noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
I could never fully understand Racism. The idea of taking an entire group of people and to pass negative judgement on them seems so odd being that any group of people is made up by INDIVIDUALS. As for racial superiority ... it seems like it depends on the time and the location. To actually think that one's race is more superior to another just blows me away! In history, we have seen people attempt to use scientific means to justify this type of ideology but it always seem to die out with contradictions. Of course, one of the most memorable was Nazi Germany and their attempts to show scientific differences between the "Aryan" and the "Jew."
Unfortunately, racism is still something that lives today and can be found in any race. As a Caucasian male, I have never been the victim of direct racism, therefore, I don't know how horrible it would be to be a victim of direct racism. Fortunately, there are good books, movies, TV shows and friends with experience of such that give good insight and information on what such a life is like. From these, we learn how terrible racism is and how idiotic the racist mind is.
noun, plural -ries. 1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.
Now this one I think is more appropriate for many people. "I have been raised to think or believe this way, therefore whatever you think must be garbage!" Personally, I think this type of thinking is dangerous and what is the main cause of the drift that seems to be growing within the United States. It exists in every political, religious and social group that has/does exist. We see it from both the left side ("Oh, you are a Republican ... you must be a rich, white and racist individual who believes in nothing but fascism!") and from the right side (Oh, you are a Democrat ... you must be one of those "poor me" minorities that only want free hand-outs and not work a day in your life!") These overgeneralizations are seen over and over again and they really show not only a lack of awareness but also disrespect without due cause. Do these statements reflect correctly ever? Sure ... if you take out the "Republican" or "Democrat" and replace it with "You."
It's easy to fall victim of this trait! I have had bigoted beliefs in the past where I felt that all Christians were annoying, better-than-thou people who were intolerant of everything that was outside of the Christian faith. Then it dawned on me ... I was EXACTLY what I was claiming Christians to be. Not only that, but I was amazed on how many people I was friends with that were Christian. So again, it isn't Christianity that I was so angry towards ... it was the individual who has this type of characteristics. Not EVERY Christian is this way ... just how not EVERY Muslim calls for death on the entire world or that EVERY Atheist wants to see Religion dismantled.
A stereotype is a popular belief about specific types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of people based on some prior assumptions. Another name for stereotyping is bias. A bias is a tendency, most of these are good like knowing to eat food instead of paper clips, but sometimes stereotyping can turn into discrimination if we misinterpret a bias and act upon it in a negative manner. (Wikipedia)
Now here comes a VERY difficult one. Stereotyping is probably something that I think every single Human is guilty of. It is SOOO easy to do. Now, is it always a negative thing? This is where things get a bit more complicated. Sometimes I think it is ... sometimes I think it is simply natural ... like a survival instinct. This is where I think people tend to start getting confused on the whole differences between all of these.
How many times have we looked at someone and thought, "I have him/her figured out!" Based on skin color, clothing, tattoos, hair style ... and the like? Or the combination of such. I remember working at a place where there were monitors showing the front area where customers would come in and wait at the front counter. There was a bus stop just outside of the entrance where people would sometimes come in and wait for the bus inside (away from the weather). Now ... when a little old white lady would come in, who was dressed "commonly" there would be very little attention drawn towards her. HOWEVER, when a young black male would come in, wearing a hoodie ... then it seemed if all eyes were on the monitor as to make sure "this guy was not up to trouble." Was this racism? Was this stereotyping? I would think the latter since I found myself doing the same thing. Say the black male wore a suit and tie and was well into adulthood ... would there have been that much attention on the monitors ... probably not. This is where stereotyping causes such divide and problems, I think. Was there really a "good" reason to watch this young guy in the monitors? Was he really a threat? Nope. It was just the brain reacting from FEAR. Fear that "this person fits the stereotype of someone who causes trouble.
So what do you all think? Have any good stories of being racist or being a victim of one? Know anyone who has? What about bigotry? What about stereotyping? Generally a good thing or bad? .... or does it matter on the situation?
noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
I could never fully understand Racism. The idea of taking an entire group of people and to pass negative judgement on them seems so odd being that any group of people is made up by INDIVIDUALS. As for racial superiority ... it seems like it depends on the time and the location. To actually think that one's race is more superior to another just blows me away! In history, we have seen people attempt to use scientific means to justify this type of ideology but it always seem to die out with contradictions. Of course, one of the most memorable was Nazi Germany and their attempts to show scientific differences between the "Aryan" and the "Jew."
Unfortunately, racism is still something that lives today and can be found in any race. As a Caucasian male, I have never been the victim of direct racism, therefore, I don't know how horrible it would be to be a victim of direct racism. Fortunately, there are good books, movies, TV shows and friends with experience of such that give good insight and information on what such a life is like. From these, we learn how terrible racism is and how idiotic the racist mind is.
noun, plural -ries. 1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.
Now this one I think is more appropriate for many people. "I have been raised to think or believe this way, therefore whatever you think must be garbage!" Personally, I think this type of thinking is dangerous and what is the main cause of the drift that seems to be growing within the United States. It exists in every political, religious and social group that has/does exist. We see it from both the left side ("Oh, you are a Republican ... you must be a rich, white and racist individual who believes in nothing but fascism!") and from the right side (Oh, you are a Democrat ... you must be one of those "poor me" minorities that only want free hand-outs and not work a day in your life!") These overgeneralizations are seen over and over again and they really show not only a lack of awareness but also disrespect without due cause. Do these statements reflect correctly ever? Sure ... if you take out the "Republican" or "Democrat" and replace it with "You."
It's easy to fall victim of this trait! I have had bigoted beliefs in the past where I felt that all Christians were annoying, better-than-thou people who were intolerant of everything that was outside of the Christian faith. Then it dawned on me ... I was EXACTLY what I was claiming Christians to be. Not only that, but I was amazed on how many people I was friends with that were Christian. So again, it isn't Christianity that I was so angry towards ... it was the individual who has this type of characteristics. Not EVERY Christian is this way ... just how not EVERY Muslim calls for death on the entire world or that EVERY Atheist wants to see Religion dismantled.
A stereotype is a popular belief about specific types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of people based on some prior assumptions. Another name for stereotyping is bias. A bias is a tendency, most of these are good like knowing to eat food instead of paper clips, but sometimes stereotyping can turn into discrimination if we misinterpret a bias and act upon it in a negative manner. (Wikipedia)
Now here comes a VERY difficult one. Stereotyping is probably something that I think every single Human is guilty of. It is SOOO easy to do. Now, is it always a negative thing? This is where things get a bit more complicated. Sometimes I think it is ... sometimes I think it is simply natural ... like a survival instinct. This is where I think people tend to start getting confused on the whole differences between all of these.
How many times have we looked at someone and thought, "I have him/her figured out!" Based on skin color, clothing, tattoos, hair style ... and the like? Or the combination of such. I remember working at a place where there were monitors showing the front area where customers would come in and wait at the front counter. There was a bus stop just outside of the entrance where people would sometimes come in and wait for the bus inside (away from the weather). Now ... when a little old white lady would come in, who was dressed "commonly" there would be very little attention drawn towards her. HOWEVER, when a young black male would come in, wearing a hoodie ... then it seemed if all eyes were on the monitor as to make sure "this guy was not up to trouble." Was this racism? Was this stereotyping? I would think the latter since I found myself doing the same thing. Say the black male wore a suit and tie and was well into adulthood ... would there have been that much attention on the monitors ... probably not. This is where stereotyping causes such divide and problems, I think. Was there really a "good" reason to watch this young guy in the monitors? Was he really a threat? Nope. It was just the brain reacting from FEAR. Fear that "this person fits the stereotype of someone who causes trouble.
So what do you all think? Have any good stories of being racist or being a victim of one? Know anyone who has? What about bigotry? What about stereotyping? Generally a good thing or bad? .... or does it matter on the situation?