Please people, read a book or something...

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and that wouldn't happen over there in the UK give me a brake.
It's break, Homer.:D

your right tim it just bugs me that they would go out of their way to make the US look bad, you know what they say about throwing rocks in a glass house.;)
It's you're, as in a contraction for "you are."
Plus, "right" needed a comma after it, tim needed to be capitalized, it was a run-on sentence, :blah::blah::blah:

And I get the whole don't be a "grammar Nazi" bit. But seriously, if you're going to deride the intelligence of the United States or poke fun at another culture, at least do it with the gooder spelling and mostest bestest grammar. Somewhat oxymoronic to do otherwise, eh? :cool ;)


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Hate is largely an emotion governed my misunderstanding of something, which is clearly someone not understanding the thing they hate.

I don'y buy this symbolistic "what you have in your heart makes you who you are".
Like I said, we'll have to agree to disagree.

All I know is that I don't have to be smart in order to love and be kind to people. My 3 year old is uneducated in the 'world sense of being educated', but says and does the most beautiful things. Sometimes things are simple.

You don't find any problem with individuals in this country who are still uneducated? We are blessed to live in a society where education is freely available to EVERY citizen. There is no reason that every American should not be at least a high school graduate or equivalent. Of course there are individuals who have learning disabilities or handicaps, but I'm talking about the majority of our citizens.
I'm not suggesting that every citizen should be "smart" but at least get a basic education.
I think learning is wonderful. I wouldn't have over 4 years post high school education if I didn't think so. I'd actually be a life-long student if I could get paid for going to school. At the same time I realize that not all people are cut out the same way - and that is OK.

I agree that a basic education is a good thing for all folks to have. But I find it sad that many seem quick to put others down and judge when it comes to the intelligence level of other people. An example would be: in the video is anyone taking into consideration that the folks may have been right in the middle of shopping or relaxing or that they were getting caught off guard by having a camera thrown in their face and feeling nervous, etc. or it could be something as easy as a simple fact that just slipped their mind because it was just not the mode of thinking they were in at the moment. Videotaping makes it easy to pick and choose what one cuts and skews.

I also don't think that putting others down regarding their intelligence level shows much intelligence in and of itself. Putting people down out of frustration isn't going to motivate anyone to seek more knowledge.

An example:
You're right, they can. But it's the fact that they don't. It's all about motivation, getting your fat butt off the couch, putting down the PS3 controller, doing something to better yourself.
These are the types of generalized judgmental statements I am talking about.

Ugly heart = superior attitude?
I don't believe they are connected in any way. Maybe you are putting the two together to describe me, but in general context they don't go together.
I don't know what you are talking about here. :confused :confused :confused

Yes, I do believe that an ugly heart and a superior attitude go hand in hand. An example would be Adolf Hitler. He was intelligent, though his heart was ugly and he most definitely had a superior attitude. Many people in history were very intelligent, but they were evil to the core.

You're right, it doesn't make them a worthwhile human being, but it does make them worthwhile to society. It doesn't matter how good someones heart is, if they cannot function properly in society due to lack of basic education then they are a burden to the rest of us.
95% of the people in the video looked like they were functioning in society just fine, just not up to other people's standards.
A mother who gives her infant adult medication for a cough may have a great heart, but not being able to read the warnings affects more than just her.
Of course it is preferable to have a great heart and to be able to read in our society. I'm not denying that at all.