Interesting that you did not answer my question.
Um excuse me? Please cut down on that trolly/sarcastic/whatever tone. I'm not trolling you so you have no right to speak to me like that. You could have phrased it more nicely?I have no reason to stay anonymous not like you can do nothing anyways!LOL
Okay-lecture aside...
Sorry for the blank post, my proxy was f'ing up. For some reason, I can't post under proxies O -O
I still can't access the site via my real IP address properly, despite being deleted from the discouraged list. But I just figured that if I google offtopicz i can access it, i just can't if i type in the url in the address bar.. it's strange but yeeah~ ;P
I'm from the UK. I was gonna edit my post having realized i hadn't answered your question but i was like 'shiiiiiiit, i need to go get some revision done' xD
I have my GCSE's coming up in just 2.5 months. Do you know what they are? (I don't mean in a rude way, it's cos all countries have different systems xD) General certificate of secondary education - public exams taken at the age of around 16 at school................
Anyway what about you, huh? What about all those PM's that you're ignoring? Hmmmmm?