Siphorous Anticipation Messages 7,001 Reaction score 17 Tokenz 199.13z Nov 15, 2009 #61 Looks - 5 Confidence - From -10 to +20 depending upon the situation. Personality - 7 Ass - 4 Intelligence - 10 Common Sense - 6
Looks - 5 Confidence - From -10 to +20 depending upon the situation. Personality - 7 Ass - 4 Intelligence - 10 Common Sense - 6
RedRyder Gimme Some Heat! Messages 30,329 Reaction score 33 Tokenz 0.01z Nov 15, 2009 #62 Looks - 10... I am always looking. A L W A Y S...... Confidence - 10.... Of course. Personality - 10.... You betcha! Ass - 0.... I am not an ass.... E V E R! :mad Intelligence - 10.... Of course. Common Sense - 10... A L W A Y S and M O S T L Y.....
Looks - 10... I am always looking. A L W A Y S...... Confidence - 10.... Of course. Personality - 10.... You betcha! Ass - 0.... I am not an ass.... E V E R! :mad Intelligence - 10.... Of course. Common Sense - 10... A L W A Y S and M O S T L Y.....
Anie Well-Known Member Messages 9,328 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Nov 15, 2009 #63 Looks... I'm a 6.5 Confidence... 5 Personality.... 4.5 Ass... 9.5 Intelligence... 5 Common sense... 2
Looks... I'm a 6.5 Confidence... 5 Personality.... 4.5 Ass... 9.5 Intelligence... 5 Common sense... 2
Anie Well-Known Member Messages 9,328 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Nov 15, 2009 #64 Zirconaz said I bullshitted
freakofnature Vampire Premium Messages 24,161 Reaction score 779 Tokenz 3,703.26z Nov 15, 2009 #65 Anie said: Zirconaz said I bullshitted Click to expand... :nod: I did say that. Most of your scores were way too low.
Anie said: Zirconaz said I bullshitted Click to expand... :nod: I did say that. Most of your scores were way too low.
Anie Well-Known Member Messages 9,328 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Nov 15, 2009 #66 I'm my own worst critic... so meh... my scores are fair
freakofnature Vampire Premium Messages 24,161 Reaction score 779 Tokenz 3,703.26z Nov 15, 2009 #67 Anie said: Looks... 8.5 Confidence... 5 (I'll leave this one because who am I to say how confident you are?) Personality.... 9 Ass... 9.5 (I don't feel I'm qualified to change this rating. ) Intelligence... 8 Common sense... 7 Click to expand... There. I put in some proper numbers. :nod:
Anie said: Looks... 8.5 Confidence... 5 (I'll leave this one because who am I to say how confident you are?) Personality.... 9 Ass... 9.5 (I don't feel I'm qualified to change this rating. ) Intelligence... 8 Common sense... 7 Click to expand... There. I put in some proper numbers. :nod:
P planet4u New Member Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Nov 16, 2009 #68 This is the thing which other should judge and not me, i hope so !