No but who is to say the way man views nature isn't wrong or skewed or completely made up?'re suggesting man made nature? Thats what we get our data from....nature is our data....
They say a rock is 40 million years old .. well HOW exactly do you know that?
You base it on some findings of a scientific group from umpteen years ago .. and a group of followers that agree with him/them.
No one can calculate how old something is without starting somewhere .. there is absolutely no way to know .. no one was around back then t confirm that you are correct .. I don't care how many man made tests you run. There is no solid evidence to base the finding son .. until man has been on earth that long and can compare the findings.
You base your beliefs on what man tellls you is correct.
That is faith, that is devotion, that is belief, ..... that is a religion in it's purest form.