Prove to me creationism is real

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0.00z're suggesting man made nature? Thats what we get our data from....nature is our data....
No but who is to say the way man views nature isn't wrong or skewed or completely made up?

They say a rock is 40 million years old .. well HOW exactly do you know that?

You base it on some findings of a scientific group from umpteen years ago .. and a group of followers that agree with him/them.

No one can calculate how old something is without starting somewhere .. there is absolutely no way to know .. no one was around back then t confirm that you are correct .. I don't care how many man made tests you run. There is no solid evidence to base the finding son .. until man has been on earth that long and can compare the findings.

You base your beliefs on what man tellls you is correct.

That is faith, that is devotion, that is belief, ..... that is a religion in it's purest form.
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Oh my God.....I actually have to agree with homo on this one.

Man....Observes what is taking place before him then speculates as to what makes this happen, forms an opinion, then sets out to prove/dis-prove, all the while documenting hopefully.

please see above post

All Else Failed

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No but who is to say the way man views nature isn't wrong or skewed or completely made up?

They say a rock is 40 million years old .. well HOW exactly do you know that?

You base it on some findings of a scientific group from umpteen years ago .. and a group of followers that agree with him/them.

You base your beliefs on what man tellls you is correct.

That is faith, that is devotion, that is belief, ..... that is a religion in it's purest form.
I don't see how that is possible when you have thousands upon thousands of professionals independently working from each other coming to the same conclusions......

We date things using reliable dating methods. Thats how.

I don't believe in science, I accept science. You're being incredibly silly if you still seriously suggest science, a tool of OBSERVATION, is a religion. It lacks any sort of dogma for fuck's sakes.


DT3's Twinkie
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No but who is to say the way man views nature isn't wrong or skewed or completely made up?

They say a rock is 40 million years old .. well HOW exactly do you know that?

You base it on some findings of a scientific group from umpteen years ago .. and a group of followers that agree with him/them.

No one can calculate how old something is without starting somewhere .. there is absolutely no way to know .. no one was around back then t confirm that you are correct .. I don't care how many man made tests you run. There is no solid evidence to base the finding son .. until man has been on earth that long and can compare the findings.

You base your beliefs on what man tellls you is correct.

That is faith, that is devotion, that is belief, ..... that is a religion in it's purest form.

Well, I have to weigh in on this.

Having faith that Einstein was right about his theory of how the universe developed, is a little different than having faith that "God" did it.

It really is. I have faith that if I jump off a bridge and do not wear a parachute that I will probably at least wind up needing a Tylenol, thank whomever that someone else did that to PROVE it.

I have faith that gravity exists, because I experience what is explained to me as gravity. Does it mean that it is actual? Can you see gravity? No, BUT....I believe it is there. So there is technically no other way of proving "God" exists, other than you believe it, because you were either told that, or you read it and believe it.

Technically against the scientific drumstick test, there is NO theory that really lends itself to the idea that "God" exists. Other than absence of any other effective source of information, at this time at least.

BUT...I can guarantee, that Fission produces an enormous amount of energy. Want pictures?


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Well, I have to weigh in on this.

Having faith that Einstein was right about his theory of how the universe developed, is a little different than having faith that "God" did it.

It really is. I have faith that if I jump off a bridge and do not wear a parachute that I will probably at least wind up needing a Tylenol, thank whomever that someone else did that to PROVE it.

I have faith that gravity exists, because I experience what is explained to me as gravity. Does it mean that it is actual? Can you see gravity? No, BUT....I believe it is there. So there is technically no other way of proving "God" exists, other than you believe it, because you were either told that, or you read it and believe it.

Technically against the scientific drumstick test, there is NO theory that really lends itself to the idea that "God" exists. Other than absence of any other effective source of information, at this time at least.

BUT...I can guarantee, that Fission produces an enormous amount of energy. Want pictures?

eventually .. like everything else .. in time I'll be able to prove my beliefs too :)


DT3's Twinkie
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eventually .. like everything else .. in time I'll be able to prove my beliefs too :)

Hey, I didn't say I didn't believe in God, that is not the issue.

But saying that the concept is similar to Nuclear Fission, or Gravity are two totally different things. You simply cannot argue that in the same context, you can, but then you will awaken the nerd in me:D


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Hey, I didn't say I didn't believe in God, that is not the issue.

But saying that the concept is similar to Nuclear Fission, or Gravity are two totally different things. You simply cannot argue that in the same context, you can, but then you will awaken the nerd in me:D

Gravity is one of those things that are just a given .. you jump up you'll come back down. Man didn't discover it .. he just named it.

Who is to say HOW god created things? He didn't divulge that little tidbit of info. That isn't the issue here .. whether god or something else created things is the issue here.


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No, you accept facts, you don't need any sort of dogmatic belief system when you go out and look for data.

Sure you do .. you have to believe that there is an explination for what it is you question.

Just because you figure something out and give it a name .. doesn't mean you've doen anything .. except figure out a problem.

I believe in science in some areas .. but other ares I think are completely falsified to justify beliefs by some parties. Like the earths age.


DT3's Twinkie
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Gravity is one of those things that are just a given .. you jump up you'll come back down. Man didn't discover it .. he just named it.

Who is to say HOW god created things? He didn't divulge that little tidbit of info. That isn't the issue here .. whether god or something else created things is the issue here.


So....what do you have to prove that God is a given?

All Else Failed

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Gravity is one of those things that are just a given .. you jump up you'll come back down. Man didn't discover it .. he just named it.

Who is to say HOW god created things? He didn't divulge that little tidbit of info. That isn't the issue here .. whether god or something else created things is the issue here.
andddd thats part of science. we observe things, and research them. No making things up.


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So....what do you have to prove that God is a given?

It's not one of those things .. it's a belief .. just like people who believe the facts man came up with to sayhw old a rock is .. they don't and won't ever "really" know .. anything other than what a man says it is.

Man wasn't alive back then .. there is no way to logically "prove" beyond a shadow of a doubt .. how old a rockk is.

It's basically a guess based on a man made "finding" or belief.

Kinda like when my doctor prescribes a medicine to me .. I have to believe he knows what he's doing and tha tthe drug company knows what it was doing .. and I don't die from it (like happens every day as drugs that the FDA deemed safe ar epulled off shelves after peopel die from the "safe" drugs).

Science is a belief in many areas .. and it's wrong in many areas too. Because MAN creates many aspects of it to suit his own need.