Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
When they finally won the right to the same government services that whites had been receiving all along, of course they went for it. Unfortunately, they also abandoned their own neighborhood businesses. White businesses, now having virtually double their previous revenue, were in a far superior financial position to attract the new shoppers. Besides, they had generations of free advertising on their side. Black businesses faltered and failed, not because they were necessarily inferior, but because of the very racist discrimination they fought against.
At first brush, this explanation seems overly simplified and not a justification for maintaining the status quo of racial inequality. The original situation developed as a result of racism. Is the argument that those discriminated against would be better off continuing to be discriminated against, allowed to shop only at their separate but inferior businesses intact? And because they (blacks) could now shop in places they could not previously, black society unraveled? I need to think about this. Are you just being pragmatic about this?