Religious Inconsistencies

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All Else Failed

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As an atheist, religion is not stupid at all. I can tell you have never really Thought about religion. You've only thought about it.

See, this is the way things go on so called "free thinker" atheist forums as well. I've posted on a few and NONE of them are actually interested in Truth or science. Most of the threads are simply posting pictures like these and fostering a false superiority complex when in truth atheists like those (and probably you) suffer from secular delusions that far outweigh religious ones.

That was a brilliant assessment young scholar. Mommy & daddy's college tuition money was well spent on you.

My student loans disagree with you.
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Nah - religion's pretty fucking stupid if you actually spend a few moments actually thinking about it.

GIA makes some logical points demonstrating biblical idocy. When you consider English is his second language, he makes a lot more sense that you religobots do. :)

Nah - religion's pretty fucking stupid if you actually spend a few moments actually thinking about it.
Like most concepts, some is, some isn't........just depends on why you think about the 'unexplainable'.

GIA makes some logical points demonstrating biblical idocy.
I suggest you read his posts closer.
Most of it is sophistry and contextual abuse.
He begins by defining the Bible in a fundamentalist manner and then transferring his argument to an absolute status, incorporating all understandings of the Christian Bible with out any distinction.
He avoids Christian doctrine and imposes his own interpretations.

But the funniest part of all is that he writes in a style that is derogatory with atheist imagery while actually pushing his own form of religion based upon bizarre scriptures ........and gets away with out being challenged by those he tries to appeal to.......atheists......people that do not embrace any belief system.
A Christian just isn't going to buy into his shit.
He's selling religion to atheists :D

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Nah - religion's pretty fucking stupid if you actually spend a few moments actually thinking about it.

GIA makes some logical points demonstrating biblical idocy. When you consider English is his second language, he makes a lot more sense that you religobots do. :)

Ah yes Johnny with that wide brush

Go ahead and make your point

You might want to try using something to make your point other than the shit you have posted so far


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Nah - religion's pretty fucking stupid if you actually spend a few moments actually thinking about it.

GIA makes some logical points demonstrating biblical idocy. When you consider English is his second language, he makes a lot more sense that you religobots do. :)

He makes logical sense? Tell me where he has made logical sense? Is that why you have followed him by making that Easter thread? Because if that made, you know, just wow

If you want to continue throwing Freudian psycho babble at me and accusing me of being a religo-bot, since we already know you don't make sense, I rest my case :D


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He makes logical sense? Tell me where he has made logical sense? Is that why you have followed him by making that Easter thread? Because if that made, you know, just wow

He first takes his thoughts in French and translates them to English which in my book makes him brighter than most - hell - most people butcher English as a first language. Then, he demonstrates the absurdity of religious texts by making comparisons with other obvious absurdities. One must possess an IQ above 50 to grasp it.

If you want to continue throwing Freudian psycho babble at me and accusing me of being a religo-bot, since we already know you don't make sense, I rest my case :D

Oh dear - there's no veil over my sarcasm. My intent is to insult religobots - adults who still believe in a cosmic Santa and the Easter Bunny. Nothing Freudian about it. ;)


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He first takes his thoughts in French and translates them to English which in my book makes him brighter than most - hell - most people butcher English as a first language. Then, he demonstrates the absurdity of religious texts by making comparisons with other obvious absurdities. One must possess an IQ above 50 to grasp it.

Oh dear - there's no veil over my sarcasm. My intent is to insult religobots - adults who still believe in a cosmic Santa and the Easter Bunny. Nothing Freudian about it. ;)

I don't believe in a cosmic Santa and the Easter Bunny, shows you know nowt about me....or religion if that what is what you believe it says in the Bible.

Doesn't mean he knows about what it says in the Bible, as far as I know, he reads too much into everything that is said in the Bible i.e. he literally thinks that "Shedding of blood means no forgiveness" means that humans have to either kill themselves or go to war "in order to be forgiven", which again is laughable. He quotes Richard Dawkins who is a known hater of religions, particularly the Christian religion. If you want a good debate, by the way you insult people, you evidently don't want to, then I would suggest you read the Bible, yet you claim to have read it. It seems the only way you have read the Bible is like if this is some kind of novel.

I really do not have to time to have an argument with you, John. It seems that you and I have read two different Bibles, I assume one written by atheists is the one you have read. You can't even define the Christian Easter, how on earth are you expected to even criticise others when you are not doing the things that you complain that others are not doing....IDK


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Tuffy - You would be amazed at my depth of study of the Christian Bible. Thorough and honest Bible study creates Athiests my friend.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” Stephen Roberts


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Tuffy - You would be amazed at my depth of study of the Christian Bible. Thorough and honest Bible study creates Athiests my friend.

Well, I am certainly amazed by your "study" of the Bible, you seem to criticise others for not living up to their preaching without really understanding what goes on behind the scene. There are a lot of Christian charities. The "throne" that the Pope sits on is inherited to each elected Popes, they don't "own" it as like you and I own a phone, camera or whatever is in our personal possession.

I am not really bothered about what Stephen Roberts has said, because he doesn't know me. The one person that knows me is only me. Roberts cannot even comprehend what goes on in each individual minds, like I can't yours. I am not really what you or GIA says about religion, it is like saying that all Christians are hypocrites, which I think is a little unfair and judgemental to those who genuinely do give up their lives to help the poor. Like Mother Theresa, without such, no one unless there was someone similar to her, would even think of helping the poor in India. Yes, there is starving people in Africa, but most of the suffering is down to egotistical Politicians/Tyrants. Most charities can't do anything without the political will of the whole UN security council you so much hear these days about Syria. Even then, most people think the UN are spineless because the lack of military intervention in certain conflicts.


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Your god cannot do anything about human despots that he created Tuffy? Really? And you just excuse tht away? Brainwashed much?

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

— Epicurus, philosopher (c. 341-270 BCE)

Kakapo Dundee

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Trouble with religious inconsistencies is, that they don't prove that religion has no reason to exist. Most of the people who call themselves atheists exist on a diet of scepticism and denial.Throw in a strong belief that they are incontrovertibly right, and presto! the extreme atheists have the same flawed belief structure that the religious zealots have - they just believe a different set of questionable propositions. Because Christianity and Islam have survived through extended periods of mass illiteracy, we have no way of knowing whether the elite few who could read and write have preserved the original intent of their theology in its true and unmolested state. Metaphors may have been trampled into pseudo-facts, inconvenient truths may have been swept under the carpet,religious laws have most definitely been bypassed by groups such as the Anglican church on the selfish whims of royalty.

The reality is, none of us can prove for certain that God exists, and none of us can prove for certain that he doesn't. In the meantime the zealots fight among themselves about who has the best 'invisible friend' and the rest of us leave things the way that they fall. For myself, God may or may not exist.What I know for certain is that none of the zealots on either side can give an honest and informed argument that will validate their position.


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Good points KD - and for the record, I'm an "Agnostic Athiest" - what that means is I'm open to evidence. When Jesus comes to my house and turns my well water into a nice slightly hopped brown ale, and turns a couple of our resident Armadillo's into medium rare ribeye's, and sits at my kitchen table and enjoys them with me, I'll be a fervent witness.

Until such time, I reject the Abrahamic religions and their deities as just so much bullshit.


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And religion does have a reason to exist - and that reason is to control vulnerable human minds. Some manipulative human many millenia ago realized this and capitalized upon human fear of the unknown. Since that time, many religions have been developed for selfish human ends. Some do certain good works, but all operate off fear and guilt in order to control human behavior.

A simple concept millions refuse to acknowledge.


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And religion does have a reason to exist - and that reason is to control vulnerable human minds. Some manipulative human many millenia ago realized this and capitalized upon human fear of the unknown. Since that time, many religions have been developed for selfish human ends. Some do certain good works, but all operate off fear and guilt in order to control human behavior.

A simple concept millions refuse to acknowledge.

Just like atheism. Something I can't understand, if you don't believe in God, why are you so bothered about religion? Religion isn't the cause of wars and bigotry, tyranny, its the person who does that. Anyone can claim to be "Christian" or make their children "Christian" for the sake of a school place. But what I won't do is be judgemental on people. What I will be judgemental is whether the way they behave is the Christian way.