People Who Vote Against Their Own Interests

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My first political thread. This subject fascinates me. A friend sent me the link to this article:

It was actually a post in a forum, don't know where, but it was found by the web site linked above. I am submitting it for comment. Some strong language, but I'm leaving it in as it shows the passion of the poster. I've split it into 2 posts: Have a read, and lets discuss it:

The following is quoted from an internet forum post by a person with the screen name “yeahiknow5″. It was brought to my attention by one of my Facebook friends, Joe Markey. Neither Joe nor I wrote this. Except for paragraph formatting, it has not been changed, including the language.

“You should read “What’s the Matter with Kansas” & “Deer Hunting With Jesus”. Both are great takes on a working class, anti-intellectual, redneck culture that has been convinced to consistently vote against their own best interests. I listen to my own father, who has been the victim of layoffs from corporate merger after merger, who’s had his retirement fucked, who’s lost money on wall street – he’s done everything he was ‘supposed’ to do. He joined the military, went to college, had 2 kids, bought the house, invested & saved his money, worked his fucking ass off all his life & he still has squat to show for it. Now as a man well into his 60s he’s feeling the wrath of age discrimination, he’s finding his skills becoming outdated & his pay & benefits today (for the last 10 years) are lower than what they’ve been in the last 30 for him. Living the american life he finds his health failing as he’s a lifetime smoker with a growing waistline.

He’s the prototypical uncultured, red-blooded american male. He slathers his streak in ketchup, votes conservatives down the line, and wants the good old days before the women, blacks and fags took over. He’s a flag waver, supports his troops, and fends for himself. He’s always bitching about how much money corporations have to spend bc of regulation & about how the upper class need a tax cut. Nothing in the world makes him angrier than “socialism” & the so-called welfare state. Working people getting needed services bothers him tremendously because a few extreme token examples get painted as degenerate leeches by the likes of AM Radio & Fox News. ANd then he’ll turn right around & support corporate subsidy for just about anything from corn to oil – b/c it “stimulates jobs” and it “trickles down”.

He refuses to recognize that we as a nation spend more money at the beckoning of corporate America than we even begin to touch what we spend on our own citizenry through what he claims is “welfare” or infrastructure. He’s a working class guy who’s been fucked by the system all his life. He still puts his suit on with a kind of sad pride, every day, & goes to work downtown to phone-monkey job nowadays. He’s doing a job any body could do but he likes to pretend all his education & experience has gotten him somewhere. He’s deluded about what America’s exceptional way of life has brought him personally as he is deluded about what the world is like at large. So he denies global warming, blames the unions, blames teachers & other government workers, blames regulation, blames the EPA & the FDA, blames those struggling to make it in this world, blames the blacks, blames the immigrants, blames everyone & anyone but those at the top.

He’d rather blame fellow working people trying to grab a piece of the pie, rather than blame the crooks who deprive us all. Because somehow – be it by gender identity, racial identity, national identity, he thinks his class, his type belongs at the top. He’s the top dog! But he’s not. He’s a nigger, i’m a nigger, muslims are niggers and mexicans are niggers, teachers and steel workers, and farmers too. To people like the Koch Brothers, we’re all niggers and my dad can’t see that. This is an us vs them game and people like my father are fucking deluded as to what side they’re on or can be on one day. Somewhere deep down inside, he admires those at the top – he wants to be them & even though he knows he’ll never be one of them, he likes to pretend.

He goes to his Applebee’s, Red Lobster & Outback & bitches about all the blacks there. I think this is important to note – it’s indicative of his whole perspective. He is the same CLASS of people as these folks, he’s spending roughly the same amount on dinner as them, but thinks things are going to hell because they are there. He doesn’t get that he IS THEM. He’s the same fucking class, in the same fucking boat. He’s got relatively the same education level, roughly the same pay checks, living roughly the same way of life. But he’s been convinced to fight, to hate, to dislike his own class of people & to admire & defend the class that basically owns & controls his life & all our lives. He has been perfectly trained to rail against the ‘other’.

Against feminists, environmentalists, labor movements, racial minorities, immigrants, public sector workers, union members. These people aren’t HIS brothers & sisters – they are his enemy. He’s so busy hating “otherness” that he doesn’t realize he is them – and we’re all getting fucked by the same small group of people at the top. This is the same thing as him blaming unions & the welfare state. He has been indoctrinated through the years to fight amongst, to disagree with, to blame, & sometimes to outright hate people in the same boat as him. Not only kiss the ass of, but actively defend & fight on behalf of those who would take everything away from him, his wife & his family if they could make a buck on it – because he believes in an American dream & a way of life that simply doesn’t exist. He talks of freedom of those who have all the capital, but he doesn’t worry about his own freedom. He doesn’t worry about the freedom of his neighbors.

All he see’s as those liberal that take away rich people’s money are the same people telling him where he can & cannot smoke and that he should put his seatbelt on – so liberals must “hate freedom!”. Those damned reading elitist liberal communists! He has been convinced, as have many Americans – to hate their own & to defend their masters. To squabble over our petty & even cosmetic differences, rather than to unite on our common interests to fight for proper pay, benefits, rights as a consumer & as a worker, & for a clean environment. This is what happens when you have a class of people who were never taught to think for themselves, who act like reading is for fags, who are more willing to listen to hot heads like Beck & Limbaugh than to read any kind of political theorists, scientists, or economists.

This is what happens when you close your mind & you become one who’s always looking for that “other” to hate & to blame for your problems rather than to look at yourself or open your eyes to the bigger picture. People like my dad are willing to accept AM radio, Fox News talk shows, & even Fwd chain emails as official sources, & then single-handedly ignore any material the talking heads on these shows didn’t point him to. Because you can’t trust anyone but them! The ability to critically think, verify, discern the credibility of sources, to do the damned research yourself, is completely lost on these folks. That’s what these fucking Tea Party & GOP talking heads hope for. They hope to god that their lies they spew get echoed in the public sphere so often that it becomes reality. That people are too dumb or too lazy to verify what they spout.

This makes it so that people who are trying to get real shit done have to waste our time correcting mis-truths & disinformation just to garnish the slightest bit of public support to make progress anywhere. People don’t realize how dangerous this shit is. Right now the economy is & had been in the shitter. People are scared. People have lost their jobs & they’re angry. They have organized & mobilized into this populist “tea party”. They even think it’s a real grassroots org & dismissing the fact that they’re being led by billionaires & a corporate media. These are the angry masses that will eat up any scapegoat that their “leaders” feed them.

We’ve seen this in history before. I’m not trying to evoke Godwins Law or anything but i see a lot of correlations between the right-wing disenfranchised populist uprising here in America & a lot of what people experience in Wiemar Germany. There was a lot of angry people, scared about the loss of their jobs & an economy in bad shape. Those angry, uneducated people were looking for someone to blame. They didn’t care if they sided with a political party that would be responsible for fucking them over & destroying their democracy, not to mention the massive harm they would do to other groups. No, all that mattered was they found leaders who pretended to have answers. People like quick & simple answers & fixes, certainty & shared anger.
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Article continued:

That’s what the Nazi Party gave them. That’s what the Tea Party/Fox News/AM Radio & portions of the GOP are giving this right wing uprising too. Anything intellectual is ignored or met with disinformation & a general air an superior anti-intellectualism. Everywhere I go: home to my parents, at work in the break room, flip on the tv, browse the internet – i see the same message: “My opinion is better than your facts”. This approach is rooted deeply in ignorance & anger most of the time. When the populace stops listening to those with brains & ignores factual information, & opts for those that shout opinions, we got a problem. The Tea Party would be an extremely powerful force if they had a politician that was worth a damn. Every time they have someone who is charismatic, they’re an obvious idiot or crook.

If somebody comes along who is charismatic & honest the US is in trouble bc of the frustration, disillusionment, justified anger & the absence of any coherent response from liberals. What are people supposed to think if someone says ‘I have got an answer, we have an enemy’? There it was the Jews. Here it will be the illegal immigrants from Mexico, the Muslims, teachers, unions, Planned Parenthood, NPR, & blacks (you can toss in atheists, homosexuals & liberals too). We will be told that WASPy private sector males are a persecuted minority. We will be told we have to defend ourselves & the honor of the nation. instead of fixing problems that truly affect the all of the working class, the nation will be convinced to support legislation that will further protect & consolidate power for the corporate elite.

All those privacy rights, the voice we have in our government, & due process checks & balances that protect us all? Those things just get in the way of security & stability. The right-wing that supports these parties & leaders get hurt too, just in a more subtle way – they give away their rights & are too stupid to realize what they’ve done to themselves.


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power currupts and the corrupt will do almost anything to maintain power, is the most damaging drug - this power

Sparkey Duck

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I've never read anything that long since I got that letter from my neighbor giving me 100 reasons why I can't take pictures of her in the bath... I think she could have stopped after 1. It's wrong, but she really went for it listed how much of a sick duck I am...

***After reading it, my thoughts are, it ain't all that bad being alive today though is it...

Peter Parka

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I always find it ironic when you get the racist extrimist right wing wanted foreigners deported if they dont learn English when they dont seem to have not got a grasp of the English language themselves, the terrible way they write and talk.


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I have no political interests. I usually vote for the lesser of two evils. It's all fixed anyway.


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***After reading it, my thoughts are, it ain't all that bad being alive today though is it...

It's great to be alive today Ducky, especially considering the alternative......;)

I find the divide of the working class to be a bit disturbing. It seem like on this issue we could all come together to make things better for all of us, instead of one half of the working class demanding the other half be economically harmed because they are unhappy. Doesn't make any sense.


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I find the divide of the working class to be a bit disturbing. It seem like on this issue we could all come together to make things better for all of us...

Do you mean like literally, join together to make positive change? If so..... how?


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Do you mean like literally, join together to make positive change? If so..... how?

HK, that is the question of our lifetime. I truly wish I knew how. I do have some thoughts and maybe some first steps. If we could just get more people tuned in to economic education, like reading some American labor history and learn what working life was like less than 2 generations ago. We have short memories, and many are easily manipulated by the tabloid propaganda that passes for news these days.


Having way too much fun
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That was a pretty good read and I can agree with the majority of it.

I think it can be boiled down to this ....

America had a strong middle class (the real job creators), we were once the consumers of the worlds goods. For the last 30 years we have been systematically dismantled to create a class of working-poor to supply cheap labor for the emerging markets in China and India.
Instead of having cheap goods made in China and India to supply 300 million Americans, they want cheap labor here in America to supply the 4-5 billion people there.

Don't think it's happening?

Just look at some of the eastern European countries like Germany...
By law, the day you start a job, you get free health care, you get 4-6 weeks paid vacation, you will work fewer hours than we do in America and there average salary for the middle class is $10/hr higher. All this with an effective tax rate of 30%-33%

Yet here in America, people are demanding we give up collective bargaining rights, they fight tooth and nail against any sort of public health care and vacations are short if at all.

Minor Axis

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I rank the GOPpers as the most effective political party in this regard. To my horror, they have been amazingly effective appealing to peoples dark nature, while hiding their true nefarious objectives. ;)


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That was a pretty good read and I can agree with the majority of it.

I think it can be boiled down to this ....

America had a strong middle class (the real job creators), we were once the consumers of the worlds goods. For the last 30 years we have been systematically dismantled to create a class of working-poor to supply cheap labor for the emerging markets in China and India.
Instead of having cheap goods made in China and India to supply 300 million Americans, they want cheap labor here in America to supply the 4-5 billion people there.

Don't think it's happening?

Just look at some of the eastern European countries like Germany...
By law, the day you start a job, you get free health care, you get 4-6 weeks paid vacation, you will work fewer hours than we do in America and there average salary for the middle class is $10/hr higher. All this with an effective tax rate of 30%-33%

Yet here in America, people are demanding we give up collective bargaining rights, they fight tooth and nail against any sort of public health care and vacations are short if at all.

Tim you are spot on!

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I rank the GOPpers as the most effective political party in this regard. To my horror, they have been amazingly effective appealing to peoples dark nature, while hiding their true nefarious objectives. ;)

guess you missed the democrat ads that granny is gonna die eh? ;)

when that one fails to get traction then they go to something about the kids

face it Minor and Tim both sides play the game

The only ones that seem to be straightforward are the like of Ron Paul ....IE: Libertarian

and they get demonized as kooks

people should have to pass a bull shit detector test before they can be allowed to vote

Minor Axis

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guess you missed the democrat ads that granny is gonna die eh? ;)

Except when you vote to save granny you are voting for someone elses interests not your own. In contrast, the Republican wedge issues promote a self serving, hate someone environment. Their crowning achievement is making middle-lower class citizens feel like they are part of an elite club. The fools lap it up. :smiley24:

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Except when you vote to save granny you are voting for someone elses interests not your own. In contrast, the Republican wedge issues promote a self serving, hate someone environment. Their crowning achievement is making middle-lower class citizens feel like they are part of an elite club. The fools lap it up. :smiley24:

I should have expected you would side track / ignore the point....

Which is that granny is not gonna be killed

All that emotional bull shit does is to prey to the emotions and ignore the facts.

Also is another way to remove personal responsibility and assume the govt should take care of everybody.

Some people have no family and they need a safety net. The rest have family that don't want to be bothered with granny so they are happy to let the govt deal with her.

Keep on repeating the democrat mantra though Minor. It suits you.


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I should have expected you would side track / ignore the point....

Which is that granny is not gonna be killed

All that emotional bull shit does is to prey to the emotions and ignore the facts.

Also is another way to remove personal responsibility and assume the govt should take care of everybody.

Some people have no family and they need a safety net. The rest have family that don't want to be bothered with granny so they are happy to let the govt deal with her.

Keep on repeating the democrat mantra though Minor. It suits you.

Mantra. Mantra. Mantra. My mantra is better than your mantra. It is still frickin' mantra.
The reality is

There is a reason we are confined to a 2-party system. It behooves the power elite while deluding the masses into thinking we have representation.

The wealth disparity in this country is alarming

The return to the robber baron days is here and its arrival follows the path of called "trickle down economics".

Why is it that the period that coincides with the most prosperity for the middle class also coincides with a fairly high progressive tax rate and the period of growing wealth inequality coincides with lower progressive taxes on the wealthy? This chart is an eye opener.

Why is it that there are only 6 income tax brackets with the highest bracket encompassing those with incomes over $379,150 and the last 3 brackets encompassing 20% of America with the lowest income in those brackets $83,600 dollars for the single taxpayer. How convenient is that! There are your voters who vote against their own best interests and it is rigged for that purpose. It is ridiculous that a person earning an income of $379,150 should be taxed in the same bracket as Bill Gates. There should be at least 4 more graduated brackets. That would put a stop to some of this insanity.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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ah I see we have another wealthy envy person join the crowd

I might agree with some of what you state if everybody contributed. Currently 50% pay no federal taxes which is what is obscene.

What you conveniently leave out is that those nasty rich people also already pay a disproportionate percentage of the taxes. When will you be happy? When they pay 90% on their earnings? Oh and I bet your wealth envy also makes you support death taxes?

Carry on :D


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ah I see we have another wealthy envy person join the crowd

How did you get "wealth envy" out of her post?

I might agree with some of what you state if everybody contributed. Currently 50% pay no federal taxes which is what is obscene.

I've heard this statement repeated so many times in the past that I actually looked up IRS tax statistics and have them memorized - but feel free to investigate for yourself. Here goes:

Based upon published 2008 IRS data, updated in October 2010, the bottom 50% earn less than $33,048, which represents 12.75% of all income earned. In dollars that represents:


Let that fact soak in for a few moments.

Ok, got that soaked in?

The top 1% earned more than $380,354, which represents 20% of all income earned. In dollars this is:


Let's do the math:

$1,685,472,000,000 Top 1% earned income
$1,074,514,000,000 Bottom 50% earned income

Are you assimilating all this data so far? From IRS data, the top 1% earned 1.6 times more than the entire botton 50% combined.

Got all that data? Now that you have the facts, how much more of this 12.75% of the total income earned should the bottom 50% of American wage earners pay?

Keep in mind as you ponder:

The bottom 50% pays full FICA and Medicare taxes, state taxes, sales taxes, ad valorem taxes on vehicles, fuel taxes, telephone taxes, and other miscellaneous taxes just like the wealthy. Further, while the lowest income earners recieve the Earned Income Tax Credit, the upper earners of the bottom 50% paid 2.59% of all federal income taxes.

What you conveniently leave out is that those nasty rich people also already pay a disproportionate percentage of the taxes. When will you be happy? When they pay 90% on their earnings? Oh and I bet your wealth envy also makes you support death taxes?

Carry on :D

Oh really?

The top 400 U.S. individual taxpayers got 1.59% of the nation’s household income in 2007, according to their tax returns, three times the slice they got in the 1990s, according to the Internal Revenue Service. They paid 2.05% of all individual income taxes in that year.

In its annual update of the taxes paid by the 400 best-off taxpayers, who aren’t identified, the IRS also said that only 220 of the top 400 were in the top marginal tax bracket. The 400 best-off taxpayers paid an average tax rate of 16.6%, lower than in any year since the IRS began making the reports in 1992.

To make the top 400, a taxpayer had to have income of more than $138.8 million. As a group, the top 400 reported $137.9 billion in income, and paid $22.9 billion in federal income taxes.

About 81.3% of the income of the top 400 households came in the form of capital gains, dividends or interest, the IRS data show. Only 6.5% came in the form of salaries and wages.

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