Palin 2012???

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Fox Mulder

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Yeah what Reagan started was huge deficits to propel the economy. It was not sustainable just like the last years of lavish deficit spending is not sustainable. We don't want big government, we don't want you taxpayers to feel any pain, we'll just make a SHIT LOAD of HUGELY EXPENSIVE bad decisions and borrow money to pay for it. You're not as smart as you think you are and the smart people in positions of power as well as the American people are saying enough.

Never in history have so many Americans made so much gain than in the past 30 years. I took out a huge loan on my home, but I made out much better on the increase in value--that's what you can't fucking comprehend--you view the economy the same as you do your own checkbook--you can't understand it. Deficits and debt are necessary parts of an economy just like they are any business.

So Jimmy Carter's polices were better? What exactly do you think is good for the economy? More government spending? Higher taxes? "Free" healthcare? What's your strategy?
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Minor Axis

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you can't understand it. ?

Same ole Mulder retoric. An excellent description of what went wrong: Newsweek: There is a Silver Lining.

The whole country has been complicit in a great fraud. As economist Jeffrey Sachs points out, "We've wanted lots of government, but we haven't wanted to pay for it." So we've borrowed our way out of the problem. In 1990, the national debt stood at $3 trillion. (That sounds high, but keep reading.) By 2000, it had almost doubled, to $5.75 trillion. It is currently $10.2 trillion. The number moved into 11 digits last month, which meant that the National Debt Clock in New York City ran out of space to display the figures. Its owners plan to get a new clock next year.

Fox Mulder

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So again--tell us what Obama is going to do to make things better? Higher taxes on businesses? More government handouts? What's he going to do and hows it going to help??

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Palin should go into tv. make a good talk show host

But since Stevens one she may end up going into the senate as his replacement.

republicans need to determine what road they want to follow. one that is inclusive or one led by the religious right

Minor Axis

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So again--tell us what Obama is going to do to make things better? Higher taxes on businesses? More government handouts? What's he going to do and hows it going to help??

You are something... You don't seem to be phased by 8 years of government handouts to the wealthiest in our society, lavish deficit spending enriching friends of Administration in the form HUGE no-bid, cost plus, contracts and government policies that benefits big business and CEOs while trashing the Middle Class not to mention wholesale financial meltdown, no problem...

As a Conservative at a bare minimum you should be in these forums screaming about 8 years of irresponsible Government fiscal policy, but instead you're here promoting the BULL SHIT of the last 8 years. Do you have any real conservative standards?

I look forward to a President who considers the impact on all citizens when making policy instead of wringing his hands worrying about the next good deal he can hand to the rich or his favorite industry at the cost of all other considerations.

Sara Palin sounds like the Dream Republican Presidential Candidate... for the Democrats. :D


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You are something... You don't seem to be phased by 8 years of government handouts to the wealthiest in our society, lavish deficit spending enriching friends of Administration in the form HUGE no-bid, cost plus, contracts and government policies that benefits big business and CEOs while trashing the Middle Class not to mention wholesale financial meltdown, no problem...

As a Conservative at a bare minimum you should be in these forums screaming about 8 years of irresponsible Government fiscal policy, but instead you're here promoting the BULL SHIT of the last 8 years. Do you have any real conservative standards?

I look forward to a President who considers the impact on all citizens when making policy instead of wringing his hands worrying about the next good deal he can hand to the rich or his favorite industry at the cost of all other considerations.

Sara Palin sounds like the Dream Republican Presidential Candidate... for the Democrats. :D
Like Mulder has said before, trickle-down economics WORKS. I have no problem with the government giving tax breaks to large companies because it creates more jobs, keeps existing jobs, and keeps prices low. And don't even try to blame the recent market failure on Bush - the Dems have been the ones in charge for the last one and a half years regardless of Bush being in the white house.

Not to mention that even with the tax cuts Bush has given large companies, they still pay way more percentage-wise in taxes than you or I do. It's not as if they're getting away with a 10% tax rate or something like that.

Oh, and yes, I would hands down vote for Palin in 2012.

Fox Mulder

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Like Mulder has said before, trickle-down economics WORKS. I have no problem with the government giving tax breaks to large companies because it creates more jobs, keeps existing jobs, and keeps prices low. And don't even try to blame the recent market failure on Bush - the Dems have been the ones in charge for the last one and a half years regardless of Bush being in the white house.

Not to mention that even with the tax cuts Bush has given large companies, they still pay way more percentage-wise in taxes than you or I do. It's not as if they're getting away with a 10% tax rate or something like that.

Oh, and yes, I would hands down vote for Palin in 2012.

Minor wouldn't have an idea or a point of view if he wasn't reading it off his Union flyer or Worker's Party website.

Notice he has no answer as to how Obama is going to make things any better.

Minor Axis

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Like Mulder has said before, trickle-down economics WORKS.

Sure it does, it works for the top .02 percent of wealthiest.

Oh, and yes, I would hands down vote for Palin in 2012.

Ok, a below average in something. If Palin had not been picked out of the wilderness by a process of questionable desperation judgement she would not even be a blip on the Republican radar and you're ready to vote her in as President, very good.

Minor wouldn't have an idea or a point of view if he wasn't reading it off his Union flyer or Worker's Party website.

And you are completely twisted or deceitful in what you think is good for America, nbd.

Notice he has no answer as to how Obama is going to make things any better.

I did answer, you asked twice. Now you can go find it.


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Sure it does, it works for the top .02 percent of wealthiest.

Ok, a below average in something. If Palin had not been picked out of the wilderness by a process of questionable desperation judgement she would not even be a blip on the Republican radar and you're ready to vote her in as President, very good.
It works for everyone, not just the top .02 percent of the wealthiest. We can simply agree to disagree on that. Let me put it this way - increasing taxes on the rich DOESN'T work for the good of the economy, or the working class. It may work temporarily, but it is far from a long-term solution, and it will hurt more than it will benefit in the long term.

I've heard Palin speak. She's clear, strong in her beliefs, and I haven't heard one word that I disagree with. Therefore, I would vote for her hands down, unless I saw something that would cause major objections in my mind.

Fox Mulder

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Sure it does, it works for the top .02 percent of wealthiest.

Its worked for me and you--how else would you have gotten paid 40 or 50% more than your worth? We've got the highest standard of living in the world--but give Obama 4 years and he'll change that fast.

I did answer, you asked twice. Now you can go find it.

No--you didn't answer it because there is no answer. Obama can't raise the standard of living of the poor and middle class--its a few hundred milion people--how in the fuck is he going to raise all their standards of living--use a magic wand? Pray to God?

You don't have a clue as to how the laws of economics work--they can't be changed by legislation--you can't raise poor people up by raising the minimum wage. You can't raise the standard of living of the poor and middle class by raising the taxes of higher wage earners--all that does is satisfy your jealousy and anger, but it hurt the working person in the end.

Minor Axis

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You can't raise the standard of living of the poor and middle class by raising the taxes of higher wage earners--all that does is satisfy your jealousy and anger, but it hurt the working person in the end.

And you're just bitter in a conservative tizzy. I'm not jealous of the wealthy or angry, I've said that multiple times, and you think if you say it enough the forum audience will buy it. It's your way, the Republican way of attacking contrary opinion. No surprise there.

It's really very simple. Someone starts a company and makes a million+ dollars, more power to them. It is the American way. But don't focus government policy on giving the rich every break the government can and ignore the middle class and ignore the systematic deconstruction of the middle class. You've got the rich on a pedestal as is your right, but I don't have to agree with you.


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And you're just bitter in a conservative tizzy. I'm not jealous of the wealthy or angry, I've said that multiple times, and you think if you say it enough the forum audience will buy it. It's your way, the Republican way of attacking contrary opinion. No surprise there.

It's really very simple. Someone starts a company and makes a million+ dollars, more power to them. It is the American way. But don't focus government policy on giving the rich every break the government can and ignore the middle class and ignore the systematic deconstruction of the middle class. You've got the rich on a pedestal as is your right, but I don't have to agree with you.
I've said this before and I'll say it again - even with the "tax breaks" the government is giving the rich people and corporations, they still pay a far higher percentage tax rate than ANYONE in the middle class. That's still plenty fair to me. It's not putting the rich on a pedestal.

Fox Mulder

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It's really very simple. Someone starts a company and makes a million+ dollars, more power to them. It is the American way. But don't focus government policy on giving the rich every break the government can and ignore the middle class and ignore the systematic deconstruction of the middle class.

This does nothing more than illustrate your ignorance on the tax system--you have no clue as to who pays taxes and for what--what most tax breaks are designed to do or why--all you know is the rich guy makes more than you and you want him to pay by riasing his taxes. Its that simple.

Now--if you want to have an intelligent conversation, why don't you tell me which goverment policy gives the rich every break? Let's talk facts rather than union flyer rhetoric.

Minor Axis

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And you're not a Democrat either!!!


As badly as you wish it, I'm not a Democrat and I'll be civil enough not to tell you what you are.
:24::24::24::24::24::24:<- And I'm this happy the election did not go your way.

PS- Sorry you keep thinking I'm gonna jump through your hoops. I'm not volunteering to bang my head against the wall trying to convince you of the errors of your ways. The patient is too far gone to be resuscitated. Besides you have too much fun insulting and belittling people.


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As badly as you wish it, I'm not a Democrat and I'll be civil enough not to tell you what you are.
:24::24::24::24::24::24:<- And I'm this happy the election did not go your way.

PS- Sorry you keep thinking I'm gonna jump through your hoops. I'm not volunteering to bang my head against the wall trying to convince you of the errors of your ways. The patient is too far gone to be resuscitated. Besides you have too much fun insulting and belittling people.
So funny how when you get your back up against a wall, and you've been asked a question that you can't answer, you just find some way to shrug off the question. :clap

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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So funny how when you get your back up against a wall, and you've been asked a question that you can't answer, you just find some way to shrug off the question. :clap

My back is not up against a wall. I just don't have to jump through Mulder's hoops. I choose when and where to engage as Mulder does. But I appreciate the applause. ;)

Funny thing about Trickle Down, if you look at McCain's proposed tax cuts the highest percentage tax cut was for the rich. And he slammed Obama for his tax cut which simply put taxes back for the highest bracket to where they were before Bush pushed though his big tax cut in 2001.

What's funny is at the time, 2001 McCain was against a "tax cut for the rich at the expense of the middle class" (his words) and he voted against the tax cut. All Obama's tax plan does it put the highest tax bracket back to where it was pre-Bush.

But then McCain got a bunch of Republican advisors on this election team who straightened him out on the wisdom of not promoting Trickle Down. All the benefits of Trickle Down go directly to the wealthiest Americans- the rich eat cake and the rest of us get the crumbs that fall off the plate. This is an attitude the permeates Republican thinking. As Warren Buffet said on 60 Minutes, is there any good reason my secretary pays a higher tax rate than I do? The reason is Trickle Down mentality.


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Ouch, controverisal.

I can see why it might be likely that she'd run, but the only reason I think anyone should vote for her is that she's hot!

I read on the BBC website a comment from someone in the states that I thought was quite funny, so will share.

"Imagine yourself in the locker-room at school.
The jocks come back from practice and everyone is getting changed.
Obama is the kind of guy that would never get towel-snapped but would always look on disapprovingly.
John McCain is the kind of guy who would be doing the towel-snapping.
Sarah Palin is the kind of girl who would be making out with all the hot jocks who did the towel snapping."

Quite funny I thought!