Palin 2012???

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For the longest time Ive strayed away from the politics forums here.

1. Because I cant vote, I am a resident of the US not a citizen, so in all my ideas and beliefs honestly do not count lol.
2. Because I try not to get too much into the drama/slandering/BS that goes on with politics... I find it odd how people get to wrapped in politics that your average person becomes a beligerent ranting idiot on the radio simply because xxx radio host thinks or says their favorite candidate isnt up to par.
3. Well simply put...fuck it! If i cant vote i see no need to get my self involved in debates where the same mentality as the stupid person on the radio takes on the form of a keyboard ninja.

that being said.

If Palin were to go for the presidency in 2012
Would you vote for her??
YouTube - CNN: Palin Talks 2012, McCain Aide "Speechless"
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I think if she wants to aspire to the presidency she would need to be a senator first. that would keep her out in the public eye more and give her more credibility. If Stevens wins the election I suspect there would be a movement towards that end as he will never survive after being convicted. Of course this follows the assumption that McCain will lose.

As to voting for her. If Romney runs again which I think he would I would probably support him over her.


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As to voting for her. If Romney runs again which I think he would I would probably support him over her.'re one of the conservatives i know who's take on the world i can respect....

i don't see a smilie after this statement....yet you imply you'd consider voting for her


Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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1,206.38z're one of the conservatives i know who's take on the world i can respect....

i don't see a smilie after this statement....yet you imply you'd consider voting for her


I never say never Bob

I could live with her for the most part with the exception of her religious views. I am fed up with religion being such a big part of politics.

We are seeing snippets of her right now in an unnatural environment for her. If she were to become a senator I suspect in 4 years you would see a more well rounded side of her.

I really figure that Romney would be the front runner though. Would have been an interesting contest this year with him in it. I never did understand how McCain took a foothold and won. Made no sense to me. But then republicans have been shooting themselves in the foot for quite a while now.


Accidental Bastard
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I won't say never either, but not in 2012. Lets see what she does in the future, win or lose this time around before deciding that.

Fox Mulder

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I think its going to be difficult to get a Republican elected because the liberal media distorts the truth so badly and we've got so many fucking Moore-Ons who think the government can do a good job of taking care of them. The country moves a little bit more every year towards socialism. The problem is as we all know that success take hard work and most people aren't willing to do what it takes. So those people being in the majority, all you need to do is convince enough of them they are better off with the government taking care of them. Its happened in most of Europe and Canada and its infesting the US--socialism is like a cancer--a form of government that preys on viable, productive members of society until the point where its consumed them and you have nothing left but the cancer cells.

Just look at Obama's message--class warfare and envy is what he's preaching--he knows the clear majority of people are not rich so if he can convince enough of them that the rich should be dispised and punished, then he can force a socialist agenda where there will be no more rich--wealth creation will cease and we will basically become a larger version of France or Sweden where its next to impossible to own your own business or raise any private capital.


Accidental Bastard
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I too think it will be hard to get a Republican elected again, but I blame Bush as much as I blame the media. Keep in mind I voted early for McCain.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I too think it will be hard to get a Republican elected again, but I blame Bush as much as I blame the media. Keep in mind I voted early for McCain.
If there is one thing I have faith in it is that there will be a republican president in 4 years. The country will not recover with the Democrats in charge. At a time when we need to cut spending and keep taxes at existing levels they will do the opposite. So there will be an uproar just like with Carter. Get ready for the 2nd Great Malaise.

Now the democrats will say look at what Bush did the last 8 years. First Bush is no conservative. He is a neocon who loves to spend. Second, the Democrats are equally to blame. They could have filibustered to raise attention. Time after time though they wimped out. I swear they appear at times to do damage just to make political fodder and could care less about the country.


DT3's Twinkie
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In all seriousness Romney would have been economically the better choice, but few saw the economy crashing during the period where he actually stood a chance.

He was a favorite of mine in the beginning to be honest. I wanted McCain to stick by who he was in 2000 but knew he couldn't which is why he couldn't beat Bush back then.

Romney would be wiping the floor with Obamas ass on the economy without question.

Fox Mulder

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In all seriousness Romney would have been economically the better choice, but few saw the economy crashing during the period where he actually stood a chance.

He was a favorite of mine in the beginning to be honest. I wanted McCain to stick by who he was in 2000 but knew he couldn't which is why he couldn't beat Bush back then.

Romney would be wiping the floor with Obamas ass on the economy without question.

I wanted Romney also--I predicted back in 2005/06 that he would be the Republican Nominee--I was wrong obviously and a bit surprised he wasn't. I think he would have easily beaten Obama. People really don't want liberals running things, but when you give people a choice between McCain and Obama, you really are begging them to vote for Obama.


DT3's Twinkie
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I wanted Romney also--I predicted back in 2005/06 that he would be the Republican Nominee--I was wrong obviously and a bit surprised he wasn't. I think he would have easily beaten Obama. People really don't want liberals running things, but when you give people a choice between McCain and Obama, you really are begging them to vote for Obama.

I agree, really. I have been a long time follower of McCain, but his real strong points have been overshadowed by having to follow tight partisan lines.

Part of what made him who he is is trying to work between partisan lines and look for what was right, and what worked.

That quality I was always a big fan of, he was or used to be a "Regan" Republican, that I'm all for

Minor Axis

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I think its going to be difficult to get a Republican elected because...

It's difficult to get a Republican elected when they've collectively supported such horrendously bad policies hostile to working class Americans. The championed trickle down policy is such a pile of shit for the majority of Americans.

As for Palin, lets see if she survives her term as Governor.

Fox Mulder

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It's difficult to get a Republican elected when they've collectively supported such horrendously bad policies hostile to working class Americans. The championed trickle down policy is such a pile of shit for the majority of Americans.

As for Palin, lets see if she survives her term as Governor.

You Moore-On, Reagan started that 30 years ago and since then we've had the greatest economic growth in history. If you actually educated yourself once in awhile you'd learn some facts and wouldn' appear so ignorant.

You're going to get to see what the policies of a socialist will do first hand. Bad were the policies of Carter and the socalists in the 1970s--those will come back and in four years the economy will be so bad, people will be begging for a change like they did in 1980. The problem is we have too many people now that weren't around during the Carter years.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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You Moore-On, Reagan started that 30 years ago and since then we've had the greatest economic growth in history. If you actually educated yourself once in awhile you'd learn some facts and wouldn' appear so ignorant.

You're going to get to see what the policies of a socialist will do first hand. Bad were the policies of Carter and the socalists in the 1970s--those will come back and in four years the economy will be so bad, people will be begging for a change like they did in 1980. The problem is we have too many people now that weren't around during the Carter years.

Yeah what Reagan started was huge deficits to propel the economy. It was not sustainable just like the last years of lavish deficit spending is not sustainable. We don't want big government, we don't want you taxpayers to feel any pain, we'll just make a SHIT LOAD of HUGELY EXPENSIVE bad decisions and borrow money to pay for it. You're not as smart as you think you are and the smart people in positions of power as well as the American people are saying enough.