This is confusing. I see where there was legislation passed about 3 years ago that allowed for some deviations from Posse Comitatus Act that would allow for what you posted. Yet it also states it was repealed.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It does get confusing. (by design?
). I have not heard where the PCA had been reinstated.
Why does the title of the linked article mention "Austria"? It was hard for me to seriously read it so i didn't.
Well, that helps
I would scream LOUD and LONG if the government tried to FORCE ANY sort of vaccination onto me
Neither of my girls had the Guardasil one, nor the meningacoccal one, and my youngest child is NOT vaccinated at all. (well, I did him homoeopathically)
Good find Moonie....keep those bastards honest babe:thumbup
PBBB has had all her required shots to date. Her system has handled them well. We also added ChickenPox. Which, when there was an outbreak at her school, she was immune to. She has a set coming up next year. She has to have them to be able to attend school.
But she has never had any type of flu shot. Nor will she get Guardasil. Neither have been tested long enough for me to feel comfy with them.
I've never had a flu shot and
{kwx3} I have never gotten the flu. My sister gets a flu shot every year and every year she gets the flu. When I point that out to her she says it's a milder case.:wtf:
I would feel much better about a new, mandatory vaccine if our politicians children were the first to have them. Oh wait, wasn't that broached on Torchwood too???:willy_nilly:
Our politicians have pushed us to the brink. They know this. They should think very carefully about what they decide to continue to cram down our throats. But those are just words. The SheepMentality has allowed them to get this far.
Funny, I remember the days when I trusted my government a heck of a lot more. I'm not sure if it was cuz they deserved that trust or I was just too busy to notice what could really be happening?:humm: