For the longest time Ive strayed away from the politics forums here.
1. Because I cant vote, I am a resident of the US not a citizen, so in all my ideas and beliefs honestly do not count lol.
2. Because I try not to get too much into the drama/slandering/BS that goes on with politics... I find it odd how people get to wrapped in politics that your average person becomes a beligerent ranting idiot on the radio simply because xxx radio host thinks or says their favorite candidate isnt up to par.
3. Well simply put...fuck it! If i cant vote i see no need to get my self involved in debates where the same mentality as the stupid person on the radio takes on the form of a keyboard ninja.
that being said.
If Palin were to go for the presidency in 2012
Would you vote for her??
YouTube - CNN: Palin Talks 2012, McCain Aide "Speechless"
1. Because I cant vote, I am a resident of the US not a citizen, so in all my ideas and beliefs honestly do not count lol.
2. Because I try not to get too much into the drama/slandering/BS that goes on with politics... I find it odd how people get to wrapped in politics that your average person becomes a beligerent ranting idiot on the radio simply because xxx radio host thinks or says their favorite candidate isnt up to par.
3. Well simply put...fuck it! If i cant vote i see no need to get my self involved in debates where the same mentality as the stupid person on the radio takes on the form of a keyboard ninja.
that being said.
If Palin were to go for the presidency in 2012
Would you vote for her??
YouTube - CNN: Palin Talks 2012, McCain Aide "Speechless"