Before the conflict started, would it have been ok for Israel to fire 30 rockets day into Gaza? Would you have been screaming that Israel should stop shooting rockets into Gaza on a daily basis? Would you support Hamas invading Israel to get the daily rocket barrage to stop if the roles were reversed?
Why was it ok for Hamas to do this? You do realize that they did this not to kill Israeli's but to start a war... well they got what they wanted. Hamas is to blame. They are the ones that wanted this, it's a little too late to cry "Uncle" now. It looks like Israel is going to play this out to the end.
Because there is a big difference between the rockets of Israel and the rockets of Hamas! while rockets of Israel are to destroy anything ( any human no matter whether it was child, innocent, woman ) , the Hamas rockets have rarely achieved their goals (which are only the Israeli army, including the centers of weapons, but never civilians) the rockets of Hamas have never hit civilians. Israel attacks are to destroy everything (even hospitals !!!) because they are not only terrorists but also monsters .. you know that Israel wants to colonize all Arab lands between the Nile and the Euphrates, and their planning are still to be done. As in the 1967' war when Israel has usurped the lands of several Arab countries. and the form of the Israeli flag is the clearest proof of what I say. In addition to their clear terrorists protocols.