you lie.


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Religion is rules to guide the leaders to lead the fools.....
"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."
― Desmond Tutu

And in the ME and SE Asia, Islamists merely order the people to bow down or die.

The Man

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Idiota, Sharia is voluntary..all Muslims are bound to enforce it upon themselves voluntarily...
If some Muslim doesn't he is not acting rightly as a Muslim,...
and, particularly in a Muslim majority place or where Islam is the state religion other Muslims monitor that their fellow brethren in faith do not go beyond it..for that the Quran specifies punishments and the Sharia court enforces them as per Sharia Law.
Bullshit..I have seen videos where they have forcibly hold down someone to cut off the hand or to give them lashes.


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mazHur said: ↑

You have a weak brain,,,you simply fail to understand. Not your problem but your mind's and mindset's....
Go clean your dingleberries....your gal friend, if any, (I don't believe you could ever have one!!) will mind them...

hahaha!! Am glad to see you fluster!! My gal friend is a Canadian lady,,,,I warn you she won't like your frivolous antics and may shove your dingleberries in your mouth to shut your asshole


Perhaps you didn't notice, you are commenting on your own post......Ha Ha HA!.....idiot :D