Rand Paul Tea Party Candidate

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Minor Axis

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When they finally won the right to the same government services that whites had been receiving all along, of course they went for it. Unfortunately, they also abandoned their own neighborhood businesses. White businesses, now having virtually double their previous revenue, were in a far superior financial position to attract the new shoppers. Besides, they had generations of free advertising on their side. Black businesses faltered and failed, not because they were necessarily inferior, but because of the very racist discrimination they fought against.

At first brush, this explanation seems overly simplified and not a justification for maintaining the status quo of racial inequality. The original situation developed as a result of racism. Is the argument that those discriminated against would be better off continuing to be discriminated against, allowed to shop only at their separate but inferior businesses intact? And because they (blacks) could now shop in places they could not previously, black society unraveled? I need to think about this. Are you just being pragmatic about this?
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Beside the point (my point). The economy was superior in the 50's. You could graduate from high school and actually get a job allowing you to live independently, even buy a house if you were the right color. :)

Bull shit

We have been flush with jobs up until a couple years ago

Minor Axis

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Bull shit

We have been flush with jobs up until a couple years ago

I don't know if I'd include fast food jobs as being "flush". You know the Bush Admin, "W" wanted to count fast food as manufacturing. ;)

Ok, how about somewhere between the 50's and late 60's the quality of those jobs started deteriorating starting slow and accelerating especially when manufacturing jobs started evaporating over seas. Although I admit the evaporation process did not happen until the 80's I think. Bottom line, the economy was good enough that you good get a decent paying job out of high school. No longer unless you go into business for yourself.
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Peter Parka

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Wtf is the tea party all about, anyway? Seriously, I really dont know. All I really know is it sounds like its English and Sarah Palin likes it. Also it might be a bit right wing/ racist. Can anyone explain it to me in simple terms? Cheers! :thumbup:)

Minor Axis

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Wtf is the tea party all about, anyway? Seriously, I really dont know. All I really know is it sounds like its English and Sarah Palin likes it. Also it might be a bit right wing/ racist. Can anyone explain it to me in simple terms? Cheers! :thumbup:)

The Tea Party tries to invoke the rebellious days when the U.S. colonies were taxed without representation by you-know-who, evil England!! ;) These people are trying to say they are being overtaxed despite the notion that we are paying the lowest taxes in the last 60 years (Curious Capitalist) and I guess not represented. Except they are represented. They just don't like their current representation, apparently their guy lost at some point, and they really smack of wanting something for nothing, holding up signs that say things like, Cut Taxes, Not Defense. That's a good one as we can no longer afford our defense bills. Cutting taxes will certainly fix that. Myopic, unrealistic, right wing, conservatives who think a black man took over "their" government

Now stand by for the "official description" of the Tea Party by one of our forum conservatives. :D
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Peter Parka

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The Tea Party tries to invoke the rebellious days when the U.S. colonies were taxed without representation by you-know-who, evil England!! ;) These people are trying to say they are being overtaxed and I guess not represented. Except they are represented. They just don't like their current representation, apparently their guy lost at some point, and they really smack of wanting something for nothing, holding up signs that say things like, Cut Taxes, Not Defense. That's a good one as we can no longer afford our defense bills. Cutting taxes will certainly fix that. Myopic, unrealistic, right wing, conservatives who think a black man took over "their" government. :D

Thanks! Sounds a bit like the BNP though maybe more stupid and slightly more racist.:willy_nilly:

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Thanks! Sounds a bit like the BNP though maybe more stupid and slightly more racist.:willy_nilly:

Those are fight'n words around here! Except they do hold Sarah in high regard. :humm: Your welcome. :) Stand by for vehement verbal retribution!!
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Well-Known Member
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Wtf is the tea party all about, anyway? Seriously, I really dont know. All I really know is it sounds like its English and Sarah Palin likes it. Also it might be a bit right wing/ racist. Can anyone explain it to me in simple terms? Cheers! :thumbup:)
A good start at level flying
The Tea Party tries ...
then the irresistable left wind shear sends him spinning. :D


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It's not all right if you deny service or discriminate based on race and religion.
Why not? Consider carefully and answer, please.

At first brush, this explanation seems overly simplified and not a justification for maintaining the status quo of racial inequality. The original situation developed as a result of racism. Is the argument that those discriminated against would be better off continuing to be discriminated against, allowed to shop only at their separate but inferior businesses intact? And because they (blacks) could now shop in places they could not previously, black society unraveled? I need to think about this. Are you just being pragmatic about this?
Yes it is oversimplified. It's a post, not a textbook. ;) But the gist is there.

Cute allusion with the separate but inferior line, but as I said, Black businesses in black neighborhoods flourished, offering similar. often the same, and sometimes superior merchandise as was offered in white establishments.
The argument, my opinion, is that had the government and political activists removed discrimination in government facilities, policies, and services, and left free enterprise free, natural market forces would have eventually done the job anyway, without sacrificing the black neighborhoods and businesses.

Black society [your term] unraveled [your term, but I like it] because black consumers bought into the racist bullshit as thoroughly as white people did. Social pressure is an awesome force.

Pragmatic? Sure I guess so. But a little patient pragmatism can help to reach an ideal without destroying the good that should be kept.


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Wtf is the tea party all about, anyway? Seriously, I really dont know. All I really know is it sounds like its English and Sarah Palin likes it. Also it might be a bit right wing/ racist. Can anyone explain it to me in simple terms? Cheers! :thumbup:)
The racist bit is spin from the left to discredit.
We the People are finally tired of the federal government overreaching and usurping power, ignoring our Constitution, and placing limits on our rights and liberties. It has been a long time coming and involves both controlling parties. I don't claim to represent a tea party or "the" tea party, but I have been paying close attention since soon after it started, which btw was spurred more from congressional abuses and our unconstitutional monetary system than from any president.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Why not? Consider carefully and answer, please.

Simply, it's morally wrong. It's used to keep power in a particular group's hands and deny it to other groups. It was used in this country after the Civil War to keep blacks in second class status. Yes, the blacks could have tried harder as other immigrant groups have done to integrate themselves into society. But since the Civil War up until the 1950's barriers were in place to keep them separate and not equal. Integration of schools did not happen until the 60's (?) with Southerners kicking, screaming, and in some cases murdering. Although I don't say that as a means of condemning the entirety of Southern society. But in fact it turned the South from Democrats into a bunch of Republicans.

The racist bit is spin from the left to discredit.
We the People are finally tired of the federal government overreaching and usurping power, ignoring our Constitution, and placing limits on our rights and liberties. It has been a long time coming and involves both controlling parties. I don't claim to represent a tea party or "the" tea party, but I have been paying close attention since soon after it started, which btw was spurred more from congressional abuses and our unconstitutional monetary system than from any president.

There is a balance between individual liberty and rights and a responsible society that looks out for the whole. Paul Rand thinks that individual rights include the ability to discriminate based on the color of your skin. You give me a moral reason why that should be acceptable. Then you can tell me why women should have the right to vote. :)
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Having way too much fun
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So the basic principle here is... Since it's a private business and not government run, then the government should be ablt to tell you how to run it, right? If you don't want to serve blonds, that's ok.

So on the same logic, if I have own a private business next door to you, say a bar, and I want to host swinger parties on the week-ends, then I should be able to, right? I mean you don't have to come to the party, but since it's a private business the government (federal or local) should not be able to tell me I can't, right?


Having way too much fun
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What is wrong with the idea of a swinger bar :D

You get my point though, right?

I mean replace "swinger bar" with anything you would morally object to... since you don't want the government telling private business owners what they can and cannot do, then they can basically do anythig they want and you have no recourse.


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Simply, it's morally wrong. It's used to keep power in a particular group's hands and deny it to other groups. It was used in this country after the Civil War to keep blacks in second class status. Yes, the blacks could have tried harder as other immigrant groups have done to integrate themselves into society. But since the Civil War up until the 1950's barriers were in place to keep them separate and not equal. Integration of schools did not happen until the 60's (?) with Southerners kicking, screaming, and in some cases murdering. Although I don't say that as a means of condemning the entirety of Southern society. But in fact it turned the South from Democrats into a bunch of Republicans.
I wish you had considered more carefully. I've been very careful to separate government facilities, policies, and services from private business. You've mixed them once again. You specifically mention schools when we've been talking about private business. Considering a government that is not allowed to discriminate, that is forced to protect and serve all citizens equally, wouldn't those barriers you mention be gone?


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There is a balance between individual liberty and rights and a responsible society that looks out for the whole. Paul Rand thinks that individual rights include the ability to discriminate based on the color of your skin. You give me a moral reason why that should be acceptable. Then you can tell me why women should have the right to vote. :)
You ask for a moral reason for something in which morality has no place. People discriminate based on color all the time. I'm pale as hell and had a tough time getting a date. Maybe I should have sued for discrimination. I myself prefer women (discriminating against men) who are a little more olive-skinned (discriminating against the very pale and very black).

Women should have the right to vote because they are citizens. Voting is a right of all adult citizens (OMG we're discriminating against children! :eek ) and is a governmental function. The government should not be allowed to discriminate against its own citizens (with a very few narrowly defined exceptions, such as children voting.). Morality has nothing to do with it.