Fox Mulder
Active Member
Yeah what Reagan started was huge deficits to propel the economy. It was not sustainable just like the last years of lavish deficit spending is not sustainable. We don't want big government, we don't want you taxpayers to feel any pain, we'll just make a SHIT LOAD of HUGELY EXPENSIVE bad decisions and borrow money to pay for it. You're not as smart as you think you are and the smart people in positions of power as well as the American people are saying enough.
Never in history have so many Americans made so much gain than in the past 30 years. I took out a huge loan on my home, but I made out much better on the increase in value--that's what you can't fucking comprehend--you view the economy the same as you do your own checkbook--you can't understand it. Deficits and debt are necessary parts of an economy just like they are any business.
So Jimmy Carter's polices were better? What exactly do you think is good for the economy? More government spending? Higher taxes? "Free" healthcare? What's your strategy?